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Alpine newt [Ichthyosaura alpestris, formerly: Triturus alpestris, Mesotriton alpestris] Alpenmolch {m}
Alpine orogeny Alpidische Orogenese {f} [auch: alpidische Orogenese]
Alpine pasqueflower [Pulsatilla alpina, syn.: Anemone alpina]Alpen-Kuhschelle {f}
Alpine pasqueflower [Pulsatilla alpina, syn.: Anemone alpina]Petersbart {m} [regional] [Alpen-Kuhschelle]
Alpine pasqueflower [Pulsatilla alpina, syn.: Anemone alpina] Teufelsbart {m} [regional] [Alpen-Kuhschelle]
Alpine pasqueflower [Pulsatilla alpina, syn.: Anemone alpina]Bocksbart {m}
Alpine pasqueflower [Pulsatilla alpina, syn.: Anemone alpina] Alpen-Küchenschelle {f}
Alpine pasqueflower [Pulsatilla alpina, syn.: Anemone alpina]Hexenbesen {m} [regional] [Alpen-Kuhschelle]
Alpine passAlpenpass {m}
Alpine pass Alpenpaß {m} [alt]
Alpine passes Alpenpässe {pl}
alpine pastoralistBergbauer {m} [mit Tieren]
alpine pasture Alpenweide {f}
alpine pasture Alm {f}
alpine pastureAlmweide {f}
alpine pastureAlpweide {f}
alpine pasture Senne {f} [bayer.] [österr. veraltet]
alpine pasture hike Almwanderung {f}
alpine pastures Almen {pl}
Alpine peaclam / pea clam [Pisidium conventus] See-Erbsenmuschel {f} [Süßwassermuschelart]
Alpine peak Alpengipfel {m}
alpine pearlwort [Sagina saginoides] Alpen-Mastkraut / Alpenmastkraut {n}
Alpine pennycress [Thlaspi caerulescens]Gebirgs-Hellerkraut {n}
Alpine pennycress [Thlaspi caerulescens]Alpen-Hellerkraut {n}
Alpine pennycress [Thlaspi caerulescens]Voralpen-Hellerkraut {n}
alpine pennycress / penny-cress [Thlaspi montanum, syn.: Noccaea montana]Berg-Hellerkraut / Berghellerkraut {n}
alpine pennycress / penny-cress [Thlaspi montanum, syn.: Noccaea montana] Berg-Täschelkraut / Bergtäschelkraut {n}
Alpine pennygrass [Thlaspi caerulescens]Gebirgs-Hellerkraut {n}
Alpine pennygrass [Thlaspi caerulescens]Alpen-Hellerkraut {n}
Alpine pennygrass [Thlaspi caerulescens] Voralpen-Hellerkraut {n}
Alpine pennyroyal [Teucrium montanum] Alpenbalsam / Alpen-Balsam {m}
Alpine pennyroyal [Teucrium montanum] Alpen-Gamander / Alpengamander {m}
alpine permafrostalpiner Permafrost {m}
alpine picnicAlmjause {f} [österr.]
alpine pika [Ochotona alpina] Altai-Pfeifhase {m}
alpine pika [Ochotona alpina] Alpenpfeifhase {m} [selten und irreführend] [Altai-Pfeifhase]
Alpine pine vole [Microtus multiplex]Alpen-Kleinwühlmaus {f}
Alpine pine vole [Microtus multiplex]Fatio-Kleinwühlmaus {f}
Alpine pink [Dianthus alpinus] Alpen-Nelke {f}
Alpine pink [Dianthus alpinus]Ostalpen-Nelke {f}
Alpine plant Alpenpflanze {f}
alpine plant Gebirgspflanze {f}
alpine plantain [Plantago alpina]Alpen-Wegerich / Alpenwegerich {m}
alpine plantain [Plantago alpina]Adelgras {n}
Alpine policeAlpingendarmerie {f} [österr.]
