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Deutsch-Englisch-Übersetzung für: orally wrong
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Englisch-Deutsch-Wörterbuch: orally wrong

accomodation [WRONG for: accommodation]
[Unterkunft, Unterbringung, Gefälligkeit usw.]
innocent {adj} [free from moral wrong; naive]
arglos [ohne Arg, unschuldig; naiv, vertrauensselig]
specifity [WRONG for: specificity]
sauteed {adj} {past-p} [wrong for stewed]
apparantly {adv} [WRONG for: apparently]
[offensichtlich, allem Anschein nach, anscheinend usw.]
awsome {adj} [WRONG for: awesome]
predominate {adj} [Am.] [var. of predominant; often considered wrong]
transfered {adj} {past-p} [WRONG for: transferred]
[übertragen, transferieren, übergeben]
brazen {adj} [WRONG FOR: bronze]
[aus Bronze, bronzen, bronzefarben]material
bad {adj} [wrong, faulty]
falsch [unrichtig]
skiddish {adj} [WRONG for: skittish]
[launisch, ängstlich usw.]
stupified {adj} {past-p} [WRONG for: stupefied]
[verblüfft, betäubt, abgestumpft usw.]
agressive {adj} [WRONG for: aggressive]
transfering {pres-p} [WRONG for: transferring]
[übertragend, transferierend, übergebend]
proforma [WRONG for: pro forma]
proforma [FALSCH für: pro forma]
basiliar {adj} [WRONG for: basilar; e.g. for basilar artery, basilar membrane]
[Basilar-; z. B. bei Basilararterie, Basilarmembran]anat.med.
grey <Gy> [WRONG for: gray]
[das Gray (Einheitenzeichen Gy), benannt nach dem brit. Physiker/Radiobiologen Louis Harold Gray]
artisenal {adj} [WRONG for: artisanal]
climatic {adj} [WRONG for: climactic]
[(sich) zuspitzend]
coecal {adj} [WRONG for: caecal, cecal]
[zäkal, zökal]anat.
collapsable {adj} [WRONG for: collapsible]
disasterous {adj} [WRONG for: disastrous]
endogeneous {adj} [WRONG for: endogenous]
enroling {adj} {pres-p} [WRONG for: enrolling]
erring {adj} {pres-p} [formal] [sinning, doing wrong]
fehlend [geh.] [unrecht handelnd]
fourty [WRONG for: forty]
invalid {adj} [formally wrong]
formal falsch
melodical {adj} [WRONG for: melodic]
meritricious {adj} [WRONG for: meretricious]
municiple {adj} [WRONG for: municipal]
nudibranches [WRONG for: nudibranchs]
[Nacktkiemer, Nacktschnecken]zool.
probly {adv} [WRONG for: probably]
recycable {adj} [WRONG for: recyclable]
[recyclebar, wiederverwertbar]
resiliant {adj} [WRONG for: resilient]
transfering {pres-p} [WRONG for: transferring] [money]
[eine Geldsumme anweisend]
tripple {adj} [WRONG for: triple]
[dreifach, dreimalig]
unconvincable {adj} [WRONG for: inconvincible, incapable of being convinced]
[unbelehrbar, nicht überzeugend]
withershins {adv} [chiefly Scot.] [in the wrong direction] [of a circular movement]
falsch herum
to confound [prove wrong]
to envelope [WRONG for: to envelop]
to accomodate [WRONG for: to accommodate]
[unterbringen, beherbergen usw.]
to reverse [wrong entry]
to err [formal] [sin, do wrong]
fehlen [geh.] [unrecht handeln]
to nab sb. [coll.] [e.g. a wrong-doer]
jdn. hopsnehmen [salopp] [auf frischer Tat ertappen und festnehmen]
to seperate [WRONG for: to separate]
[trennen, separieren]
to fail [go wrong]
to satisfy sb. [redress a wrong]
jdm. genugtun [veraltet] [Genugtuung geben]
to disactivate [WRONG for: deactivate]
to acheive [WRONG for: to achieve]
[erreichen, bewirken, zu Stande bringen usw.]
