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Deutsch-Englisch-Übersetzung für: His Response
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Englisch-Deutsch-Wörterbuch: His Response

measured {adj} [response]
wohl überlegt [Rsv.]
instantaneous {adj} [response, reaction]
etymotic {adj} [frequency response]
etymotisch [Frequenzgang]audio
to scramble sth. [aircraft etc. in response to threat]
etw.Akk. sofort starten [Flugzeug etc. als Reaktion auf Gefahr]
pushback [Am.] [negative or unfavorable response]
Widerstand {m} [gegen eine Idee oder Initiative]
riposte [response]
Entgegnung {f}
schlagfertige Antwort {f}
comeback [coll.] [quick response to a criticism]
Erwiderung {f} [schnell, witzig]
appeal [the power of arousing a sympathetic response]
Sympathie {f} [positive gefühlsmäßige Einstellung zu jdm./etw.]
[response to "Waidmannsheil!" (Good hunting!)]
Waidmannsdank! [Antwort auf den Gruß „Waidmannsheil!“]hunting
taxis [innate behavioural response]
Taxis {f} [Bewegungsreaktion]biol.
So-so. [in response to an enquiry of "How are you?"]
Es geht so.
Sweet as. [NZ] [coll.] [in response to a proposal: yes, sounds good, etc.]
Klingt gut. [als Antwort auf einen Vorschlag]
Amber alert [also: America's Missing: Broadcasting Emergency Response] [Am.]
[Meldung über ein vermisstes Kind in den Medien]idiom
immune reaction [less frequent than: immune response]
Immunreaktion {f}med.
Koebner's response [also: Koebner response]
Köbner-Reaktion {f}med.
service dog [assistance/medical response dog]
Diensthund {m} [Assistenzhund, z. B. Blindenhund]
Am I ever! [emphatically affirmative response]
Und wie! [Ja, allerdings bin ich +Adj.]
Are we ever! [emphatically affirmative response]
Und wie! [Ja, allerdings sind wir +Adj.]
grey-to-grey {adj} [Br.] <GTG> [response time]
Grau-zu-Grau- <GTG> [Reaktionszeit bei LC/TFT]tech.telecom.
Is (one) ever! [emphatically affirmative response]
Und wie! [Ja, allerdings ist jd. +Adj.]
Not at all. [response to thanks]
Keine Ursache. [als Erwiderung auf einen Dank]
doll's eyes phenomenon [oculocephalic response]
Puppenkopf-Phänomen {n}med.
How do you do? [Br.] [response to an introduction]
That's what I'm saying! [as response to a person who, while explaining why they are in agreement, mentioned facts that the original speaker had already alluded to or said]
Was he / she ever! [emphatically affirmative response]
Und wie! [Ja, allerdings war er / sie + Adj.]
blood-sugar (response) curve [also: blood sugar (response) curve]
Blutzuckerkurve {f}med.
Blutzuckerprofil {n}med.
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