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Deutsch-Englisch-Übersetzung für: feces
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Englisch-Deutsch-Wörterbuch: feces

feces [Am.] [treated as sg. or pl.]
Fäkalien {pl}
Stuhl {m} [Fäzes]med.
Kot {m}
Fäzes {pl} [fachspr.] [Kot, Stuhl]med.
feces [Am.]
Kote {pl} [selten]
animal feces [Am.] [treated as sg.]
(tierische) Exkremente {pl}VetMed.zool.
bat feces [Am.] [treated as sg. or pl.]
Fledermauskot {m}zool.
bedbug feces [Am.]
Kottropfen {pl} [hier: Bettwanzen-Kot]
bedbug feces [Am.] [treated as sg. or pl.]
Bettwanzenkot {m} [auch: Bettwanzen-Kot]
biliary feces [Am.] [treated as sg. or pl.]
galliger Stuhl {m} [Stuhl mit Gallengehalt]med.
bovine feces [Am.] [treated as sg. or pl.]
Rinderexkremente {pl}VetMed.
feces examination [Am.] [scatoscopy]
Stuhlvisite {f} [Stuhluntersuchung]med.
feces room [Am.]
Fäkalienraum {m}
human feces [Am.] [treated as sg. or pl.] [stool]
Stuhl {m} [(menschlicher) Kot]biol.
Humanfäzes {pl} [fachspr.]biol.med.
mite feces [Am.] [treated as sg. or pl.]
Milbenkot {m}
moose feces [Am.] [treated as sg. or pl.]
Elchkot {m}zool.
porcine feces [Am.] [treated as sg. or pl.]
Schweineexkremente {pl}VetMed.
column of feces [Am.]
Kotsäule {f}biol.
consistency of feces [Am.]
Stuhlkonsistenz {f}med.
Stuhlbeschaffenheit {f}med.
incontinence of feces [Am.]
Darminkontinenz {f}med.
Stuhlinkontinenz {f}med.
light yellow feces [Am.]
strohgelber Stuhl {m} [hellgelb]med.
odor of feces [Am.]
Stuhlgeruch {m}med.
kotiger Geruch {m}med.
ointment-like feces [Am.] [treated as sg. or pl.]
salbenartiger Stuhl {m}med.
pale-colored feces [Am.] [treated as sg. or pl.]
acholischer Stuhl {m} [bei verschlossenem Gallengang, z. B. Gelbsucht]med.
raspberry jelly feces [Am.] [treated as sg. or pl.]
himbeergeleeartiger Stuhl {m} [bei Amöbenruhr]med.
duodenal infusion of donor feces [Am.]
duodenale Infusion {f} von Spenderstuhl [Einleitung von Spenderstuhl in den Zwölffingerdarm]med.
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