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English-German Dictionary

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adolescenceJugend {f}
adolescence Pubertät {f}
adolescence Wachstum {n}
adolescence Jugendalter {n}
adolescence Adoleszenz {f}
adolescence Jugendzeit {f}
adolescence Adoleszentenalter {n}
adolescenceJugendphase {f}
adolescence [of a male person]Jünglingsalter {n} [geh.]
adolescence research Jugendforschung {f}
adolescent halbwüchsig
adolescent Halbwüchsiger {m}
adolescent Jugendlicher {m}
adolescent wachsend
adolescentjugendliche Person {f}
adolescent junge Person {f}
adolescent Jünglings-
adolescentAdoleszent {m}
adolescent adoleszent
adolescent Teenager {m}
adolescent [female] Heranwachsende {f}
adolescent [female] Jugendliche {f}
adolescent [female]Halbwüchsige {f}
adolescent [female] Adoleszentin {f}
adolescent [male] junger Mann {m}
adolescent age Adoleszentenalter {n}
adolescent antics pubertäre Albernheiten {pl}
adolescent bull Jungstier {m}
adolescent bull Jungbulle {m}
adolescent development Adoleszenzentwicklung {f}
adolescent eagle Jungadler {m}
adolescent (girl) junges Mädchen {n}
adolescent kyphosis [Osteochondrosis deformans juvenilis vertebralis dorsalis sive lumbalis, Kyphosis adolescentium] [Scheuermann's disease]Adoleszentenkyphose {f} [Morbus Scheuermann]
adolescent kyphosis [Osteochondrosis deformans juvenilis vertebralis dorsalis sive lumbalis, Kyphosis adolescentium] [Scheuermann's disease]Adoleszenzkyphose {f} [Morbus Scheuermann]
adolescent life Jugend {f} [Lebensabschnitt]
adolescent love jugendliche Liebe {f}
adolescent person Jugendlicher {m}
adolescent phase Pubertätsphase {f}
adolescent pregnancy Jugendschwangerschaft {f}
adolescent psychiatry Jugendpsychiatrie {f}
adolescent psychologyJugendpsychologie {f}
adolescent sealJungrobbe {f}
adolescent subcultureJugendsubkultur {f}
adolescent ticket price Ticketpreis {m} für Jugendliche
adolescents Jugendliche {pl}
adolescentsHalbwüchsige {pl}
adolescentsHeranwachsende {pl}
Adolf HitlerAdolf Hitler {m}
adolfpateraite [K(UO2)(SO4)(OH)(H2O)]Adolfpaterait {m}
Adonai Adonai {m} [ohne Art.]
Adonic [strikingly handsome]adonisch [veraltend] [schön wie Adonis]
Adonidia palm [Adonidia merrillii, syn.: Normanbya merrillii, Veitchia merrillii] Manilapalme {f}
Adonidia palm [Adonidia merrillii, syn.: Normanbya merrillii, Veitchia merrillii]Weihnachtspalme {f}
Adonijah [king of Judah]Adonia {m}
Adonis Adonis {m}
adonis [fig. handsome young man] Adonis {m} [fig.] [schöner junger Mann]
adonis [genus Adonis] Adonisröschen {n}
Adonis blue [Lysandra bellargus, syn.: Polyommatus bellargus] [butterfly]Himmelblauer Bläuling {m} [Tagfalterart]
Adonis blue [Polyommatus bellargus, syn.: Lysandra bellargus] Steppenhalden-Bläuling {m}
Adonis complex [muscle dysmorphia]Adonis-Komplex {m}
Adonis' flower [Adonis annua, syn.: A. autumnalis]Herbst-Adonisröschen / Herbstadonisröschen {n}
Adonis' flower [Adonis annua, syn.: A. autumnalis] Herbst-Feuerröschen / Herbstfeuerröschen {n}
Adonis' flower [Adonis annua, syn.: A. autumnalis] Herbst-Teufelsauge / Herbstteufelsauge {n}
Adonis ladybird [Adonia variegata, syn.: Hippodamia variegata] Variabler Flach-Marienkäfer {m}
Adonis ladybird [Adonia variegata, syn.: Hippodamia variegata]Veränderlicher Marienkäfer {m}
adonis pleco [Acanthicus adonis]Schöner Elfenwels {m}
adonis pleco [Acanthicus adonis]Weißpunkt-Elfenwels {m}
Adonis tetra [Lepidarchus adonis]Adonissalmler {m}
Adonis-like bodyAdoniskörper {m} [fig.] [eines schönen jungen Mannes]
adonitoxigenin Adonitoxigenin {n}
adontiaAdontie {f} [Zahnlosigkeit]
adontiaZahnlosigkeit {f}
adoors [obs.] an der Tür
adoptabilities Annehmlichkeiten {pl}
adoptability Annehmlichkeit {f}
Adopt-A-Highway Program [Am.] Adopt-A-Highway-Programm {n}
adopted angenommen
adopted adoptiert
adopted Adoptiv-
adoptedverabschiedet [Gesetz, Verordnung, Spezifikation etc.]
adopted brother Adoptivbruder {m}
adopted child Adoptivkind {n}
adopted childangenommenes Kind {n}
adopted childadoptiertes Kind {n}
adopted childrenAdoptivkinder {pl}
adopted country Wahlheimat {f}
adopted creed angenommener Glaube {m}
adopted daughter adoptierte Tochter {f}
adopted daughterAdoptivtochter {f}
adopted daughters Adoptivtöchter {pl}
adopted godson adoptierter Patensohn {m}
adopted heir adoptierter Erbe {m}
adopted homegewähltes Zuhause {n}
adopted home town Wahlheimatstadt {f}
adopted homeland Wahlheimat {f}
adopted kids [coll.]Adoptivkinder {pl}
« AdmiadmiAdmiadmiadmiadoladopadoradreadsoadul »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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