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abbey churchKlosterkirche {f}
abbey church Abteikirche {f}
abbey complexAbteikomplex {m}
abbey courtyard Klosterhof {m}
abbey gardenKlostergarten {m} [einer Abtei]
abbey garden Abteigarten {m}
abbey libraryStiftsbibliothek {f}
abbey of Benedictine nuns Benediktinerinnenkloster {n}
abbey of Cistercian nuns Zisterzienserinnenkloster {n}
Abbey of Lorsch Kloster {n} Lorsch
Abbey of Saint / St. VincentVinzenzkloster {n}
Abbey of Saint / St. Vincentissmus Vinzenzkloster {n}
(Abbey of) Monte CassinoAbtei {f} Montecassino
abbey seal Abteisiegel {n}
abbey wallsKlostermauern {pl}
abbeysAbteien {pl}
Abbo [Aus.] [coll.] [might be regarded offensive] Ureinwohner {m} Australiens
Abbo [Aus.] [coll.] [might be regarded offensive] Aborigine {m}
abbot Abt {m}
abbot Klostervorsteher {m} [Abt]
abbot generalGeneralabt {m}
abbot president [as title: Abbot President]Abtpräses {m} [lat. abbas praeses]
abbot primateAbtprimas {m}
abbot-bishopAbtbischof {m}
abbotsÄbte {pl}
abbot's cross Abtskreuz {n}
abbot's crossAbtkreuz {n}
abbot's seal Abtssiegel {n} [auch: Abtsiegel]
Abbot's tanager [Tangara abbas, syn.: Thraupis abbas] Abttangare {f} [auch: Abt-Tangare]
abbotship Amt {n} eines Abts / Abtes
abbotship Rang {m} eines Abts
abbotshipRang {m} eines Abtes
abbotship Abtschaft {f}
Abbott and Costello Meet Captain Kidd [Charles Lamont]Abbott und Costello als Piraten wider Willen
Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein [Charles Barton] Abbott und Costello treffen Frankenstein
Abbott and Costello Meet the Invisible Man [Charles Lamont] Auf Sherlock Holmes' Spuren
Abbott and Costello Meet the Mummy [Charles Lamont] Abbott und Costello als Mumienräuber
Abbott's babbler [Malacocincla abbotti, syn.: Trichastoma abbotti, Turdinus abbotti] Rotschwanz-Maustimalie {f}
Abbott's booby [Papasula abbotti, syn.: Sula abbotti] Graufußtölpel {m}
Abbott's booby [Sula abbotti]Abbott-Tölpel {m}
Abbott's day gecko [Phelsuma abbotti, syn.: P. abbotti abbotti, P. madagascariensis var. abbotti] Seychellen-Taggecko {m}
Abbott's day gecko [Phelsuma abbotti, syn.: P. abbotti abbotti, P. madagascariensis var. abbotti] Aldabra-Taggecko {m}
Abbott's day gecko [Phelsuma abbotti, syn.: P. abbotti abbotti, P. madagascariensis var. abbotti] Olivgrüner Taggecko {m}
Abbott's duiker [Cephalophus spadix] Abbott-Ducker {m} [Antilope]
Abbott's duiker [Cephalophus spadix] Abbot-Ducker {m}
Abbott's gray gibbon [Am.] [Hylobates muelleri abbotti] Westlicher Borneo-Gibbon {m}
Abbott's jungle babbler [Malacocincla abbotti]Rotschwanz-Maustimalie {f}
Abbott's lesser sulphur-crested cockatoo [Cacatua sulphurea abbotti] Abbott-Kakadu {m}
Abbott's moray [Gymnothorax eurostus]Abbotts Muräne {f}
Abbott's moray [Gymnothorax eurostus] Gelbflecken-Muräne {f}
Abbott's (moray) eel [Gymnothorax eurostus]Abbotts Muräne {f}
Abbott's (moray) eel [Gymnothorax eurostus] Gelbflecken-Muräne {f}
Abbott's starling [Cinnyricinclus femoralis] Abbottstar {m}
abbozzo [spv.] Abbozzo {m} [veraltet]
abbreviated abgekürzt
abbreviated verkürzt
abbreviated gekürzt
abbreviated addressKurzadresse {f}
abbreviated address Kurzanschrift {f}
abbreviated address call Kurzaufruf {m}
abbreviated address callKurzwahl {f}
abbreviated addressingabgekürzte Adressierung {f}
abbreviated addressing Kurzadressierung {f}
abbreviated commandabgekürztes Kommando {n}
abbreviated designationKurzbezeichnung {f} [Bauwesen]
abbreviated dial code Kurzwahlzeichen {n}
abbreviated dialing Kurzanwahl {f}
abbreviated dialing [Am.]Kurzwahl {f}
abbreviated dialing number [Am.] Kurzrufnummer {f}
abbreviated dialling [Br.] Kurzwahl {f}
abbreviated dialling number [Br.]Kurzrufnummer {f}
abbreviated form [e.g. acronyms]Kurzschreibweise {f} [z. B. Akronyme]
abbreviated injury scale <AIS> Abbreviated Injury Scale {f} <AIS>
abbreviated injury scale <AIS>vereinfachte Verletzungsskala {f}
abbreviated keyboard command abgekürztes Tastaturkommando {n}
abbreviated language Abbreviatursprache {f}
abbreviated record lückenhafte Schichtenfolge {f}
abbreviated report [abstract] Kurzzusammenfassung {f} [eines Berichtes]
abbreviated versionKurzfassung {f}
abbreviated wordKurzbegriff {m}
abbreviating kürzend
abbreviating Abkürzen {n}
abbreviationAbkürzungszeichen {n}
abbreviation Kurzzeichen {n}
abbreviationVerkürzung {f}
abbreviation Kürzel {n} [Abkürzung]
abbreviation Kürzung {f}
abbreviation [acronym] Akronym {n}
abbreviation [of one or more words] Sigel {n} [Abkürzung von einem oder mehreren Wörtern]
abbreviation [shortened form] Abbreviatur {f}
abbreviation <abbr.>Abkürzung {f} <Abk.>
abbreviation document Kurzrufdokument {n}
abbreviation forAbkürzung {f} für
abbreviation of Abkürzung {f} von
abbreviation of a text Kürzung {f} eines Textes
[abbreviation for so-called "Ernste Musik" (mostly classical music) in Germany]E-Musik {f} [kurz für: sogenannte "Ernste Musik" im deutschsprachigen Raum]
[abbreviation for so-called "Unterhaltungsmusik" in Germany] U-Musik {f} [kurz für: sogenannte "Unterhaltungsmusik" in Deutschland]
abbreviationsAbkürzungen {pl}
abbreviations in common useübliche Abkürzungen {pl}
« Aaleabacabanabanabatabbeabbrabdoabdoabdoabec »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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