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Deutsch-Englisch-Übersetzung für: iodine
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Englisch-Deutsch-Wörterbuch: iodine

iodine <I>
Jod {n} <I>chem.
Iod {n} <I> [fachspr.]chem.
containing iodine {adj} [postpos.]
iodine-containing {adj}
iodine allergy
Jodallergie {f}med.
iodine atom
Jodatom {n}chem.
Iodatom {n} [fachspr.]chem.
iodine azide [IN3]
Iodazid {n}chem.
iodine blockage
Jodblockade {f}med.pharm.
Iodblockade {f} [fachspr.]med.pharm.
Jodblockierung {f} [selten für: Jodblockade]med.pharm.
iodine concentration
Jodkonzentration {f}chem.
Iodkonzentration {f} [fachspr.]chem.
iodine contrast
Jodkontrast {m}MedTech.
iodine cures
Jodsolekuren {pl}
iodine deficiency
Jodmangel {m}med.
iodine deficiency <ID>
Iodmangel {m}med.
iodine exposition
Jodexposition {f}chem.med.MedTech.
Iodexposition {f} [fachspr.]chem.med.MedTech.
iodine heptafluoride [IF7]
Iodheptafluorid {n}chem.
iodine isotope
Jodisotop {n} [auch: Jod-Isotop]chem.
Iodisotop {n} [auch: Iod-Isotop] [fachspr.]chem.
iodine metabolism
Jodstoffwechsel {m}biol.
iodine monobromide [IBr]
Iodbromid {n}chem.
iodine ointment
Jodsalbe {f}
iodine pentafluoride [IF5]
Iodpentafluorid {n}chem.
iodine pentoxide [I2O5]
Iodpentoxid {n}chem.
Diiodpentoxid {n}chem.
iodine pill
Jodtablette {f} [auch: Jod-Tablette]pharm.
iodine preparation
Jodpräparat {n}pharm.
iodine prophylaxis
Jodprophylaxe {f}med.pharm.
Iodprophylaxe {f} [fachspr.]med.pharm.
iodine release
Jodfreisetzung {f}
iodine solution
Jodlösung {f}chem.pharm.
iodine tablet
Jodtablette {f}pharm.
iodine tablets
Jodtabletten {pl}pharm.
iodine tincture
Jodtinktur {f}pharm.
Iodtinktur {f} [Rsv.]med.
iodine trifluoride [IF3]
Iodtrifluorid {n}chem.
povidone iodine <PVPI>
Povidon-Iod {n} <PVP-Iod>pharm.
Povidon-Jod {n} <PVP-Iod> [Rsv.]pharm.
to paint sth. with iodine
etw.Akk. mit Jod bepinselnmed.
Hübl's iodine number
Hübl-Iodzahl {f}
iodine deficiency disorders <IDDs>
Jodmangelkrankheiten {pl}med.
iodine deficiency goitre [Br.]
Jodmangelstruma {f}med.
iodine determination flask
Jodzahlkolben {m}
Iodine Products State [archaic nickname] [State of South Carolina]
[veralteter Spitzname für South Carolina, USA]geogr.
iodine sulphur bath [spa]
Jodschwefelbad {n}med.
iodine sulphur spring
Jodschwefelquelle {f}geol.
Lugol's iodine (solution)
Lugol'sche Lösung {f}chem.
Lugol's iodine (solution) [Solutio Lugoli]
lugolsche Lösung {f}chem.pharm.
quartz (iodine) lamp
Quarzlampe {f}
radioactive iodine therapy <RAI therapy> [radioiodine therapy]
Radiojodtherapie {f} <RJT>med.
Schiller's (iodine) test
Schiller-Test {m} [Schiller'sche Jodprobe]med.
Schiller's iodine test
Schiller-Iodprobe {f}med.
smell of iodine
Jodgeruch {m}
tincture of iodine
Jodtinktur {f}pharm.
Chemical Oxygen-Iodine Laser <COIL>
Sauerstoff-Jod-Laser {m}tech.
iodine-potassium iodide solution [Lugol's iodine solution]
Iod-Kaliumiodid-Lösung {f} [Lugol'sche Lösung]chem.
radioactive iodine uptake test <RIUT>
Radiojodtest {m}med.
Radioiodtest {m} [fachspr.]med.
Radioiod-Zweiphasentest {m} [fachspr.]med.
to swab the wound with iodine
Jod auf die Wunde tupfen
iodine bonnet [Mycena filopes, syn.: M. amygdalina, M. iodiolens, M. vitilis, Agaricus amygdalinus, A. filopes, Linopodium filopes, Prunulus filopes]
(Zerbrechlicher) Fadenhelmling / Faden-Helmling {m}mycol.T
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