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Deutsch-Englisch-Übersetzung für: DePauw University
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Englisch-Deutsch-Wörterbuch: DePauw University

expelled {adj} {past-p} [of persons: removed from a group, university, etc.]
ausgeschlossen [aus Schule, Verein etc.]
recess {adj} [college, university]
retired {adj} [university professor]
extramural {adj} [outside a university]
außerhalb der Universität [nachgestellt]
interuniversity {adj} [also: inter-university] [attr.]
intramural {adj} [within the university]
innerhalb der Universität [nachgestellt]acad.
to read sth. [esp. Br.] [study at university]
etw.Akk. studierenacad.educ.
to enrol [Br.] [course, seminar at university]
inskribieren [bes. österr.]educ.
to enroll [Am.] [course, seminar at university]
inskribieren [bes. österr.]
to expel sb. [from university]
jdn. relegieren [geh.]acad.
fraternity [university]
Studentenverbindung {f}
Studentenkorporation {f}
studentische Verbindung {f}
canteen [of a university]
Mensa {f} [Universität]acad.gastr.
assessment [school, university]
Einstufung {f}educ.
classmate [at college, university]
Kommilitone {m}educ.
Studienkollege {m}educ.
dorm [Am.] [coll.] [short for: dormitory] [university student housing]
Studentenwohnheim {n}
refectory [university]
Mensa {f} [Universität]gastr.
doctor [person who holds the highest university degree]
Doktor {m} [Träger eines Doktortitels]acad.educ.
grounds {pl} [e.g. of the university]
Gelände {n} [z. B. der Universität]RealEst.
tutorial [university]
Übung {f} [Übungsstunde]acad.educ.
Übungsstunde {f}
[University of Applied Sciences]
Fachhochschule {f} <FH>educ.
classmates [at college, university]
Kommilitonen {pl}educ.
scripts [of university lectures / courses]
Skripten {pl}educ.
vacation {sg} [at the university]
Semesterferien {pl}acad.
academics {pl} [scholarly activities of a school or university]
Wissenschaft {f} [im akademischen Kontext]acad.
prelim [coll.] [preliminary examination, esp. at a university]
Vorprüfung {f} [Vordiplomprüfung]educ.
reader [university teacher] [Br.]
Dozent {m}acad.jobs
dropout [from university]
Studienabbrecher {m}educ.
classmate [at college, university] [female]
Kommilitonin {f}educ.
Studienkollegin {f}educ.
department [university]
Seminar {n} [Institut]acad.educ.
[certificate of eligibility for university entrance]
Reifezeugnis {n}educ.
varsity [Br. dated] [NZ] [S.Afr.] [university]
Uni {f} [ugs.] [Universität]educ.
department [of civil engineering, etc., in a college or university] [Am.]
Fakultät {f}educ.
principal [of a university]
Universitätsrektor {m}educ.
uni [Br.] [Aus.] [coll.] [university]
Uni {f} [ugs.] [Universität]educ.
college [Br.] [university college]
Hochschulinstitut {n}educ.
student [university student]
Studierender {m}educ.
session [university term]
Semester {n}educ.
school [university department]
Institut {n}educ.
examiner [at a university]
Examinator {m}educ.
[evening school preparing students for the university entrance qualification] [Br.]
Abendgymnasium {n}educ.
State [coll.] [the local state college / university]
Universität {f} [in öffentlicher Trägerschaft]educ.
licentiate [Br.] [holder of a university degree]
Lizenziat {m} [akademischer Titel] [veraltet, noch schweiz.]educ.
[qualification to teach a subject at university]
Fakultas {f}educ.
examiners [at a university]
Examinatoren {pl}educ.
graduate [of a college, university, etc.; not high school]
Studienabsolvent {m}educ.
[interpreter with a college / university degree]
Diplomdolmetscher {m}jobsling.
Diplomdolmetsch {m} [österr.]jobsling.
licentiate [holder of a university degree]
Lizentiat {m} [bes. schweiz.]educ.
