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Deutsch-Englisch-Übersetzung für: cell phone
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Englisch-Deutsch-Wörterbuch: cell phone

cell phone [Am.]
Handy {n}telecom.
Mobiltelefon {n}telecom.
Natel {n} [schweiz.] [Handy]telecom.
no cell phone {adj} [Am.] [attr.]
via cell phone {adv} [Am.]
per Handytelecom.
mit dem Handytelecom.
cell phone ban [Am.]
Handyverbot {n}
cell phone battery [Am.]
Handyakku {m}telecom.
cell phone bill [Am.]
Handyrechnung {f}telecom.
cell phone calls [Am.]
Handytelefonate {pl}telecom.
cell phone carrier [Am.]
Mobilfunkanbieter {m}telecom.
cell phone case [Am.]
Handytasche {f}
Handyhülle {f}
cell phone charm [Am.]
Handyanhänger {m}
cell phone contract [Am.] [also: cellphone contract]
Handyvertrag {m}
cell phone conversation [Am.]
Handygespräch {n}telecom.
cell phone game [Am.]
Handyspiel {n}
cell phone holder
Handyhalterung {f} [ugs.] [Mobiltelefonhalterung]
cell phone industry [Am.]
Handybranche {f}ind.telecom.
Mobilfunkbranche {f}ind.telecom.
cell phone number [Am.]
Handynummer {f}telecom.
Mobilnummer {f}telecom.
Mobiltelefonnummer {f}telecom.
cell phone provider [Am.]
Mobilfunkanbieter {m}telecom.
cell phone radiation
Handystrahlung {f} [auch: Handy-Strahlung]phys.
cell phone reception [esp. Am.] [also: cellphone reception]
Handyempfang {m}telecom.
cell phone refusenik [Am.] [coll.]
Handy-Verweigerer {m} [ugs.]telecom.
cell phone signal [Am.]
Handy-Signal {n} [auch: Handysignal]telecom.
cell phone strap [Am.]
Handyanhänger {m}
cell phone talk [Am.]
Handygespräch {n}telecom.
cell phone tower [Am.]
Handymast {m} [ugs.]telecom.
cell phone user
Handynutzer {m}
Handyaner {m} [ugs.]
cell-phone credit [Am.]
Handyguthaben {n}
cell-phone radiation {sg}
Handystrahlen {pl}phys.
emergency cell phone [Am.]
Notfallhandy {n}telecom.
prepaid cell phone [Am.]
Prepaid-Handy {n}telecom.
ringing cell phone
klingelndes Handy {n}
senior cell phone [Am.]
Seniorenmobiltelefon {n}telecom.
to root a cell phone [Am.]
ein Handy rootencomp.telecom.
to trade cell phone numbers
Handynummern austauschen
cell phone for seniors [Am.]
Seniorenhandy {n}telecom.
My cell phone has been stolen. [Am.]
Man hat mein Handy gestohlen.TrVocab.
to put a trace on sb.'s cell (phone) [Am.]
jds. Handy orten
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