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« zurückSeite 355 für den Anfangsbuchstaben Z im Deutsch-Englisch-Wörterbuch
zytoplasmatisch cytoplasmic
zytoplasmatische Domäne {f}cytoplasmic domain
zytoplasmatische Dyneine {pl}cytoplasmic dyneins
zytoplasmatische Matrix {f}cytoplasmic matrix
zytoplasmatischer Hybrid {m}cytoplasmic hybrid
zytoplasmatisches Dynein {n} cytoplasmic dynein
Zytoplast {m}cytoplast
Zytorrhexis {f}cytorrhexis
Zytose {f} cytosis
Zytosegresom {n} cytosegresome
Zytoskelett- cytoskeletal
Zytoskelett {n} cytoskeleton
Zytoskelett {n}(cell) skeleton
Zytoskelettprotein {n}cytoskeletal protein
Zytoskelettproteine {pl} cytoskeletal proteins
Zytosol {n} cytosol
zytosolische Tyrosinkinase {f} cytosolic tyrosine kinase
Zytosom {n} cytosome
Zytosomen {pl} cytosomes
Zytospin {m}cytospin
Zytostatika {pl} cytostatic agents
Zytostatika {pl} cytostatics
Zytostatikatherapie {f} [auch: Zytostatika-Therapie] cytostatic therapy
Zytostatikum {n}cytostatic
Zytostatikum {n} cytostatic agent
Zytostatikum {n}cytostatic drug
zytostatisch cytostatically
zytostatische Therapie {f} cytostatic therapy
zytostatischer Faktor {m} <CSF> [cytostatischer Faktor] cytostatic factor <CSF>
Zytostom {n} cytostome
Zytostoma {n}cytostome
Zytotaxonomie {f} cytotaxonomy
Zytotoxika {pl}cytotoxics
Zytotoxin {n}cytotoxin
zytotoxische Therapie {f} cytotoxic therapy
zytotoxische T-Zelle {f} <Tc-Zelle>cytotoxic T cell <Tc cell, CTC>
zytotoxische Zelle {f} cytotoxic cell
Zytotoxizität {f} cytoxicity
Zytotoxizität {f} cytotoxicity
Zytotrophoblast {m}cytotrophoblast
Zytotropismus {m}cytotropism
Zytozentrifugation {f} cytocentrifugation
Zytozentrifuge {f} cytocentrifuge
zytozid cytocide
Zytropismus {m}cytropism
[Zyzzyva ochreotecta] zyzzyva
Z-Zange {f} [Abkröpfzange] Z-bend pliers {pl} [one pair]
α1-Antitrypsin-Mangel {m} <A1AD> α1-antitrypsin deficiency <A1AD>
α-Amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolpropionsäure {f} <AMPA>α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid <AMPA> [C7H10N2O4]
α-Amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolpropionsäure-Rezeptor {m} <AMPA-Rezeptor, AMPAR> α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid receptor <AMPA receptor, AMPAR>
α-Aminobuttersäure {f}α-Aminobutyric acid [C4H9NO2]
α-Hydroxybutansäure {f} <GHB> [auch: 2-Hydroxybutansäure] α-hydroxybutanoic acid [also: 2-hydroxybutanoic acid] [C4H8O3]
α-Hydroxybuttersäure {f} [auch: 2-Hydroxybuttersäure]α-hydroxybutyric acid [also: 2-hydroxybutyric acid] [C4H8O3]
α-Ketoglutarat-Dehydrogenase-Komplex {m}α-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex
α-Methylstyrol {n} α-methylstyrene <AMS> [C9H10]
α-Pinen {n} α-pinene [C10H16]
α-Tomatin {n} [auch: Tomatin, Lycopersicin] α-tomatine [also: tomatine, lycopersicin] [C50H83NO21]
β-Cryptoxanthin {n} [auch: Caricaxanthin, Cryptoxanthol]β-cryptoxanthin [also: cryptoxanthol, caricaxanthin] [C40H56O]
β-Cyclocitral {n} β-cyclocitral [C10H16O]
β-Galactosidase {f} beta-gal <β-gal> [short for: beta-galactosidase]
β-Hydroxybutansäure {f} <BHB> [auch: 3-Hydroxybutansäure] β-hydroxybutanoic acid <BHB> [also: 3-hydroxybutanoic acid] [C4H8O3]
β-Hydroxybuttersäure {f} <BHB> [auch: 3-Hydroxybuttersäure] β-hydroxybutyric acid <BHB> [also: 3-hydroxybutyric acid] [C4H8O3]
β-Keratin {n} β-keratin
β-Keratine {pl} β-keratins
β-Propellerdomäne {f} β-propeller domain
γ-Glutamyltransferase {f} <γ-GT, GGT, Gamma-GT> γ-glutamyl transferase <γ-GT, GGT, gamma-GT>
γ-Hydroxybutansäure {f} <GHB> [auch: 4-Hydroxybutansäure]γ-hydroxybutanoic acid <GHB> [also: 4-hydroxybutanoic acid] [C4H8O3]
γ-Hydroxybutansäure {f} <GHB> [auch: 4-Hydroxybuttersäure] γ-hydroxybutyric acid <GHB> [also: 4-hydroxybutyric acid] [C4H8O3]
γ-Interferon-Test {m}interferon gamma release assay
γ-Valerolacton {n} γ-valerolactone [C5H8O2]
η′-Meson {n} eta prime meson <η′-Meson>
λ/2-Plättchen {n}half-wave plate [also: half wave plate]
λ/4-Plättchen {n} quarter-wave plate [also: quarter wave plate]
λ/4-Schicht {f}λ/4-layer
λ5-Phosphan {n} [λ⁵-Phosphan] λ5-phosphane [λ⁵-phosphane] [PH5]
µ-genau [ugs. für: mikrometergenau] micron-precise
µ-genau [ugs.] [mikrometergenau] micrometer-precise [also: micron-precise]
σ-Algebra {f} σ-field [σ-algebra]
σ-Algebra {f} σ-algebra
σ-Algebra {f} der τ-Vergangenheit σ-algebra of τ-past [σ-algebra of events up to time τ]
σ-endliches Maß {n}σ-finite measure
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