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English-German Dictionary

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account [detailed report] Rechenschaft {f}
account [ground, basis]Ursache {f}
account [interpretation or rendering of a piece of music] Interpretation {f} [künstlerische Wiedergabe von Musik]
account [narrative description] Schilderung {f} [Bericht, z. B. einer Reise]
account [narrative] Erzählung {f}
account [report, narrative] Darstellung {f} [Bericht]
account [report] Bericht {m}
account [value] Wert {m}
account <Acc., acc, ACC> Account {m} {n}
account <acc., acct.> Rechnung {f} <Rg.>
account <ACC>Benutzerkonto {n}
account <acct., a/c>Konto {n} <Kto.>
account abroadAuslandskonto {n}
account access Kontozugriff {m}
account activity Kontobewegungen {pl}
account analysis Kontenanalyse {f}
account analysis Kostenanalyse {f}
account and risk clauseRisikoausschlußklausel {f} [alt]
account and risk clause Risikoausschlussklausel {f}
account association Kontenzuordnung {f}
account authorisation [Br.]Kontovollmacht {f}
account authorization Kontenberechtigung {f}
account authorization Kontovollmacht {f}
account balance Kontosalden {pl}
account balance Kontosaldo {m}
account balanceKontostand {m}
account balanceKontoguthaben {n}
account balance Saldo {m}
account blockingKontensperrung {f}
account book Depositenbuch {n}
account book Rechnungsbuch {n}
account book Sparbuch {n}
account bookKontobuch {n}
account bookGeschäftsbuch {n}
account book Handelsbuch {n}
account booksGeschäftsbücher {pl}
account brought forward Saldovortrag {m}
account captions {pl} Kontenbezeichnung {f}
account card Kontokarte {f}
account card Kontenkarte {f}
account carried forward Vortrag {m}
account carried forwardSaldovortrag {m}
account carrying chargesKontospesen {pl}
account categoryKontenklasse {f}
account category Kontengruppe {f}
account classification Kontengliederung {f}
account classificationKontoklassifikation {f}
account classification Kontenaufgliederung {f}
account close Kontoschließung {f}
account closed abgeschlossenes Konto {n}
account closed Konto geschlossen
account closingKontoauflösung {f}
account code Kontoschlüssel {m}
account code structureKalkulationsschema {n} [in der Netzplantechnik]
account column Kontenspalte {f}
account composition Kontenzusammenstellung {f}
account consolidation Kontenzusammenführung {f}
account control Kontensteuerung {f}
account costing Kostenkalkulation {f}
account credit Anschreibekredit {m}
account credited erkanntes Konto {n}
account currency Kontowährung {f}
account current Kontokorrent {n}
account current laufende Rechnung {f}
account current creditorsKreditoren {pl} in laufender Rechnung
account customer Kreditkunde {m}
account dataKontodaten {pl}
account day Abrechnungstag {m}
account day Abrechnungstermin {m}
account day Börsenabrechnungstag {m}
account daysAbrechnungstage {pl}
account deactivation Stilllegung {f} eines Kontos
account debtor Abnehmer {m}
account deficit Fehlmenge {f}
account department Buchhaltung {f} [Abteilung]
account deposit Konteneinlage {f}
account deposit Kontoeinlage {f}
account deposits Kundeneinlagen {pl}
account designationKontobezeichnung {f}
account details changed Kontodaten geändert
account development Kontenentwicklung {f}
account display Kontoanzeige {f}
account distribution Kontierung {f}
account due on the Rechnung fällig am
account duration Kontolaufzeit {f}
account entryKonteneintrag {m}
account executiveKontaktmann {m}
account executive Kundenkontobetreuer {m}
account executive Kontenführer {m}
account executiveKundenbetreuer {m}
account expenses Spesenkonto {n}
account fileKontendatei {f}
account files Kontounterlagen {pl}
account for all the money spent alle Ausgaben rechtfertigen
account for charges Gebührenrechnung {f}
account for donations Spendenkonto {n}
account for foreign citizens Ausländerkonto {n}
account for the financial year Kontenjahresabschluss {m}
account for the goods returnedRückrechnung {f} für retournierte Ware
account form Kontenblatt {n}
« accoaccoaccoaccoaccoaccoaccoaccoaccoaccoacco »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome! Questions and Answers