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advisory centre [Br.] Beratungscenter {n}
advisory commission beratende Kommission {f}
advisory committee Beirat {m}
advisory committee beratender Ausschuss {m}
advisory committeeBeratungsausschuss {m}
advisory committee on ...beratendes Komitee {n} für ...
advisory committee on ... Beraterausschuss {m} für ...
Advisory Committee on Customs MattersBeratender Ausschuss {m} für Zollfragen
Advisory Committee on Social Security for Migrant Workers <ACSSMW>Beratender Ausschuss {m} für die soziale Sicherheit der Wanderarbeitnehmer
advisory committees Beratungsgremien {pl}
Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service <ACAS> [Br.] [Beratungs-, Schlichtungs- und Schiedsstelle]
Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service <ACAS> [Br.] Schlichtungsstelle {f} [Tarifkampf]
advisory contract Beratungsvertrag {m}
advisory contract Beratervertrag {m}
advisory councilBeirat {m}
advisory council Beratungsgremium {n}
advisory councilHofrat {m}
Advisory Council for Regional planningBeirat {m} für Raumordnung
Advisory Council on the Environment [Germany] Sachverständigenrat {m} für Umweltfragen <SRU>
advisory cycle lane [Br.] Schutzstreifen {m} (für Radfahrer)
advisory cycle lane [Br.]Suggestivstreifen {m} [Schutzstreifen für Radfahrer]
advisory cycle lane [Br.] Angebotsstreifen {m} [Schutzstreifen für Radfahrer]
advisory department beratende Abteilung {f}
advisory desk Beratungsschalter {m}
advisory expertBeratungsfachmann {m}
advisory fee Beratungsgebühr {f}
advisory firm Consultingfirma {f}
advisory firmBeratungsfirma {f}
advisory functionberatende Funktion {f}
advisory function Beratungsfunktion {f}
advisory groupBeratungsgruppe {f}
advisory groupBeratergruppe {f}
advisory institution Beratungsinstitution {f}
advisory letterWarnbrief {m}
advisory letters Warnbriefe {pl}
advisory memberberatendes Mitglied {n}
advisory notesAnwendungsvorschläge {pl}
advisory opinion Gutachten {n}
advisory opinion gutachterliche Stellungnahme {f}
advisory panelBeratergruppe {f}
advisory panel beratender Ausschuss {m}
advisory panelBeirat {m}
advisory processBeratungsprozess {m}
advisory quality Beratungsqualität {f}
advisory service Beratungsdienst {m}
advisory service Beratungsservice {m} [auch {n}]
advisory service for debtors Schuldenberatung {f}
advisory service for debtorsSchuldnerberatung {f}
advisory speed limit Richtgeschwindigkeit {f}
advisory support beratende Unterstützung {f}
advisory system Beratungssystem {n}
advisory teacherBeratungslehrer {m}
advisory teacher [female]Beratungslehrerin {f}
advisory teamBeratungsgruppe {f}
advisory voteberatende Stimme {f}
advocaat Eierlikör {m}
advocacies Empfehlungen {pl}
advocacy Fürsprache {f}
advocacyAnwaltschaft {f}
advocacyBefürwortung {f}
advocacy Verteidigung {f}
advocacy Verfechtung {f}
advocacy Advokatur {f}
advocacy Interessenvertretung {f}
advocacy [attr.] anwaltschaftlich
advocacy for / of peace Eintreten {n} für den Frieden
advocacy group Lobby {f}
advocacy group Interessenvertretung {f}
advocacy group Lobbygruppe {f}
advocacy of a cause Eintreten {n} für einen Fall
advocacy of divorce Eintreten {n} für die Scheidung
advocacy of freedom Eintreten {n} für die Freiheit
advocacy (of sb./sth.) [active support for a cause or person]Eintreten {n} (für jdn./etw.)
advocateAnwalt {m}
advocateRechtsbeistand {m}
advocate Sachwalter {m}
advocateVerfechter {m}
advocateAdvokat {m}
advocate Fürsprecher {m}
advocateVogt {m}
advocate Beistand {m} [Anwalt]
advocate [female]Advokatin {f}
advocate [female] Fürsprecherin {f}
advocate [female]Sachwalterin {f}
advocate [of a theory etc.] Exponent {m} [einer Theorie etc.]
advocate [of an opinion, idea etc.]Vertreter {m} [Verfechter, Befürworter]
advocate [supporter] Befürworter {m}
advocate for Verfechter {m} für
advocate for justice Anwalt {m} der Gerechtigkeit
advocate of budget cutsSparapostel {m}
advocate of celibacyVerfechter {m} des Zölibats
advocate of growth Wachstumsbefürworter {m}
advocate of healthy living Verfechter {m} eines gesunden Lebenswandels
advocate of independenceUnabhängigkeitsverfechter {m}
advocate of the new freedomVerfechter {m} der neuen Freiheit
advocated verfochten
advocated [e.g. principle, opinion]vertreten [z. B. Grundsatz, Meinung]
Advocate-GeneralGeneralanwalt {m}
advocationBeteiligung {f}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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