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alehouseBierkneipe {f} [ugs.]
alehouse [dated] Bierstube {f} [kleineres Bierlokal]
ale-house keeperGastwirt {m}
alehouse keeperGastwirt {m}
alehouse politician [esp. Br.] [coll.] Stammtischpolitiker {m}
alehouse politics [treated as sg. or (less often) pl.] [pej.] [dated]Stammtischpolitik {f} [pej.]
Alekhine's Defence [Br.] [chess] Aljechin-Verteidigung {f} [Schach]
Alekhine's Defense [Am.] [chess]Aljechin-Verteidigung {f} [Schach]
Aleksandr Danilovich AleksandrovAlexander Danilowitsch Alexandrow {m}
Aleksandr Isayevich SolzhenitsynAlexander Issajewitsch Solschenizyn {m}
Aleksandr Mikhailovich LyapunovAlexander Michailowitsch Ljapunow {m}
Aleksandr Yakovlevich Khinchin Alexander Jakowlewitsch Chintschin {m}
aleksandrovite [KCa7Sn2Li3Si12O36F2]Aleksandrovit {m}
Aleksey Konstantinovich TolstoyAlexei Konstantinowitsch Tolstoi {m}
aleksite [PbBi2Te2S2] Aleksit {m}
alektorophobia Alektorophobie {f}
Alemanni Alemannen {pl}
Alemanni Alamannen {pl}
Alemannian Alemanne {m}
Alemannian [female] Alemannin {f}
Alemannic Alemannisch {n}
Alemannic German Alemannisch {n}
Alemannic gravealemannisches Grab {n}
AlemannsAlemannen {pl}
Alemanns Alamannen {pl}
alembicDestillierkolben {m}
alembicSchmelztiegel {m}
alembic [an apparatus formerly used in distillation]Alembic {m} [Brennblase]
alembic [distillation apparatus]Alambik {m} [Alambic, Alembic]
alembic [distillation apparatus] Destillierhelm {m} [Alambik]
alembic [distillation apparatus] Brennhut {m} [Alambik]
alembic [distillation apparatus]Alambic {m} [Destillierhelm]
alembicated [archaic]übermäßig verfeinert
alemtuzumab Alemtuzumab {n}
alendronate Alendronat {n}
alendronate sodiumAlendronsäure {f}
alendronic acid [C4H13NO7P2] Alendronsäure {f}
aleph [also: alef] Aleph {n} [auch: Alef]
aleph null Alef-Null {f}
aleph numberAlef-Zahl {f}
aleph zero Alef-Null {f}
aleplasinin [C28H27NO3] Aleplasinin {n}
alepot Bierhumpen {m}
Aleppian cuisinealeppische Küche {f}
Aleppine [from Aleppo (Syria)]aus Aleppo [nachgestellt]
Aleppine [native or inhabitant of Aleppo] Aleppiner {m}
Aleppo Aleppo {n}
Aleppo milletgrass [Sorghum halepense, syn.: Holcus halepensis, Sorghum miliaceum] Wilde Mohrenhirse {f}
Aleppo milletgrass [Sorghum halepense, syn.: Holcus halepensis, Sorghum miliaceum]Aleppohirse {f}
Aleppo oak [Quercus infectoria] Galleiche {f}
Aleppo pepperAleppo-Pfeffer {m} [auch: Aleppopfeffer]
Aleppo pine [Pinus halepensis] Aleppo-Kiefer {f} [auch: Aleppokiefer]
Aleppo pine [Pinus halepensis] Seekiefer {f}
Aleppo toadflax [Linaria chalepensis]Aleppo-Leinkraut {n}
alert Alarm {m}
alert Alarmruf {m}
alert wachsam
alert Warnton {m}
alert aufgeweckt
alert effektiv
alertflink im Geiste
alertgeistig rege
alert (geistig) hellwach [fig.]
alert munter
alert wach
alert ausgeschlafen [ugs.]
alert Alarmbereitschaft {f}
alert aufmerksam [wachsam, aufgeweckt]
alert [announcement]Benachrichtigung {f} [Alertdienst, z. B. durch E-Mail, RSS]
alert [state, period of watchfulness]Alarmzustand {m}
alert and completely sobermunter und völlig nüchtern
alert and orientated <A&O , A/O> [esp. Br.] wach und orientiert
alert and oriented <A&O, A/O>wach und orientiert
alert box Alarmmeldung {f} [im Pop-up-Fenster]
alert boxHinweisfeld {n}
alert level Alarmstufe {f}
alert level [e.g. with smog] Warnstufe {f}
alert limit Warngrenze {f}
alert message Alarmmeldung {f}
alert message Warnmeldung {f}
alert mind wacher Geist {m}
alert notification Alarmmeldung {f}
alert phase Bereitschaftsstufe {f}
alert phase Alarmstufe {f}
alert service Alert-Dienst {m} [Meldedienst]
alert service Profildienst {m}
alert settings Warneinstellungen {pl}
alert signal Warnsignal {n}
alert stageAlarmstufe {f}
alert state Wachzustand {m}
alert state Alarmstufe {f}
alert system Alarmsystem {n}
alert system Warnsystem {n}
alert system Alert-System {n}
alert to a lesser degreein geringerem Maße wachsam
alert to a lesser extent in geringerem Maße wachsam
alerterWarner {m}
« albiAlcialcoalcoaldealehalerAlexalfoalgeAlgo »
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English-German dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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