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agonizing cry durchdringender Schrei {m}
agonizing death qualvolles Sterben {n} [qualvoller Tod]
agonizing painquälender Schmerz {m}
agonizing painunerträglicher Schmerz {m}
agonizing problem quälendes Problem {n}
agonizing sight peinlicher Anblick {m}
agonizing waitquälendes Warten {n}
agonizingly qualvoll
agonizingly boring kotzlangweilig [ugs.]
agonizingly boring stinklangweilig [ugs.]
agonizingly slowquälend langsam
agonizingly slowly quälend langsam
agonophiliaAgonophilie {f}
agonothete [ὰγωνοθέτης]Agonothet {m}
agony Qual {f}
agony Quälerei {f}
agonyHöllenqual {f} [ugs.] [fig.]
agonyMarter {f} [geh.]
agony Pein {f} [geh.]
agony Tortur {f}
agonyHöllenpein {f} [poet.]
agonyheftiger Schmerz {m}
agonyunerträgliche Leiden {pl}
agony {sg} [death agony] Todesqualen {pl}
agony [death throes, lit. and fig.] Agonie {f}
agony [death throes]Todeskampf {m}
agony [mental or physical exertion] Strapaze {f}
agony aunt [Br.] [coll.] Kummerkastentante {f} [ugs.]
agony columnTrauerspalte {f}
agony column [Am.] Vermisstenrubrik {f} [einer Zeitung]
agony column [Br.] [coll.] Kummerkasten {m} in der Zeitung
agony column [esp. Br.] [coll.] Seufzerspalte {f} [ugs.]
Agony in the GardenChristus am Ölberg
agony of fearquälende Angst {f}
agony of mind Seelenqual {f}
agony of suspense qualvolle Spannung {f}
agony of torment Folterqual {f} [fig.]
agony of torture Folterqual {f}
agony uncle [Br.] [coll.]Briefkastenonkel {m} [ugs.] [hum.]
agora [place of assembly in ancient Greece]Agora {f}
Agora of the CompitaliastsAgora {f} der Kompitaliasten
Agora of the Hermaists Agora {f} der Hermaisten
agoraphilia Agoraphilie {f}
agoraphobia Platzangst {f} [beim Überqueren freier Plätze]
agoraphobiaAgoraphobie {f}
agoraphobic agoraphob
agoraphobic patients agoraphobische Patienten {pl}
agostic agostisch
agostic interaction agostische Wechselwirkung {f}
agouta [Solenodon paradoxus] Dominikanischer Schlitzrüssler {m}
agouta [Solenodon paradoxus]Haiti-Schlitzrüssler {m}
agouti {pl}Agutis {pl}
agouti [coat pattern] agouti [Fellzeichnung]
agouti [genus Dasyprocta] Aguti {m} {n}
agouti [genus Dasyprocta]Goldhase {m} [Aguti, Goldaguti]
agouti mouse [genus Dasyprocta] Agouti-Maus {f}
agouti-related peptide <AgRP>agoutibezogenes Peptid {n} <AgRP>
agouty [spv.] [genus Dasyprocta] [agouti] Aguti {m} {n}
agoya shell button Perlmuttknopf {m} [aus der Agoya-Muschel]
Agoyan cataract moss [Scopelophila cataractae] Kleines Kupfermoos {n}
Agra lizard [Varanus griseus, syn.: V. griseus griseus, V. scincus, V. terrestris, Psammosaurus arabicus, P. terrestris, Tupinambis arenarius] [desert monitor] Wüstenwaran {m}
Agra monitor [Varanus griseus, syn.: V. griseus griseus, V. scincus, V. terrestris, Psammosaurus arabicus, P. terrestris, Tupinambis arenarius] [desert monitor]Wüstenwaran {m}
agrafe [spv. Am.] Agraffe {f}
agraffeWundklammer {f}
agraffeAgraffe {f}
agraffe Schmuckspange {f}
agrammatism Agrammatismus {m}
agranulocytosis Agranulozytose {f}
agranulomatosis [Panleucopenia infectiosa felis] Agranulomatose {f} [Panleukopenie der Katzen]
agrapha [sayings of Jesus not in the canonical gospels] Agrapha {pl}
agraphiaAgraphie {f}
agraphia Agrafie {f}
agraphobiaAgraphobie {f}
agrarian Agrar-
agrarian Acker-
agrarian ländlich
agrarian Äcker-
agrarian agrarisch
agrarian [person who advocates a radical redistribution of land] [Befürworter der Neu- bzw. Umverteilung von Ackerland]
agrarian ageAgrarzeitalter {n}
agrarian capitalismAgrarkapitalismus {m}
agrarian country Agrarland {n}
agrarian crisisAgrarkrise {f}
agrarian depression Agrardepression {f}
agrarian disturbance Bauernunruhe {f}
agrarian dualismAgrardualismus {m}
agrarian economyAgrarwirtschaft {f}
agrarian economy Agrarökonomie {f}
agrarian landscape Agrarlandschaft {f}
agrarian law Ackergesetz {n}
agrarian legislation Agrargesetzgebung {f}
agrarian policyAgrarpolitik {f}
agrarian policy Bauernpolitik {f}
agrarian reformAgrarreform {f}
agrarian reformLandreform {f}
agrarian reformGrundentlastung {f}
« aggraggrAghlagitaglyagonagraAgreagreagriagri »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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