to bespeck [WRONG for: to bespeckle]
to disclude [WRONG for: exclude; disclose / make known]
[ausschließen; offenlegen / mitteilen]
to misbehave [say or do the wrong thing in a particular situation]
aus der Rolle fallen [Redewendung]
to misbutton [coll.] [rare] [to button wrong] [shirt etc.]
sich verknöpfen [ugs.] [Hemd usw.]cloth.
satisfaction [redressing a wrong]
Genugtuung {f} [jdm. Genugtuung geben]
bill [written declaration of a wrong]
Klageschrift {f}law
Anklageschrift {f}law
assasination [WRONG for: assassination]
appearence [WRONG for: appearance]
[Aussehen, Erscheinung usw.]
place [wrong, right, same etc.]
Fleck {m} [am richtigen, falschen, selben etc.]
SWAT [WRONG for: SWOT] [strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats]
[Stärken, Schwächen, Chancen, Risiken]econ.QM
depts [WRONG for: debts]
unequality [WRONG for: inequality]
calve [WRONG for: calf]
endotontics [WRONG for: endodontics]
resistence [WRONG for: resistance]
novacaine [WRONG for: novocaine]
pretention [WRONG for: pretension] [claim]
renumeration [WRONG for: remuneration; this misconstruction occurs much more than the correctly used "renumeration" (= numbering again)]
[Entlohnung, Vergütung etc.]
[letter from the wrong font]
Fisch {m}print
advertisment [WRONG for: advertisement]
[Inserat, Reklame, Werbung usw.]
antennomer [WRONG for: antennomere]
arguement [WRONG for: argument]
bellow [WRONG for: bellows]
bupivicaine [WRONG for: bupivacaine]
colender [WRONG for: colander]
[Seiher, Kochsieb]
disvalue [negative value of doing wrong or of not doing what is right]
Unwert {m} [geh.] [negatives Wert des Böses zu tun, oder des Gutes nicht tun]philos.
diverticulae {pl} [WRONG for: diverticula]
dosis [WRONG for: dose]
fibroplasts [WRONG for: fibroblasts]
flexsor [WRONG for: flexor]
[Flexor, Beuger]anat.
forward [WRONG for: foreword]
goodie [Br.] [coll.] [someone who never does anything wrong]
guter Mensch {m} [Gutmensch]
menue [WRONG for: menu]
ohnosecond [coll.] [hum.] [also: onosecond] [the moment in which one realizes that one has made a serious mistake, typically by pressing the wrong key on a computer keyboard]
[der Moment, wo einem klar wird, dass man gerade einen gewaltigen Fehler gemacht hat, typischerweise ein falscher Tastendruck]
perogative [WRONG for: prerogative]
photosensibilisator [WRONG for: photosensitizer]
playwrite [WRONG for: playwright]
semiphore [WRONG for: semaphore]
sticker [e. g. on wrong barcode]
Tektur {f}comm.publ.
tata's [Am.] [sl.] [WRONG for: tatas]
tympanitis [WRONG for: tympanites]
[Tympanitis (Ansammlung von Gasen in inneren Organen, bes. Blähsucht bei Tieren)]med.VetMed.
as at ... [WRONG for: as of / as from]
[Stand (vom) ... ]
market-conform {adj} [WRONG for: in line with the market, in conformity with the market] [sometimes wrongly used in translated EU documents]
No fair! [said e.g. after sb. cheats or makes a wrong move in a game] [said often by children]
Das gildet nicht! [ugs.] [in einem Spiel etc.] [Kindersprache]gamessports
sb./sth. should of [WRONG for: sb./sth. should have]
[jd./etw. hätte sollen]
virus-laded {adj} [WRONG for: virus-laden]
[vireninfiziert, voller Viren, virenbepackt, von Viren befallen]comp.
to connive at sth. [abetting wrong doing by ignoring it]
etw.Dat. Vorschub leisten [Verbrechen]
to connive at sth. [deliberately ignore wrong doing]
etw. absichtlich übersehen
to go bad [deal, etc.] [to go wrong, to fail]
in die Hose gehen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to go haywire [coll.] [go badly wrong]
überschnappen [ugs.]
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