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English-German Dictionary

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afficionada [Am.] [spv.]Genießerin {f}
afficionado [Am.] [spv.] Genießer {m}
affictitious [archaic] [counterfeit] gefälscht
affidavit eidesstattliche Erklärung {f}
affidavit Affidavit {n}
affidavit beschworene schriftliche Erklärung {f} [selten]
affidavit eidesstattliche Versicherung {f}
affidavit Versicherung {f} [Beteuerung]
affidavit schriftliche unter Eid abgegebene Erklärung {f}
affidavit beeidete Aussage {f}
affidavit Versicherung {f} an Eides statt
affidavit of means Offenbarungseid {m} [veraltet] [noch ugs.]
affidavit of service Zustellungsurkunde {f}
affidavit of service [by mail] Postzustellungsurkunde {f}
affidavit of support [for immigrants to USA] Bürgschaft {f} [für Immigranten in die USA]
affidavit of support [USA] <AOS> Immigrantenbürgschaft {f} [von einem US-Bürger für Einwanderer ausgestellt]
affidavits eidesstattliche Versicherung {f}
affiliateangeschlossenes Unternehmen {n}
affiliate Konzerngesellschaft {f}
affiliate Schwestergesellschaft {f}
affiliateTochtergesellschaft {f}
affiliate Zweigniederlassung {f}
affiliate angegliederte Gesellschaft {f}
affiliate angeschlossene Gesellschaft {f}
affiliateverbundenes Unternehmen {n}
affiliate Vertragspartner {m}
affiliateUntergesellschaft {f}
affiliate [business partner] Geschäftspartner {m}
affiliate associationnahestehende Gesellschaft {f}
affiliate inclusionEingliederung {f} einer Tochtergesellschaft
affiliate marketing Affiliate-Marketing {n}
affiliate program [Am.] Partnerprogramm {n}
affiliate radio station angeschlossene Rundfunkanstalt {f}
affiliated angegliedert
affiliated angeschlossen
affiliated aufgenommen
affiliated angehörig
affiliated bankangeschlossene Bank {f}
affiliated bank Filialbank {f}
affiliated brandSchwestermarke {f}
affiliated church angeschlossene Kirche {f}
affiliated collegeangegliedertes College {n}
affiliated companyangegliedertes Unternehmen {n}
affiliated company angeschlossene Firma {f}
affiliated company Schwesterngesellschaft {f}
affiliated company Tochterfirma {f}
affiliated company verbundenes Unternehmen {n}
affiliated company Tochtergesellschaft {f}
affiliated company Schwesterunternehmen {n}
affiliated credit institutions angeschlossene Kreditinstitute {pl}
affiliated enterpriseangeschlossenes Unternehmen {n}
affiliated firm Tochterfirma {f}
affiliated firmSchwesterfirma {f}
affiliated FSCB angeschlossene Landeszentralbank {f}
affiliated group Konzern {m}
affiliated hospital angeschlossenes Hospital {n}
affiliated institution nahestehende Institution {f}
affiliated institutions angeschlossene Institute {pl}
affiliated organizationangegliederte Organisation {f}
affiliated organization nahestehende Organisation {f}
affiliated school angegliederte Schule {f}
affiliated service mieternahe Dienstleistung {f}
affiliated societiesZweigvereine {pl}
affiliated society angegliederte Gesellschaft {f}
affiliated stationsangeschlossene Radiostationen {pl}
affiliated to angegliedert
affiliated toangeschlossen
affiliated toverbunden mit
affiliated to the mother societyan die Muttergesellschaft angeschlossen
affiliated to the ruling party der regierenden Partei nahestehend
affiliated union angegliederte Gewerkschaft {f}
affiliated universityangegliederte Universität {f}
affiliated with a party [postpos.]einer Partei nahestehend
affiliated with each othermiteinander verbunden
affiliated with the World Bank [postpos.] der Weltbank angegliedert
affiliates Konzernfirmen {pl}
affiliates verbundene Unternehmen {pl}
affiliating aufnehmend
affiliating verknüpfend
affiliationAngliederung {f}
affiliation Zugehörigkeit {f}
affiliation Zweigniederlassung {f}
affiliation Anschluss {m}
affiliation Assoziierung {f}
affiliation Aufnahme {f} [Angliederung]
affiliation Eingliederung {f}
affiliation Verbindung {f} [Verbund, Angliederung, Zugehörigkeit]
affiliationVerschmelzung {f}
affiliationAffiliation {f}
affiliation Zusammengehörigkeit {f}
affiliation [adoption] Annahme {f} an Kindes statt
affiliation [adoption] Annahme {f} an Kindes Statt [alt]
affiliation [integration, merger] Zusammenschluss {m}
affiliation [membership] Mitgliedschaft {f}
affiliation [relationship] Beziehung {f}
affiliation agreement Unternehmensvertrag {m}
affiliation case Vaterschaftsklage {f}
« aeroaestaetiaffeaffeaffiaffiaffiafflaffraflu »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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