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acute schrill [Klang]
acute durchdringend [Schmerz]
acute [keen, sensitive]fein [scharf]
acute [keen] scharf [Augen, Verstand etc.]
acute [perspicacious]scharfsichtig
acute [sharp, pointed] spitz
acute [shrewd] scharfsinnig
acute abdomenakutes Abdomen {n}
acute abdomen akuter Bauch {m}
acute abdomen {sg}Unterleibsschmerzen {pl} [ugs.] [akutes Abdomen]
acute accentAccent {m} aigu
acute (accent) Akut {m}
acute and chronic laminitisakute und chronische Hufrehe {f}
acute angle spitzer Winkel {m}
acute appendicitis [Appendicitis acuta]akute Appendizitis {f}
acute appendix [acute appendicitis] akuter Wurm {m} [Mediziner-Jargon für: Appendizitis]
acute asthma <AA> akutes Asthma {n}
acute bacterial endocarditis <ABE> [Endocarditis acuta]akute bakterielle Endokarditis {f} <ABE>
acute bee paralysis virus <ABPV, APV> akutes Bienen-Paralyse-Virus {n} [ugs. auch: akuter Bienen-Paralyse-Virus {m}]
acute bladder snail [Physella acuta, syn.: Physa acuta](Spitze) Blasenschnecke {f}
acute bleedingakute Blutung {f}
acute blindia moss [Blindia acuta] Spitzblättriges Blindmoos {n}
acute bronchiolitis <AB>akute Bronchiolitis {f} <AB>
acute bronchitis <AB>akute Bronchitis {f}
acute businessmanschlauer Geschäftsmann {m}
acute cardiac death <ACD>akuter Herztod {m}
acute cardiac death <ACD> Sekundenherztod {m} <SHT>
acute cardiac death <ACD> Herzschlag {m} [akuter Herztod]
acute cardiac dilatationakute Herzdilatation {f}
acute careAkutversorgung {f}
acute care Akutbehandlung {f}
acute care hospital Akutkrankenhaus {n}
acute circulatory collapse akutes Kreislaufversagen {n}
acute circulatory collapse [shock]Schock {m} [akutes Kreislaufversagen]
acute circulatory failure [shock]Schock {m} [akutes Kreislaufversagen]
acute condition akuter Zustand {m}
acute congestive glaucoma [Glaucoma akutum (congestivum)] Engwinkelglaukom {n}
acute coronary syndrome <ACS> akutes Koronarsyndrom {n} <ACS>
acute coryza [Am.] [common cold] Erkältung {f}
acute demyelinating encephalomyelitis <ADEM> akute demyelinisierende Enzephalomyelitis {f} <ADEM>
acute disease akute Erkrankung {f}
acute disseminated encephalomyelitis <ADEM>akute disseminierte Enzephalomyelitis {f} <ADEM>
acute dock [Rumex acutus, syn.: R. pratensis] Spitzampfer {m}
acute dock [Rumex acutus, syn.: R. pratensis] Wiesenampfer {m}
acute dock [Rumex acutus, syn.: R. pratensis] Hungerkraut {n} [Wiesenampfer]
acute dock [Rumex acutus, syn.: R. pratensis]Mengelwurz {f} [Wiesenampfer]
acute dock [Rumex acutus, syn.: R. pratensis] Spitzer Wiesenampfer {m}
acute dock [Rumex acutus, syn.: R. pratensis] Wilder Rhabarber {m} [Wiesenampfer]
acute dock [Rumex acutus, syn.: R. pratensis]Pferdeampfer {m}
acute dock [Rumex acutus, syn.: R. pratensis] Grindwurz {f} [veraltet]
acute dock [Rumex acutus, syn.: R. pratensis] Spitzblättriger Ampfer {m} [veraltet]
acute dock [Rumex acutus, syn.: R. pratensis] Halbpferd {n}
acute dock [Rumex acutus, syn.: R. pratensis]Bubenkraut {n} [Spitzampfer]
acute dock [Rumex acutus, syn.: R. pratensis] Gäckle {n} [südd.] [Spitzampfer]
acute dock [Rumex acutus, syn.: R. pratensis]Lendenkraut {n} [Spitzampfer]
