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act of creation Schöpfungsakt {m}
act of cruelty grausame Handlung {f}
act of cruelty Grausamkeit {f} [grausame Tat]
act of crueltygrausame Tat {f}
act of deceptionTäuschungshandlung {f}
act of defianceTrotzreaktion {f}
act of defiance Trotzhandlung {f}
act of derivingAbleitung {f}
act of desperation Verzweiflungstat {f}
act of discourtesySache {f} der Unhöflichkeit
act of discretion Ermessungsakt {m}
act of dishonestySache {f} der Unehrlichkeit
act of faithauf Glauben beruhende Tat {f}
act of faith Vertrauensbeweis {m}
act of faith Glaubensakt {m}
act of foundation Gründungsakt {m}
act of friendship freundschaftliche Geste {f}
act of generosityKulanzleistung {f}
act of God Schickung {f} [geh.]
act of GodNaturereignis {n}
act of God [force majeure] Naturgewalt {f} [höhere Gewalt]
act of grace Amnestie {f}
act of grace Gnadenakt {m}
act of grace Gnadenerweis {m}
act of grace Straferlass {m}
act of gross negligenceHandlung {f} in grober Fahrlässigkeit
act of gross negligencegrobe Fahrlässigkeit {f}
act of heroism Heldentat {f}
act of honor [Am.] Ehreneintritt {m}
act of honour [Br.] Ehreneintritt {m}
act of honour [Br.] Ehreneintritt {m} in ein Wechselgeschäft
act of honour [Br.] Ehrensache {f}
act of hostility feindseliger Akt {m}
act of housebreaking Einbruch {m} [kriminell]
act of humanitarianismAkt {m} der Menschenliebe
act of incendiarism Brandstiftung {f}
act of indecency Sittlichkeitsvergehen {n}
act of indecency unsittliche Handlung {f}
act of indicting Anklageerhebung {f}
act of interpretationInterpretationsakt {m}
act of judgement wohlüberlegte Tat {f}
act of justice Akt {m} der Gerechtigkeit
act of killing Tötungsakt {m}
act of lawrechtsgestaltender Gesetzesakt {m}
act of loveLiebesakt {m}
act of loyalty Loyalitätsakt {m}
act of madness Wahnsinnstat {f}
Act of Mediation Mediationsakte {f}
act of mercyGnadenakt {m}
act of nature höhere Gewalt {f}
act of nature Naturgewalt {f}
act of nature beyond controlhöhere Gewalt {f}
act of necessity Notstand {m}
act of negligenceFahrlässigkeit {f}
act of omission Unterlassung {f}
act of paintingMalvorgang {m}
Act of Parliament vom Parlament verabschiedetes Gesetz {n}
Act of Parliamentvom Parlament beschlossenes Gesetz {n}
act (of parliament) Gesetz {n} [einzelnes Gesetz]
act of paying Zahlung {f}
act of piracy Akt {m} der Piraterie
act of piracyPiratenakt {m}
act of pledge Pfandvertrag {m}
act of politeness Sache {f} der Höflichkeit
act of prayerGebetshandlung {f}
act of procreationZeugungsakt {m}
act of protest Wechselprotest {m}
act of protestProtestaufnahme {f}
act of providence Handlung {f} der Vorsehung
act of providenceFügung {f} [Schicksal, Gott]
act of providenceSchickung {f} [geh.]
act of purchase Kaufakt {m}
act of reconciliationVersöhnungshandeln {n}
act of remembrance Akt {m} des Gedenkens
act of reprisal Vergeltungsschlag {m}
act of revenge Racheakt {m}
act of revengeRacheaktion {f}
act of revengeRevancheakt {m}
act of revenge Rachetat {f}
act of revenge Vergeltungsaktion {f} [Racheakt]
act of sabotage Sabotageakt {m}
act of saleVerkaufsakt {m}
act of saleKaufvertrag {m} [der Prozess, nicht das Dokument]
Act of Settlement Siedlungsgesetz {n}
Act of Settlement [1701]Grundordnung {f} [englische Thronfolge]
act of sexGeschlechtsverkehr {m}
act of sexual intercourse Geschlechtsakt {m}
act of sexual intercourse Geschlechtsverkehr {m}
act of signing Unterzeichnungsakt {m}
act of solidarity Solidaritätsaktion {f}
act of sovereignty hoheitliche Maßnahme {f}
act of stateStaatsakt {m}
act of sucking Saugakt {m}
Act of SupremacySuprematsakte {f}
act of surrenderKapitulationsurkunde {f}
act of swallowingSchluckakt {m}
act of swearingAblegung {f} des Eides
act of terror Terrorakt {m}
act of terrorismTerrorakt {m}
Act of the Damned [António Lobo Antunes]Reigen der Verdammten
« acquacriacroacroacryactoActoactiactiactiacti »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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