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English-German Dictionary

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alternative program [Am.]Kontrastprogramm {n}
alternative program pathalternativer Programmpfad {m}
alternative programme [Br.] Kontrastprogramm {n}
alternative project Alternativprojekt {n}
alternative project or plan Austauschprojekt {n}
alternative proposal Alternativvorschlag {m}
alternative proposal Austauschbelegschaft {f}
alternative proposition Alternativvorschlag {m}
alternative questionAlternativfrage {f}
alternative quotation [to compare prices] Vergleichsangebot {n} [zum Preisvergleich]
alternative realityAlternativwirklichkeit {f}
alternative relief zur Wahl stehendes Rechtsmittel {n}
alternative residential accommodation alternative Wohnversorgung {f}
alternative resolution anderer Beschluss {m}
alternative rimmögliche Felge {f}
alternative risk transfer <ART>alternativer Risikotransfer {m} <ART>
alternative route Alternativweg {m}
alternative route alternative Route {f}
alternative routealternative Strecke {f}
alternative route Ausweichstrecke {f}
alternative routeRoutenvariante {f}
alternative routingalternativer Arbeitsgang {m}
alternative routingUmweglenkung {f}
alternative school Alternativschule {f}
alternative sermon [Jeremiah] Alternativ-Predigt {f}
alternative service Ersatzdienst {m}
alternative service [in lieu of military service] Zivildienst {m}
alternative service abroad Anderer Dienst {m} im Ausland <ADiA>
alternative societyAlternativgesellschaft {f}
alternative solutionAlternativlösung {f}
alternative solution Alternative {f}
alternative solution alternative Lösung {f}
alternative solution Ersatzlösung {f}
alternative source Alternativquelle {f} [alternative Quelle]
alternative source (of supply)alternative Bezugsquelle {f}
alternative splicingalternatives Spleißen {n}
alternative strategiesalternative Strategien {pl}
alternative strategyAlternativstrategie {f} [meist: alternative Strategie]
alternative suggestionAlternativvorschlag {m}
alternative system Alternativsystem {n}
alternative tariffalternativer Tarif {m}
alternative term Alternativbezeichnung {f}
alternative text <alt. text>Alternativtext {m}
alternative therapy alternative Therapie {f}
alternative therapy Alternativbehandlung {f}
alternative title alternativer Titel {m}
alternative toalternativ zu
alternative to direct financing Alternative {f} zur Direktfinanzierung
alternative to fixed-rate creditAlternative {f} zum Kredit mit festem Zinssatz
alternative to loans Alternative {f} zu Darlehen
alternative to working harder Alternative {f} zu härterer Arbeit
alternative tour route Tourenvariante {f}
alternative trading system alternatives Handelssystem {n}
alternative trading systems <ATS>alternative Handelssysteme {pl}
alternative treatmentAlternativbehandlung {f}
alternative treatmentalternative Behandlung {f}
alternative tuning alternative Stimmung {f}
alternative venue Ausweichstadion {n}
alternative viewpoint andere Ansicht {f}
Alternative Vote <AV> [Instant-Runoff-Voting]Präferenzwahl {f} [Rangfolgewahl]
alternative world Gegenwelt {f}
alternatively anderenfalls
alternatively beziehungsweise [im anderen Fall]
alternatively hilfsweise
alternatively im anderen Fall [andernfalls]
alternatively [esp. at start of sentence or clause]wahlweise
alternatives Alternativen {pl}
alternator Generator {m}
alternator Wechselstromgenerator {m}
alternatorWechselstrommaschine {f}
alternator Drehstromlichtmaschine {f}
alternatorWechselstromerzeuger {m}
alternator [auxiliary generator of an engine] Lichtmaschine {f}
alter-personalities andere Persönlichkeiten {pl}
altersexual [rare] [also: alter-sexual] anderssexuell [selten]
Altes Land Altes Land {n}
altezas [sl.] Klarglasrückleuchten {pl}
altezzas [sl.] Klarglasrückleuchten {pl}
AlthaeaAlthaia {f}
althausite [Mg2(PO4)(OH,F,O)] Althausit {m}
Althing [also: Althingi] Althing {n}
althoughobschon [geh.]
although wiewohl [geh.]
althoughwenn auch
althoughobzwar [geh.]
although dafür aber
although auch wenn
although aber dafür
althoughtrotzdem [ugs.]
although gleichwohl [selten, noch regional]
although wobei [ugs.] [obwohl]
althoughwennschon [selten] [obwohl, wenngleich]
although wennzwar [seltener]
although already employed obwohl bereits beschäftigt
« Altaaltealtealtealtealtealthaltoalumalumalum »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome! Questions and Answers