acute dock [Rumex acutus, syn.: R. pratensis]Mangelwurz {f} [Spitzampfer]
acute dock [Rumex acutus, syn.: R. pratensis]Ochsenzunge {f} [Spitzampfer]
acute dock [Rumex acutus, syn.: R. pratensis] Zitterwurz {f} [veraltet] [Spitzampfer]
acute dock [Rumex acutus, syn.: R. pratensis] Strippert {m} [veraltet] [Spitzampfer]
acute dysfunction of the inner earakute Innenfunktionsstörung {f}
acute eargutes Gehör {n}
acute eosinophilic leukaemia <AEL> [Br.]akute eosinophile Leukämie {f} <AEL>
acute eosinophilic leukemia <AEL> [Am.] akute eosinophile Leukämie {f} <AEL>
acute exacerbation of asthmaakuter Asthmaanfall {m}
acute exacerbation of COPDakute Exazerbation {f} der COPD
acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis <AFND>akute febrile neutrophile Dermatose {f} <AFND>
acute febrile ulcerative acne [Acne fulminans] Acne fulminans {f}
acute (form of) graft-versus-host-disease <aGVHD> akute Graft-versus-Host-Krankheit {f} <aGvHK, akute GvHK>
acute (form of) graft-versus-host-disease <aGVHD>akute Transplantat-gegen-Wirt-Krankheit {f} <akute GvHD>
acute gallbladder inflammation akute Galle {f}
acute gastrointestinal bleeding <AGIB>akute gastrointestinale Blutung {f} <AGIB>
acute gastrointestinal haemorrhage <AGIH> [Br.]akute gastrointestinale Blutung {f} <AGIB>
acute gastrointestinal hemorrhage <AGIH> [Am.] akute gastrointestinale Blutung {f} <AGIB>
acute geriatric careAkutgeriatrie {f}
acute geriatric unit Akutgeriatrie {f} [Abteilung]
acute glance dringender Blick {m}
acute glance schneller Blick {m}
acute haemorrhage [Br.] akute Blutung {f}
acute haemorrhagic pancreatitis <AHP> [Br.] akute hämorrhagische Pankreatitis {f} <AHP>
acute hearing loss(akuter) Hörsturz {m}
acute hearing loss Gehörsturz {m} [seltener für: Hörsturz]
acute hemorrhage [Am.]akute Blutung {f}
acute hemorrhagic pancreatitis [Am.] hämorrhagische Pankreasnekrose {f}
acute hemorrhagic pancreatitis <AHP> [Am.] akute hämorrhagische Pankreatitis {f} <AHP>
acute hepatitis <AH>akute Hepatitis {f}
acute HIV infection akute HIV-Infektion {f}
acute hospitalsAkutspitäler {pl} [schweiz.]
acute humoral xenograft rejection <AHXR>akute humorale Xenotransplantatabstoßung {f}
acute hypoxaemia <AH> [Br.] akute Hypoxämie {f} <AH>
acute hypoxemia <AH> [Am.] akute Hypoxämie {f} <AH>
acute (idiopathic sensorineural) hearing loss Ohrinfarkt {m} [akuter idiopathischer sensorineuraler Hörverlust]
acute illnessakute Erkrankung {f}
acute infection akute Infektion {f}
acute infection akuter Infekt {m}
acute influenzaakute Grippe {f}
acute intermittent porphyria <AIP>akute intermittierende Porphyrie {f} <AIP>
acute interstitial nephritis <AIN> akute interstitielle Nephritis {f} <AIN>
acute interstitial pneumonia <AIP> akute interstitielle Pneumonie {f} <AIP>
acute intestinal pseudo-obstruction [Ogilvie's syndrome] akute intestinale Pseudoobstruktion {f} [Ogilvie-Syndrom]
acute kidney injury <AKI>akutes Nierenversagen {n} <ANV>
« actiactuactuactuactuacutacutacutadmaAdamadap »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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