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goaded angetrieben
goading antreibend
goafAlter Mann {m} [ausgeerzter Abbaubereich]
go-ahead fortschrittlich
go-ahead [coll.] Startschuss {m} [fig.] [Erlaubnis anzufangen]
go-ahead [coll.] Erlaubnis {f}
go-ahead [coll.] grünes Licht {n} [fig.] [Einwilligung, Erlaubnis]
go-ahead [coll.] [permission to start doing sth.]Go {n} [ugs.] [Startsignal, Genehmigung]
go-ahead goal [esp. Am.]Führungstreffer {m}
goal Tor {n}
goal Ziel {n}
goal Zielpunkt {m}
goal Sachziel {n}
goalZweck {m}
goal Treffer {m} [Tor]
goal Programmatik {f}
goal Torerfolg {m}
goalZielsetzung {f}
goalGoal {n} [österr.] [schweiz.]
goalZielmarke {f}
goal Endpunkt {m} [Ziel]
goal [e.g. football] Gehäuse {n} [ugs.] [Tor]
goal [rugby]Mal {n}
goal [sport]Kasten {m} [ugs.] [Tor]
goal [structure] Bude {f} [Tor(gehäuse)]
GOAL 3: Taking on the World [Andrew Morahan] Goal 3 - Das Finale
goal achievement Erreichung {f} des Ziels
goal against Gegentor {n}
goal against Gegentreffer {m}
goal area Torraum {m}
goal area [six-yard box / 6yd box] [football / soccer] kleiner Strafraum {m} [Fünfmeterraum]
goal area line [esp. football / soccer] Torraumlinie {f} [bes. Fußball]
goal attainment Zielerreichung {f}
goal box [football] Torraum {m}
goal celebrationTorjubel {m}
goal chance [goal scoring opportunity]Torchance {f}
goal circle Torkreis {m}
goal clearance [futsal]Torabwurf {m} [Futsal]
goal conflictInteressenkonflikt {m}
goal conflict Zielkonflikt {m}
goal congruence Zielkongruenz {f}
goal contentZielinhalt {m}
goal criteriaZielkriterien {pl}
goal criterion Zielkriterium {n}
goal decision system <GDS> [football / soccer] Torliniensystem {n} [Fußball]
goal deficit [e.g. two-goal deficit, four-goal deficit]Torerückstand {m} [z. B. Zweitorerückstand, Vier-Tore-Rückstand]
goal difference Torverhältnis {n}
goal differenceTordifferenz {f}
goal difference Torunterschied {m}
goal differential Tordifferenz {f}
goal droughtTorflaute {f}
goal famineTorflaute {f}
goal fest Schützenfest {n} [Fußball] [ugs.]
goal fest [football]Tor-Festival {n}
goal fest [football] Tore-Festival {n}
goal frame [football / soccer]Aluminium {n} [Sportjargon] [Torpfosten, Latte]
goal frame [football / soccer] Torgehäuse {n}
goal frame [football / soccer]Torumrandung {f} [schweiz.]
goal from a counter attack Kontertor {n}
goal from close range [football / soccer] Abstaubertor {n}
goal hierarchyZielhierarchie {f}
Goal II – Living the Dream! [Jaume Collet-Serra] Goal II – Der Traum ist Real!
goal in life Lebensziel {n}
goal intention Zielintention {f}
goal keeper Torwart {m}
goal keepers Torwarte {f}
goal kick Abstoß {m}
goal kick [football / soccer] Torabstoß {m}
goal kick [football]Torabschlag {m}
goal kick [rugby]Tritt {m} nach dem Mal
goal line Torlinie {f}
goal line referee Torrichter {m}
goal line technology system [football / soccer]Torlinientechniksystem {n} [Fußball]
goal lines Torlinien {pl}
goal machine [coll.] [prolific player] Tormaschine {f} [ugs.] [Spieler, der Tore am Fließband schießt]
goal modelZielmodell {n}
goal model Zweckmodell {n} [Zielmodell]
goal net Tornetz {n}
goal of actionHandlungsziel {n}
goal of climate controlKlimaschutzziel {n}
goal of cohesion Kohäsionsziel {n}
goal of developmentEntwicklungsziel {n}
goal of educationErziehungsziel {n}
goal of education Bildungsziel {n}
goal of life Lebensziel {n}
goal of science Wissenschaftsziel {n} [Ziel der Wissenschaft]
goal of the century Tor {n} des Jahrhunderts
goal of the day Tor {n} des Spieltages
goal of the day Tor {n} des Tages
goal of the monthTor {n} des Monats
goal of the programme [Br.] Programmziel {n}
goal of the project Projektziel {n}
goal of the seasonTor {n} der Saison
goal of the season [first, second, fastest, etc.] Saisontor {n}
goal of the week Tor {n} der Woche
goal of the yearTor {n} des Jahres
goal of (the) trainingTrainingsziel {n}
goal of treatment Behandlungsziel {n}
goal orientation Zielorientierung {f}
« glycglycglypgnawGoalgoadgoalgo-agoatgoblgodo »
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