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English-German Dictionary

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aircraft noise actFluglärmgesetz {n} <FluglärmG>
aircraft noise reduction Fluglärmminderung {f}
aircraft on ground <AOG> Flugzeug {n} am Boden [unplanmäßig, aus technischen Gründen]
aircraft operating manual <AOM> Handbuch {n} zum Flugzeug
aircraft operations Flugeinsätze {pl}
aircraft pallet [unit load device] Luftfrachtpalette {f}
aircraft partsFlugzeugteile {pl}
aircraft passenger insurance Fluggastversicherung {f}
aircraft production Flugzeugproduktion {f}
aircraft propellerLuftschraube {f}
aircraft radioBordfunkgerät {n}
aircraft radio station Luftfunkstelle {f}
Aircraft Recovery Training Center <ARTC> Übungszentrum {n} für Flugzeugbergungen
aircraft register Luftfahrzeugregister {n}
aircraft registration markingLuftfahrzeugkennzeichen {n}
aircraft registration number Luftfahrzeugkennzeichnungsnummer {f}
aircraft registration (number)Flugzeugkennzeichen {n}
aircraft revetment [Am.] Flugzeugbox {f} [Umwallung zur Deckung von militärischen Flugzeugen]
aircraft seatFluggastsitz {m}
aircraft sizeFlugzeuggröße {f}
aircraft spotter [hobbyist] Flugzeugbeobachter {m}
aircraft spotting Flugzeugebeobachten {n} [als Hobby]
aircraft stairs {pl} Flugzeugtreppe {f}
aircraft stepsFlugzeugtreppe {f}
aircraft stretching lacquer Flugzeugspannlack {m}
aircraft subsidiary Flugzeugtochter {f}
aircraft technology Luftfahrzeugtechnologie {f}
aircraft tender Flugzeugtender {m}
aircraft tire [Am.] Flugzeugreifen {m}
aircraft tractor Flugzeugschlepper {m}
aircraft tug Flugzeugschlepper {m}
aircraft tyre [Br.]Flugzeugreifen {m}
aircraft warning lights {pl} [on tall structures] Befeuerung {f}
aircraft warning sphere Flugwarnkugel {f}
aircraft wing Flugzeugflügel {m}
aircraft wings Flugzeugflügel {pl}
aircraft worksFlugzeugwerft {f}
aircraft wreckage Flugzeugtrümmer {pl}
(aircraft) airstairs {pl} [boarding stairs] Fluggasttreppe {f}
(aircraft) hijacker [female] Luftpiratin {f}
(aircraft) radio equipmentBordfunk {m}
aircraft-carrying cruiser Flugdeckkreuzer {m}
Aircraftman 1st Class <AC1> [RAF]Gefreiter {m} <Gefr> [Luftwaffe]
Aircraftman 2nd Class [RAF] Flieger {m} [Luftwaffe]
aircraft's (own) bordeigen
aircrew Flugpersonal {n}
air-curing luftaushärtend
air-curtainLuftschleier {m}
air-curtain technologyLuftschleier-Technologie {f}
air-cushion craftLuftkissenfahrzeug {n}
air-cushion pallet Luftkissenpalette {f}
air-cushion table Luftpolstertisch {m}
airdate Ausstrahlungstermin {m}
air-defence officer [Br.] Flugabwehroffizier {m}
air-defense missile [Am.] Fliegerabwehrrakete {f}
air-defense officer [Am.]Flugabwehroffizier {m}
air-de-oiling filterLuftentölbox {f}
air-depolarized cell Luftsauerstoffelement {n}
air-depolarized cellLuftsauerstoffzelle {f}
Airdevronsix IcefallsAirdevronsix-Eisfälle {pl}
air-dielectric variable capacitorLuftdrehkondensator {m}
(air-dielectric) variable capacitor Luftdrehkondensator {m}
air-distribution system Luftverteilungssystem {n}
airdomeTraglufthalle {f}
air-dried lufttrocken
air-dried baconLuftspeck {m}
air-dried brickluftgetrockneter Ziegel {m}
air-dried lumber [Am.]luftgetrocknetes Schnittholz {n}
airdrome [Am.] Flughafen {m}
airdrome [Am.]Flugplatz {m}
airdropFallschirmabwurf {m}
airdrop of supplies Abwurf {m} von Hilfsgütern
air-droppedmit Fallschirm abgeworfen
air-dry lufttrocken [bezüglich Luftfeuchtigkeit; auch Holz]
air-dry timber lufttrockenes Holz {n}
air-dry weightLufttrockengewicht {n}
air-drying lufttrocknend [Klebstoff, Lack usw.]
air-drying lufttrocknend [Holz]
air-drying machine Lufttrockenmaschine {f}
air-ducting system Lutte {f}
aired ausgelüftet
aired [Am.] gesendet
aired [Am.]ausgestrahlt
Airedale terrier Airedaleterrier {m}
air-entrained concrete Luftporenbeton {m}
air-entrained concrete Bläschenbeton {m}
air-entrained mortar Luftporenmörtel {m}
air-entraining cement Luftporenzement {m}
air-evacuated luftleer [Vakuum]
airfare Flugpreis {m}
airfares Flugpreise {pl}
air-felting process Luftverfilzungsverfahren {n} [Textiltechnik]
air-felting unitLuftverfilzer {m} [Textiltechnik]
airfieldFlugplatz {m}
airfieldFlugfeld {n} [österr.] [schweiz.] [Flugplatz]
airfield Luftlandeplatz {m}
airfield (apron) busFlughafenvorfeldbus {m}
airfield defense flight [Am.] Platzschutzschwarm {m} [Luftwaffe]
« airsairtAirWairbair-aircairfairiairlairpair- »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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