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adhesion proteinHaftprotein {n}
adhesion protein Adhäsionsprotein {n}
adhesion proteinsHaftproteine {pl}
adhesion proteins Adhäsionsproteine {pl}
adhesion railroad [Am.] Adhäsionsbahn {f}
adhesion railroad [Am.] Adhäsionseisenbahn {f}
adhesion railroad [Am.] Reibungsbahn {f}
adhesion railway [Br.] Adhäsionsbahn {f}
adhesion railway [Br.]Adhäsionseisenbahn {f}
adhesion railway [Br.] Reibungsbahn {f}
adhesion to sth. Adhäsion {f} an etw. [Akk.]
adhesionsAnhaftung {f}
adhesions Briden {pl} [Verwachsungen]
adhesive anhaftend
adhesive Klebstoff {m}
adhesiveKleber {m}
adhesive selbstklebend
adhesive anhängend
adhesiveadhäsiv [fachspr.]
adhesiveHaftklebstoff {m}
adhesive klebrig
adhesive [e.g. agent, layer, cream] Haft- [Klebe-; z. B. Mittel, Belag, Creme]
adhesive [e.g. film, tape, binding, dressing, power] Klebe- [z. B. Folie, Band, Bindung, Verband, Kraft]
adhesive address labelAufklebeadresse {f}
adhesive agentHaftmittel {n}
adhesive agentKlebemittel {n} [Klebstoff]
adhesive application Kleberauftrag {m}
adhesive application Klebstoffauftrag {m}
adhesive backingHinterklebung {f}
adhesive bandBride {f}
adhesive bandageWundschnellverband {m} <WSV>
adhesive bandage Pflaster {n}
adhesive bandageHeftpflaster {n}
adhesive base coatGrundbinder {m}
adhesive bed Klebstoffbett {n}
adhesive bindingKlebebindung {f}
adhesive bond Klebverbindung {f}
adhesive bonding Aufkleben {n}
adhesive bra Klebe-BH {m}
adhesive bra Haftschalen-BH {m}
adhesive bra selbstklebender BH {m}
adhesive capsulitis adhäsive Kapselentzündung {f}
adhesive cellsHaftzellen {pl}
adhesive composition Klebstoffzusammensetzung {f}
adhesive compoundKlebstoffmasse {f}
adhesive connectionKlebeverbindung {f}
adhesive contact Klebekontakt {m}
adhesive cream Haftcreme {f}
adhesive dentistry adhäsive Zahnheilkunde {f}
adhesive dressingKlebeverband {m}
adhesive electrode Klebeelektrode {f}
adhesive envelope gummierter Umschlag {m}
adhesive filmKlebefolie {f}
adhesive fluoride varnish haftender Fluoridlack {m}
adhesive foil Klebefolie {f}
adhesive forceHaftkraft {f}
adhesive forceAdhäsionskraft {f}
adhesive frictionAdhäsionsreibung {f}
adhesive glandKlebdrüse {f}
adhesive gripperHaftgreifer {m} [Adhäsionsgreifer]
adhesive gripperAdhäsionsgreifer {m}
adhesive holder Klebehalter {m}
adhesive identificationadhäsive Identifikation {f}
adhesive ileus Bridenileus {m} [Adhäsionsileus]
adhesive jointKlebeverbindung {f}
adhesive kitKlebeset {n}
adhesive labelAufkleber {m}
adhesive label Klebeetikett {n}
adhesive label Etikett {n}
adhesive labelHaftetikett {n}
adhesive label klebende Etikette {f} [österr.] [schweiz.]
adhesive label Klebezettel {m}
adhesive label Pickerl {n} [österr.] [Aufkleber]
adhesive layerHaftbelag {m}
adhesive masking tapeAbdeckklebeband {n}
adhesive mediumHaftmittel {n}
adhesive note Klebezettel {m}
adhesive note Haftnotiz {f}
adhesive ointment Haftsalbe {f}
adhesive ointment Adhäsivsalbe {f}
adhesive organ Haftorgan {n}
adhesive papillaHaftpapille {f}
adhesive pasteAdhäsivpaste {f}
adhesive plaster Heftpflaster {n}
adhesive plaster Wundpflaster {n}
adhesive plaster Klebepflaster {n}
adhesive plaster Haftputz {m}
adhesive powderHaftpulver {n}
adhesive power Klebekraft {f}
adhesive primerHaftprimer {m}
adhesive procedure Adhäsionsprozess {m}
adhesive processAdhäsivprozess {m}
adhesive process [e.g. in the middle ear]Verwachsung {f} [z. B. im Mittelohr]
adhesive protective mass Klebstoff-Schutzmasse {f}
adhesive quality Haftfähigkeit {f} [Klebfähigkeit]
adhesive residue / residuesKlebstoffrückstände {pl}
adhesive resinHaftharz {n}
adhesive sea anemone [Heteractis aurora, syn.: Actinia aurora, Antheopsis koseirensis, Bunodes koseirensis, Radianthus koseiriensis]Glasperlen-Anemone / Glasperlenanemone {f}
adhesive (sea) anemone [Cryptodendrum adhaesivum, also C. adhesivum, syn.: Stoichactis digitata] Noppenrand-Anemone {f}
« addraddradenadeqad-fadheadheadicadjaadjoadju »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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