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English-German Dictionary

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aerial exerciseLuftübung {f}
aerial fight Luftkampf {m}
aerial firefighting Brandbekämpfung {f} aus der Luft
aerial forces Luftlandetruppen {pl}
aerial forcesFliegerkräfte {pl} [Luftstreitkräfte]
aerial gain Antennengewinn {m}
aerial gunnerBordschütze {m}
aerial gunner Feuerschütze {m}
aerial imageflüchtiges Bild {n}
aerial image Luftaufnahme {f}
aerial image Luftbild {n}
aerial imagery {sg}Luftaufnahmen {pl}
aerial imagery {sg}Luftbilder {pl}
aerial impedanceAntennenimpedanz {f}
aerial input Antennenanschluss {m}
aerial (insulated) cable Luftkabel {n}
aerial ladderFeuerwehrleiter {f}
aerial ladder Drehleiter {f}
aerial line Freileitung {f}
aerial maneuver [Am.] Flugmanöver {n}
aerial manoeuvre [Br.]Flugmanöver {n}
aerial map Luftbildkarte {f}
aerial mapping Luftbildkartographie {f}
aerial mapping Luftbildvermessung {f}
aerial mapping Luftvermessung {f}
aerial mapping cameraLuftbildkamera {f} [Landvermessung, Kartographie]
aerial mapping camera Luftbildmesskamera {f}
aerial mastAntennenmast {m}
aerial mount Antennenbefestigung {f}
aerial mountAntennenfuß {m}
aerial navigation [Br.] [rare] Luftfahrt {f}
aerial observation Luftbeobachtung {f}
aerial pedestal Antennenfuß {m}
aerial perspectiveVogelperspektive {f}
aerial photo Luftaufnahme {f}
aerial photo Luftbild {n}
aerial photo Luftbildaufnahme {f}
aerial photogrammetry Luftbildmessung {f}
aerial photogrammetry Luftbildphotogrammetrie {f}
aerial photograph Luftaufnahme {f}
aerial photograph Luftbild {n}
aerial photograph Luftbildaufnahme {f}
aerial photograph interpretation Luftbildauswertung {f}
aerial photographer Luftfotograf {m} [ugs.] [Luftbildfotograf]
aerial photographerLuftbildfotograf {m}
aerial photographic interpretation Luftbildinterpretation {f}
aerial photographic reconnaissanceLuftbildaufklärung {f}
aerial photographs Luftaufnahmen {pl}
aerial photographyLuftfotografie {f}
aerial photography Luftaufnahmetechnik {f} [Verfahren]
aerial photography Luftbildaufnahme {f} [Vorgang]
aerial photographyLuftbildfotografie {f} [Vorgang]
aerial photography Aerophotographie {f} [Rsv.] [Fotografieren aus Luftfahrzeugen]
aerial photographyAerofotografie {f} [Fotografieren aus Luftfahrzeugen]
aerial photoplan Luftbildplan {m}
aerial picture Luftbild {n}
aerial plankton Luftplankton {n}
aerial planktonAeroplankton {n}
aerial platformHubarbeitsbühne {f}
aerial power [football]Kopfballstärke {f}
aerial powerhouse [football] Kopfballungeheuer {n} [ugs.]
aerial predators [birds of prey as a menace for other animals] Luftfeinde {pl} [Raubvögel]
aerial prospection Luftbildprospektion {f}
aerial reconnaissance Luftaufklärung {f}
aerial reconnaissance Lufterkundung {f}
aerial refueling [Am.] Luftbetankung {f}
aerial refuelling [Br.]Treibstoffversorgung {f} in der Luft
aerial refuelling [Br.]Luftbetankung {f}
aerial rootLuftwurzel {f}
aerial rootlet Haftwurzel {f}
aerial roots Luftwurzeln {pl}
aerial ropeslideSeilrutsche {f}
aerial runwaySeilrutsche {f}
aerial shortening capacitor [Br.]Antennenverkürzungskondensator {m}
aerial shotLuftbild {n}
aerial shot Luftaufnahme {f}
aerial silks {pl} Vertikaltuchakrobatik {f}
aerial sowing Aussaat {f} aus der Luft
aerial sport [e.g. paragliding]Luftsportart {f} [z. B. Gleitschirmfliegen]
aerial sports [Am.] [treated as sg.] Luftsport {m}
aerial strapsStrapaten {pl}
aerial survey Luftvermessung {f}
aerial survey Luftbildvermessung {f}
aerial survey cameraLuftbildkamera {f} [Landvermessung, Kartographie]
aerial survey cameraLuftbildmesskamera {f}
aerial surveyingLuftbildvermessung {f}
aerial surveyingLuftvermessung {f}
aerial system Antennenanlage {f}
(aerial target) rules of engagement Regeln {pl} für die Bekämpfung von Luftzielen
aerial telescopeLuftteleskop {n}
aerial terminalAntennenanschluss {m}
aerial tour Flugreise {f}
aerial tramway [Am.] Luftseilbahn {f}
aerial tramway [Am.]Kabinenbahn {f}
aerial transfer bridge Schwebefähre {f}
aerial transportation Lufttransport {m}
aerial trimmerAntennentrimmer {m}
aerial victory [successful aerial combat flight] Luftsieg {m} [auch: Sieger im Luftkampf]
aerial viewAnsicht {f} aus der Vogelperspektive
aerial viewAnsicht {f} von oben
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English-German dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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