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laboratory guide Laboratoriumshandbuch {n}
laboratory handbook Laborhandbuch {n}
laboratory head Laborleiter {m}
laboratory head Cheflaborant {m}
laboratory head [female]Laborleiterin {f}
laboratory informatics [treated as sg.] Laborinformatik {f}
laboratory information and management system <LIMS>Laborinformations- und Management-System {n} <LIMS>
laboratory information management system <LIMS>Labor-Informations-Management-System {n} <LIMS>
laboratory information management system <LIMS>Laborinformationsmanagementsystem {n} <LIMS>
laboratory inspection Laborinspektion {f}
laboratory investigation Laboratoriumsuntersuchung {f}
laboratory investigationLaboruntersuchung {f}
laboratory investigation labormäßige Untersuchung {f} [Laboruntersuchung]
laboratory machineLabormaschine {f}
laboratory manager Labormanager {m}
laboratory manager Laborleiter {m}
laboratory manager [female] Laborleiterin {f}
laboratory manualLaborhandbuch {f}
laboratory measurement Labormessung {f}
laboratory medicine Laboratoriumsmedizin {f}
laboratory methodLabormethode {f}
laboratory methodLaborverfahren {n}
laboratory microscopeLabormikroskop {n}
laboratory microscopeLaboratoriumsmikroskop {n}
laboratory mishapLaborpanne {f}
laboratory mixer Labormischer {m}
laboratory modelLabormodell {n}
laboratory modulesLabormodule {pl}
laboratory mouse Labormaus {f}
laboratory notebook Laborjournal {n}
laboratory notebook Laborbuch {n}
laboratory notebook Labornotizbuch {n}
laboratory of excellence Spitzenlabor {n}
laboratory opossum [Monodelphis domestica]Haus-Spitzmausbeutelratte {f}
laboratory origin Laborursprung {m}
laboratory oven Laborofen {m}
laboratory parameterLaborparameter {m}
laboratory personnelLaborpersonal {n}
laboratory personnel {pl} [can also be treated as sg.] Labormitarbeiter {pl}
laboratory physicianLaborarzt {m}
laboratory place Laborplatz {m}
laboratory populationLaborpopulation {f}
laboratory power supply Labornetzteil {n}
laboratory processLaborverfahren {n} [auch: Laborprozess]
laboratory production labormäßige Herstellung {f}
laboratory prototype Labormuster {n}
laboratory pump Laborpumpe {f}
laboratory rat Laborratte {f}
laboratory reagentLaborreagens {n}
laboratory report Laborbericht {m}
laboratory researchLaborforschung {f} [im Gegensatz zur Feldforschung]
laboratory residues Laborabfälle {pl}
laboratory result Laborergebnis {n}
laboratory result Laborresultat {n}
laboratory result Laboratoriumsbefund {m}
laboratory result Laborbefund {m}
laboratory robotics [treated as sg.] Laborrobotik {f}
laboratory room Laborraum {m}
laboratory rubber stopper Laborstopfen {m} [Gummistopfen]
laboratory safetyLaborsicherheit {f}
laboratory sampleLaborprobe {f}
laboratory sampleLaboratoriumsprobe {f}
laboratory scale Laborwaage {f}
laboratory scale [laboratory-size basis] Labormaßstab {m}
laboratory scales Laborwaage {f}
laboratory school Laborschule {f}
laboratory scientistLaborwissenschaftler {m}
laboratory scientist [female] Laborwissenschaftlerin {f}
laboratory services Labordienste {pl}
laboratory setting Laborumgebung {f}
laboratory sheet pressLaborblattpresse {f} [Papierherstellung]
laboratory sheet pressLabor-Blattpresse {f} [Papierherstellung]
laboratory skillsLaborkenntnisse {pl}
laboratory smockLaborkittel {m}
laboratory space Laborraum {m}
laboratory spaceLaborfläche {f}
laboratory staff Laborpersonal {n}
laboratory staff {sg}Labormitarbeiter {pl}
laboratory stageVersuchsstadium {n}
laboratory standard Messnormal {n} [eine der Präzisions-Referenzquellen]
laboratory stick insect [Carausius morosus, syn.: Dixippus morosus] Indische Stabschrecke {f}
laboratory stoolLaborhocker {m}
laboratory studiesLaboruntersuchungen {pl}
laboratory studiesLaboratoriumsuntersuchungen {pl}
laboratory studies Laboratoriumsstudien {pl}
laboratory studiesLaborstudien {pl}
laboratory studyLaborstudie {f}
laboratory studyLaboruntersuchung {f}
laboratory suite Laborbereich {m}
laboratory supplies {pl} Laborbedarf {m}
laboratory synthesisLaborsynthese {f}
laboratory systemLaborsystem {n}
laboratory system Beobachtersystem {n}
laboratory technicianLabortechniker {m}
laboratory technician Laborant {m}
laboratory technician [female] Laborantin {f}
laboratory technician [female] Labortechnikerin {f}
laboratory technique Labortechnik {f}
laboratory technologistLabortechnologe {m}
laboratory technologist [female] Labortechnologin {f}
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