Alpine police Hochgebirgsgendarmerie {f}
alpine polytrichastrum moss [Polytrichastrum alpinum, syn.: Polytrichum alpinum] Alpen-Haarmützenmoos {n}
alpine polytrichastrum moss [Polytrichastrum alpinum, syn.: Polytrichum alpinum]Alpen-Widertonmoos {n} [Alpen-Haarmützenmoos]
alpine pondweed [Potamogeton alpinus] Alpen-Laichkraut {n}
Alpine pondweed [Potamogeton alpinus]Rötliches Laichkraut {n} [Alpenlaichkraut]
alpine poppy [Papaver alpinum]Alpenmohn {m}
Alpine poppy [Papaver alpinum]Alpen-Mohn {m}
alpine pottia [Tortula leucostoma, syn.: Desmatodon leucostoma]Weißmündiges Bandzahnmoos {n}
Alpine pussytoes {pl} [treated as sg.] [Antennaria alpina] Alpen-Katzenpfötchen {n}
alpine pyrola [Pyrola asarifolia]Grüngelbes Wintergrün {n}
alpine pyrola [Pyrola asarifolia] Grüngelbblühendes Wintergrün {n}
alpine race Alpenrasse {f}
Alpine raceostische Rasse {f} [Begriff der Rassenlehre, historisch]
Alpine railway [Br.] Alpenbahn {f}
Alpine region Alpenregion {f}
Alpine region Alpenraum {m}
alpine regionBerggebiet {n}
alpine region [when referring to areas apart from the Alps] Alpengebiet {n}
Alpine region [when referring to the Alps] Alpengebiet {n}
Alpine region of Bavaria bayerischer Alpenraum {m}
alpine reindeer lichen [Cladonia stellaris, syn.: Cladina stellaris] Stern-Rentierflechte {f}
alpine resort [for skiing] Skiort {m} [in den Bergen]
Alpine Rhine Alpenrhein {m}
alpine Rhine valley Rheinvorland {n}
alpine rhododendron Alpenrhododendron {m}
Alpine ring ouzel [Turdus torquatus alpestris] Alpenringdrossel {f}
Alpine river [also: alpine river] Alpenfluss {m}
alpine robin [Petroica bivittata]Bergwaldschnäpper {m}
Alpine rock-cress [Arabis alpina] Alpen-Gänsekresse {f}
Alpine rockcress [Arabis alpina] Alpen-Gänsekresse / Alpengänsekresse {f}
Alpine rock-jasmine [Androsace alpina]Alpen-Mannsschild {m}
Alpine rock-jasmine [Androsace alpina] Gletscher-Mannsschild {m}
alpine rock-thyme [Acinos alpinus, syn.: Calamintha alpina, Clinopodium alpinum, Melissa alpina, Satureja acinos, S. alpina]Stein-Bergminze / Steinbergminze {f}
alpine rock-thyme [Acinos alpinus, syn.: Calamintha alpina, Clinopodium alpinum, Melissa alpina, Satureja acinos, S. alpina]Alpen-Steinquendel / Alpensteinquendel {m}
alpine rose Alpenrose {f}
alpine rose Almrose {f} [südd.] [österr.] [ostmitteld.]
Alpine rose [Rhododendron ferrugineum] Rostblättrige Alpenrose {f}
alpine rose [Rhododendron ferrugineum]Rostrote Alpenrose {f}
alpine rose [Rhododendron ferrugineum]Rostroter Almrausch {m}
alpine rose [Rhododendron hirsutum]Bewimperte Alpenrose {f}
alpine rose [Rhododendron hirsutum] Raublättriger Almrausch {m} [alt: Rauhblättriger Almrausch]
alpine rose [Rhododendron hirsutum] Rauschkraut {n} [österr.] [(Bewimperte) Alpenrose]
Alpine rose [Rosa pendulina, syn.: Rosa alpina] Gebirgs-Rose {f}
Alpine rose [Rosa pendulina, syn.: Rosa alpina]Alpen-Rose / Alpenrose {f}
Alpine rose [Rosa pendulina, syn.: Rosa alpina]Alpen-Heckenrose {f}
Alpine rose [Rosa pendulina, syn.: Rosa alpina]Berg-Rose {f}
Alpine rose [Rosa pendulina, syn.: Rosa alpina] Hängefrucht-Rose {f}
Alpine rose [Rosa pendulina, syn.: Rosa alpina] Alpen-Hagrose {f} [bes. schweiz.]
Alpine rosy bells {pl} [treated as sg.] [Allium oreophilum, syn.: A. ostrowskianum] Roter Zier-Lauch {m}
Alpine rosy bells {pl} [treated as sg.] [Allium oreophilum, syn.: A. ostrowskianum]Rosen-Zwerg-Lauch {m}
Alpine rosy bells {pl} [treated as sg.] [Allium oreophilum, syn.: A. ostrowskianum]Rosenlauch / Rosen-Lauch {m}
Alpine rosy bells {pl} [treated as sg.] [Allium oreophilum, syn.: A. ostrowskianum] (Roter) Zier-Lauch {m}
Alpine rosy bells {pl} [treated as sg.] [Allium oreophilum, syn.: A. ostrowskianum]Blumenlauch {m}
Alpine saddle bush-cricket [Ephippiger terrestris] Südalpen-Sattelschrecke {f}
Alpine saddle-backed bush-cricket [Ephippiger terrestris] Südalpen-Sattelschrecke {f}
« alphalphalpiAlpiAlpiAlpiAlpialpialreAltaalte »
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