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threat of terminationKündigungsandrohung {f}
threat of terrorismTerrorgefahr {f}
threat of torture Folterandrohung {f}
threat of violenceGewaltandrohung {f}
threat of warKriegsgefahr {f}
threat of warKriegsdrohung {f}
threat on one's life Morddrohung {f}
threat postureDrohstellung {f}
threat potentialDrohpotenzial {n} [auch: Drohpotential]
threat protectionBedrohungsschutz {m}
threat reduction Bedrohungsreduktion {f}
threat situation Bedrohungslage {f}
threat soundDrohlaut {m}
threat to abdicate Rücktrittsdrohung {f} [König]
threat to competitionGefährdung {f} des Wettbewerbs
threat to peace Friedensbedrohung {f}
threat to peaceBedrohung {f} des Friedens
threat to religion [in public life] Religionsgefahr {f}
threat to resignRücktrittsdrohung {f}
threat to sb./sth. Bedrohung {f} für jdn./etw.
threat to (sb.'s) life Lebensbedrohung {f} (für jdn.)
threat to sth. Bedrohung {f} etw. [Gen.] [z. B. der Pressefreiheit]
threat to sth. Bedrohung {f} für etw. [Akk.] [z. B. für die Pressefreiheit]
threat to sue Klagsdrohung {f} [österr.] [Klagedrohung]
threat to sueKlagedrohung {f}
threat to the continued existence Bestandsgefährdung {f}
threat to the flanksFlankenbedrohung {f}
Threat Vector [Tom Clancy with Mark Greany] Gefahrenzone
threat videoDrohvideo {n}
threat yawning Drohgähnen {n}
threatened gedroht
threatened angedroht
threatened bedroht
threatened [endangered] gefährdet
threatened abortion drohende Fehlgeburt {f}
threatened amalgamation angedrohter Zusammenschluss {m}
threatened by frost [postpos.] frostgefährdet
threatened miscarriage Abortus imminens {m} [drohender Abort]
threatened peoples bedrohte Völker {pl}
threatened speciesbedrohte Art {f}
threatened with bankruptcy [postpos.]pleitebedroht
threatened with death [postpos.]mit dem Tode bedroht
threatened with extinction [postpos.]vom Aussterben bedroht
threatened with relegation [postpos.]abstiegsgefährdet
threatener Droher {m}
threatening bedrohend
threatening drohend
threatening [clouds, glances, etc.]dräuend [poet.: drohend]
threatening behavior [Am.] Drohverhalten {n}
threatening behaviour [Br.] bedrohliches Verhalten {n}
threatening behaviour [Br.]Drohverhalten {n}
threatening dangerdrohende Gefahr {f}
threatening gestureDrohgebärde {f}
threatening letter Drohbrief {m}
threatening letter Drohschreiben {n}
threatening lettersDrohbriefe {pl}
threatening looks drohende Blicke {pl}
threatening nature [of sth.]Bedrohlichkeit {f} [bedrohliche Natur, bedrohliches Wesen von etw.]
threatening note Drohbrief {m}
threatening our existenceexistenzgefährdend
threatening phone call Drohanruf {m}
threatening postureDrohkulisse {f}
threatening posture Drohhaltung {f}
threatening sound Drohlaut {m}
threatening the security of the state staatsgefährdend
threatening words bedrohende Worte {pl}
threatening words Drohworte {pl}
threateningly bedrohend
threateningly bedrohlich
threateninglyin drohender Weise
threatful bedrohlich
threatsBedrohungen {pl}
threats Drohungen {pl}
three drei
Three [also: 3] Drei [auch: 3] [Tom Tykwer]
three and a halfdreieinhalb
Three and three is six. Drei und drei ist sechs.
Three and three is six. Drei und drei gibt sechs.
Three and three makes six. Drei und drei macht sechs.
Three angels were singing a sweet song Es sungen drei Engel einen süssen Gesang [G. Mahler]
Three Bags FullGlenkill [Leonie Swann]
Three Came Home [Jean Negulesco]Drei kehrten heim
Three Chapters Controversy Dreikapitelstreit {m}
three characteristics of existence drei Daseinsmerkmale {pl}
three cheers fordreimal hoch für
Three Colors: Blue [US] / Three Colours: Blue [UK] [Krzysztof Kieślowski] Drei Farben: Blau
Three Comrades Drei Kameraden [Erich Maria Remarque]
three consecutive days drei aufeinander folgende Tage {pl} [alt]
three consecutive daysdrei aufeinanderfolgende Tage {pl}
three corner tear [right-angled tear/hole in piece of clothing or cloth often caused by a snag]Dreiangel {m} {f} {n} [regional] [Triangel]
three days agovorvorgestern
three days' grace dreitägige Gnadenfrist {f}
three days of grace drei Tage Zahlungsfrist {f}
Three Days of the Condor [Sydney Pollack]Die drei Tage des Condor
three days running drei Tage nacheinander
three different [attr.] dreierlei [indekl.]
three different versions drei unterschiedliche Varianten {pl}
three down from sb./sth. von jdm./etw. aus der dritte
« ThouthouthrathrethrethreThrethrethrethrethre »
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