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advertising agentWerbevermittler {m}
advertising allowanceWerbungsnachlass {m}
advertising allowance Werberabatt {m}
advertising analysis Werbeanalyse {f}
advertising and market communicationWerbung und Marktkommunikation
advertising announcement Werbedurchsage {f}
advertising announcementWerbeansage {f}
advertising appeal Werbeappell {m}
advertising appealWerbekraft {f}
advertising appealWerbewirkung {f}
advertising approachwerbemäßiges Vorgehen {n}
advertising area Werbegebiet {n}
advertising art Gebrauchsgrafik {f}
advertising art Werbegraphik {f}
advertising artist Werbezeichner {m}
advertising ashtrayReklame-Aschenbecher {m}
advertising association Werbefachverband {m}
advertising audienceWerbepublikum {n}
advertising banWerbeverbot {n}
advertising bannerWerbebanner {n}
advertising base price Anzeigengrundpreis {m}
advertising behavior [Am.] Werbeverhalten {n}
advertising behaviour [Br.]Werbeverhalten {n}
advertising benchWerbebank {f}
advertising billWerbeplakat {n}
advertising bill Reklameplakat {n}
advertising blitz <ad blitz> Werbekampagne {f}
advertising blocker Werbeblocker {m}
advertising boardWerbebande {f}
advertising board Bandenwerbung {f}
advertising boycott Werbeboykott {m}
advertising brochure Werbeschrift {f}
advertising brochure Werbebroschüre {f}
advertising brochures Werbebroschüren {pl}
advertising broker Werbevermittler {m}
advertising budget Werbebudget {n}
advertising budget Werbeetat {m}
advertising bumph [coll.]Werberamsch {m} [ugs.]
advertising bureauAnzeigenannahmebüro {n}
advertising business Werbebranche {f}
advertising businessAnzeigengeschäft {n}
advertising businessWerbegeschäft {n}
advertising campaignWerbefeldzug {m}
advertising campaign Werbekampagne {f}
advertising campaignWerbeaktion {f}
advertising campaignWerbeoffensive {f}
advertising campaign Werbeschaltung {f}
advertising canvasserWerbeakquisiteur {m}
advertising carpet Werbeteppich {m}
advertising cartel Werbekartell {n}
advertising cartoonistWerbezeichner {m}
advertising character Werbefigur {f}
advertising circularWerberundschreiben {n}
advertising clientWerbekunde {m}
advertising client [female]Werbekundin {f}
advertising columnLitfaßsäule {f}
advertising columnReklamesäule {f} [seltener neben: Litfaßsäule]
advertising columns Werbespalten {pl}
advertising companyWerbefirma {f}
advertising composition Anzeigensatz {m}
advertising concept Werbekonzeption {f}
advertising conceptWerbekonzept {n}
advertising consultant Werbeberater {m}
advertising content Werbeinhalt {m}
advertising contractAnzeigenvertrag {m}
advertising contractWerbevertrag {m}
advertising control Werbeerfolgskontrolle {f}
advertising coordinatorVerantwortlicher {m} für den Anzeigenteil [Angabe im Impressum]
advertising copyAnzeigentext {m}
advertising copy Werbetext {m}
advertising copywriter Werbetexter {m}
advertising copywriter [female] Werbetexterin {f}
advertising costsWerbekosten {pl}
advertising costs Werbungskosten {pl}
advertising costsWerbeaufwendungen {pl}
advertising customer Anzeigenkunde {m}
advertising customerWerbekunde {m}
advertising customer [female] Anzeigenkundin {f}
advertising customersAnzeigenkunden {pl}
advertising department Werbeabteilung {f}
advertising department Anzeigenabteilung {f}
advertising designWerbeentwurf {m}
advertising designerWerbegestalter {m}
advertising devicesReklameeinrichtungen {pl}
advertising directed at childrenan Kinder gerichtete Werbung {f}
advertising directorDirektor {m} der Werbeabteilung
advertising directoryWerbeadressbuch {n}
advertising directoryWerbeadreßbuch {n} [alt]
advertising discount Werberabatt {m}
advertising dollars [Am.]Werbegelder {pl}
advertising driveWerbefeldzug {m}
advertising editor Anzeigenredakteur {m}
advertising editor [female] Anzeigenredakteurin {f}
advertising effect Werbewirkung {f}
advertising effectWerbeeffekt {m}
advertising effectiveness Werbeerfolg {m}
advertising effectiveness Werbewirksamkeit {f}
advertising effectiveness study Werbeerfolgskontrolle {f}
advertising effort Werbebemühung {f}
advertising effortsWerbemaßnahmen {pl}
« advaadveadveadveadveadveadveadveadviadviadvi »
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English-German dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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