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English-German Dictionary

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adrenocorticotropic hormone <ACTH> adrenocorticotropes Hormon {n} [Rsv.] <ACTH>
adrenocorticotropic hormone <ACTH> adrenokortikotropes Hormon {n} <ACTH>
adrenocorticotropin <ACTH> Adrenocorticotropin {n} <ACTH>
adrenogenic diabetesAdrenalinglukosurie {f} [Adrenalindiabetes]
adrenoleukodystrophies Adrenoleukodystrophien {pl}
adrenoleukodystrophy <ALD>Adrenoleukodystrophie {f} <ALD>
adrenolytic (agent)Adrenolytikum {n}
adrenolytic agents Adrenolytika {pl}
adrenolytics Adrenolytika {pl}
adrenoprival adrenopriv
adrenoreceptorAdrenorezeptor {m}
adret (slope)sonnenseitiger Hang {m}
Adria bellflower [Campanula garganica, syn.: C. acarnanica, C. cephallenica] Sternpolster-Glockenblume {f}
Adria bellflower [Campanula garganica]Gargano-Glockenblume {f}
Adria bellflower [Campanula portenschlagiana, syn.: C. muralis]Dalmatiner Glockenblume {f}
Adrianople Adrianopel {n} [Edirne]
Adrianopolis Adrianopel {n} [Edirne]
Adriatic adriatisch
Adriatic bellflower [Campanula elatines]Piemonteser Glockenblume {f}
Adriatic bellflower [Campanula elatines] Tännel-Glockenblume {f}
Adriatic bellflower [Campanula fenestrellata]Fenster-Glockenblume {f}
Adriatic bellflower [Campanula garganica, syn.: C. acarnanica, C. cephallenica] Sternpolster-Glockenblume {f}
Adriatic bellflower [Campanula garganica, syn.: C. elatines var. garganica]Adriatische Glockenblume {f}
Adriatic bellflower [Campanula garganica, syn.: C. elatines var. garganica]Stern-Polster-Glockenblume {f}
Adriatic bellflower [Campanula garganica, syn.: C. elatines var. garganica] Adria-Glockenblume {f}
Adriatic bellflower [Campanula garganica, syn.: C. elatines var. garganica]Monte-Gargano-Glockenblume {f}
Adriatic bellflower [Campanula garganica] Gargano-Glockenblume {f}
Adriatic coastAdriaküste {f}
Adriatic dwarf goby [Knipowitschia pannizae, syn.: K. pannizai, Gobius pannizae, Padogobius pannizai, Pomatoschistus pannizai] Lagunengrundel {f} [auch {m}]
Adriatic PlateAdriatische Platte {f}
Adriatic portAdriahafen {m}
Adriatic region Adriagebiet {n}
Adriatic salmon [Salmo obtusirostris, syn.: Thymallus microlepis, Salmothymus obtusirostris, Salar obtusirostris]Adria-Forelle {f} [selten: Adriaforelle]
Adriatic Sea Adria {f}
Adriatic Sea Adriatisches Meer {n}
Adriatic Sea Adriasee {f}
Adriatic soapwort [Saponaria calabrica, syn.: S. graeca]Kalabrisches Seifenkraut {n}
Adriatic sturgeon [Acipenser naccarii]Adriatischer Stör {m}
Adriatic sturgeon [Acipenser naccarii] Mittelmeer-Stör {m} [auch: Mittelmeerstör]
Adriatic trout [Salmo obtusirostris, syn.: Thymallus microlepis, Salmothymus obtusirostris, Salar obtusirostris]Adria-Forelle {f}
(Adriatic) VenetiVeneter {pl} [Adria]
Adrienne Adriane {f}
adriftauf den Wellen treibend
adrift herrenlos
adrift [fig.] [morally / psychologically] haltlos [Mensch]
adrift [fig.]verlassen [einsam, ziellos]
Adrift in Manhattan [Alfredo De Villa]Adrift in Manhattan
adrift ofhinter [+Dat.]
adrift on the worldhinausgestoßen
Adrinka symbols {pl} Adrinka {n} [Symbolsprache, Schrift]
Adristas Adristas {m}
adroit [mentally] clever
adroit [skilful] gewandt
adroit [skilful] geschickt
adroit [mind] scharf [Verstand]
adroit wrestlergeschickter Ringkämpfer {m}
adroitly gewandt
adroitly geschickt
adroitnessGewandtheit {f} [Geschicklichkeit, intellektuelle Beweglichkeit]
adroitness Geschicklichkeit {f}
adroitness Geschicktheit {f}
adroitnessBehändigkeit {f}
adroitness [of mind] Schärfe {f}
ads [coll.] Werbungen {pl} [ugs.] [Werbeanzeigen; Werbespots]
ads [coll.]Werbespots {pl}
ads [coll.] Anzeigen {pl}
adscititious [archaic] zusätzlich
adscriptionZuschreibung {f}
Adson maneuver [Am.]Adson-Manöver {n} [auch: Adsonmanöver]
Adson's sign Adson-Manöver {n} [auch: Adsonmanöver]
Adson's sign [Adson maneuver] Adson-Test {m}
adsorbability Adsorptionsfähigkeit {f}
adsorbable organic halides <AOX> adsorbierbare organisch gebundene Halogene {pl} <AOX>
adsorbateAdsorbat {n}
adsorbed adsorbiert
adsorbed vaccine Adsorbatimpfstoff {m}
adsorbed waterHaftwasser {n}
adsorbent Adsorbent {n} [selten] [Adsorbens]
adsorbent adsorbierend
adsorbent Adsorptionsmittel {n}
adsorbentAdsorbens {n}
adsorbent agents Adsorbenzien {pl}
adsorbentsAdsorptionsmittel {pl}
adsorbing capacity Adsorptionsvermögen {f}
adsorption Adsorption {f}
adsorption capacityAdsorptionsvermögen {f}
adsorption chromatography Adsorptionschromatographie {f}
adsorption equilibrium Adsorptionsgleichgewicht {n}
adsorption filterAdsorptionsfilter {m} [fachspr. meist {n}] [auch: Adsorptions-Filter]
adsorption indicator Adsorptionsindikator {m}
adsorption isotherm Adsorptionsisotherme {f}
adsorption law Absorptionsgesetz {n}
adsorption layer Adsorptionsschicht {f}
adsorption of nitrogenAdsorption {f} von Stickstoff
adsorption process Adsorptionsprozess {m}
« admiadmiadoladopadoradreadsoaduladuladvaadva »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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