[combination of regular university and "Fachhochschule", 1971–2003]
Gesamthochschule {f} <GH, GHS>educ.
[interpreter with a college / university degree] [female]
Diplomdolmetscherin {f}jobsling.
college [faculty of a university]
Fakultät {f}acad.
law [at university]
Jus {n} [österr.] [schweiz.] [sonst veraltend]
licence [university degree]
Lizentiat {n} <lic.> [bes. schweiz.; in der katholischen Kirche Deutschlands noch heute erforderlich zur Lehrberechtigung an einer kirchlichen Hochschule]educ.
Lizenziat {n}educ.
scar [in the face, from fencing among university students]
Schmiß {m} [alt] [Narbe]
licentiate [holder of a university degree] [female]
Lizenziatin {f}educ.
Lizentiatin {f} [bes. schweiz.]educ.
porter [university]
Pedell {m} [veraltet]jobs
tutorage [university]
Tutorat {n} [Stelle eines Tutors]educ.
convocation [Am.] [formal ceremony for the conferment of university awards]
Promotionsfeier {f}acad.educ.
[conference of university chaplains (German)]
Studierendenpfarrkonferenz {f} <SPK>educ.relig.
[Darmstadt University of Technology]
Technische Universität {f} Darmstadt <TU Darmstadt>educ.
[German university degree comparable to the Master of Engineering]
Diplom-Ingenieur {m} [FH]educ.
[law on university organisation in Austria]
Universitäts-Organisationsgesetz {n} <UOG>acad.
[official representation of university students]
Hochschülerschaft {f} [österr.] <ÖH>
Hochschülerinnenschaft und Hochschülerschaft {f} [österr.]educ.law
[private research institute attached to, but not officially part of, a public university]
An-Institut {n}educ.
[subject-linked university entrance qualification]
fachgebundene Hochschulreife {f}educ.
[title of the vice chancellor / rector of a university]
Magnifizenz {f}
[translator with a college / university degree]
Diplom-Übersetzer {m}
[translator with a college / university degree] [female]
Diplom-Übersetzerin {f}jobs
alumnus [male former student of a particular college or university]
ehemaliger Student {m}educ.
expulsion [from a university]
Zwangsexmatrikulation {f}admin.
lektorship [position as language assistant at a German university]
Lektorat {n}acad.educ.
Leucorea [name given the University of Wittenberg at its founding]
Leucorea {f} [Universität Wittenberg]educ.hist.
nations [regional corporations of students at a university]
Nationes {pl}acad.educ.spec.
profession [university trained]
akademischer Beruf {m}jobs
provost [university]
Provost {m}
student [pre-university]
Eleve {m} [geh.]educ.
during vacation {adv} [at the university]
in den Semesterferien
während der Semesterferien
majoring in [university specialism]
mit Vertiefungsrichtung in [Uni-Schwerpunkt]educ.
university trained {adj} [also: university-trained]
akademisch [an der Universität ausgebildet]acad.
to go to [school, university etc.]
besuchen [Ausbildungsstätte]
to graduate [in a subject] from [location, university, college]
sein Studium [eines Faches] in [Ort] abschließeneduc.
to read physics [at university] [Br.]
Physik studiereneduc.phys.
to transfer to [an institute / university]
wechseln an [ein Institut / eine Hochschule / Universität]acad.educ.
(oral) examination [university]
Kolloquium {n} [österr.]educ.
(teaching) staff [school, university, etc.]
Kollegium {n}acad.educ.
academic fencing [practiced by university student organizations]
Mensur {f} [akademisches Fechten]spec.
alma mater [school, college or university you attended]
Alma Mater {f}educ.
assistive technologies [also university course: Assistive Technologies]
assistive Technologien {pl}acad.tech.
business school [not university-level]
Wirtschaftsfachschule {f}educ.
business school [part of a university]
Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät {f}educ.
Charité Center <CC> [Am.] [Charité - Berlin University of Medicine, Germany]
Charitézentrum {n} [Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin]med.
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