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adenitisDrüsenentzündung {f}
adenitisAdenitis {f}
adenoacanthoma Adenokankroid {n}
adeno-associated virus <AAV> adenoassoziiertes Virus {n} <AAV> [ugs. auch {m}: adenoassoziierter Virus]
adenocancroid Adenokankroid {n}
adenocarcinoma Adenokarzinom {n}
adenocarcinoma Drüsenkrebs {m}
adenodyniaAdenodynie {f}
adenodyniaDrüsenschmerz {m}
adenofibroma Adenofibrom {n}
adenofibromyomatous hyperplasia <AFH>benigne Prostatahyperplasie {f} <BPH>
adenohypophysisAdenohypophyse {f}
adenoid drüsenartig
adenoid adenoid
adenoid drüsenähnlich
adenoid Drüsen-
adenoid cystic carcinoma <ACC, AdCC>adenoid-zystisches Karzinom {n} [auch: adenoidzystisches Karzinom]
adenoid cystic carcinoma <ACC, AdCC> Zylindrom {n} [veraltend] [adenoidzystisches Karzinom]
adenoid hypertrophy Rachenmandelwucherung {f}
adenoid tissueadenoides Gewebe {n} [lymphatisches Gewebe]
adenoid tissue Lymphgewebe {n}
adenoid vegetation Wucherung {f} der Rachenmandel [ugs.] [Rachenmandelhyperplasie]
adenoid vegetation adenoide Vegetation {f}
adenoidal pharyngeal conjunctival viruses APC-Viren {pl}
adenoidectomy <AD> Adenoidektomie {f} <AD>
adenoiditis Rachenmandelentzündung {f}
adenoidsWucherungen {pl}
adenoids Polypen {pl} [ugs.] [Nase, Darm]
adenoids Rachenmandelwucherungen {pl}
adenoids Rachenmandeln {pl}
adenoma(gutartige) Drüsengeschwulst {f} [auch {n}]
adenomaAdenom {n}
adenomasAdenome {pl}
adenomatoid adenomartig
adenomatoid adenomähnlich
adenomatoid odontogenic tumor <AOT> [Am.] adenomatoider odontogener Tumor {m} <AOT>
adenomatoid odontogenic tumour <AOT> [Br.] adenomatoider odontogener Tumor {m} <AOT>
adenomatoid tumor <AT> [Am.] Adenomatoidtumor {m}
adenomatoid tumour <AT> [esp. Br.] Adenomatoidtumor {m}
adenomatous adenomatös
adenomyoepithelioma Adenomyoepitheliom {n}
adenomyoma Adenomyom {n}
adenomyosisAdenomyosis {f}
adenomyosis Adenomyose {f}
adenosinase Adenosinase {f}
adenosine <A, Ado> [C10H13N5O4]Adenosin {n} <A, Ado>
adenosine deaminase <ADA> Adenosin-Desaminase {f} <ADA>
adenosine deaminase <ADA>Adenosindesaminase {f} <ADA>
adenosine deaminase deficiency Adenosindesaminasemangel {m}
adenosine diphosphate <ADP> Adenosindiphosphat {n} <ADP>
adenosine kinase Adenosinkinase {f}
adenosine monophosphate <AMP>Adenosinmonophosphat {n} <AMP>
adenosine receptor Adenosinrezeptor {m}
adenosine triphosphatase <ATPase> Adenosintriphosphatase {f} <ATPase>
adenosine triphosphate <ATP> Adenosintriphosphat {n} <ATP>
adenosine-5'-triphosphateAdenosin-5'-Triphosphat {n} [Adenosin-Triphosphorsäure]
adenosquamous carcinoma <ASC> adenosquamöses Karzinom {n}
adenosylcobalamin [AdoCbl] Adenosylcobalamin {n}
adenosylhomocysteinase <AHCY>Adenosylhomocysteinase {f} <AHCY>
adenotomy Adenotomie {f}
adenotonsillectomy <ATE>Adenotonsillektomie {f} <ATE>
adenotrichous drüsenhaarig
adenotropic adenotrop
adenovirus <ADV>Adenovirus {n} <AdV> [ugs. auch {m}]
adenylate cyclase <AC> Adenylylcyclase {f}
adenylate cyclase <AC> Adenylatcyclase {f} <ADC> [veraltet]
adenylate cyclase <AC>Adenylatzyklase {f} <ADC> [veraltet für Adenylylcyclase]
adenylate kinase <AK, ADK> Adenylatkinase {f} <AK, ADK>
adenylation Adenylierung {f}
adenylation domain Adenylierungsdomäne {f}
adenylyl cyclase <AC> Adenylatcyclase {f} <ADC> [veraltet]
adenylyl cyclase <AC> Adenylylcyclase {f}
adenylylation Adenylylierung {f}
adenylyl-sulfate reductase Adenylylsulfatreduktase {f}
Adephagia Adephagia {f}
adepsAdeps {f} {m}
adept Eingeweihter {m}
adept erfahren
adeptExperte {m}
adeptMeister {m} [Könner, Fachmann]
adeptAdept {m}
adept bewandert
adept eingeweiht
adept Kenner {m}
adept geschickt
adeptKunstsachverständiger {m}
adept Kunstverständiger {m}
adept geübt
adept versiert
adept [female] Eingeweihte {f}
adept in all tricks of the trade mit allen Tricks vertraut
adepter [less common comparative for "more adept"] erfahrener
adeptly geschickt
adeptly gewandt
adeptnessErfahrenheit {f}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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