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English-German Dictionary

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ammonium diuranate <ADU> [(NH4)2U2O7]Ammoniumdiuranat {n} <ADU>
ammonium fertilizer Ammoniumdünger {m}
ammonium fluoride [NH4F] Ammoniumfluorid {n}
ammonium formate [E-295, in animal feed] Ammoniumformiat {n}
ammonium hydrogen carbonateAmmoniumhydrogencarbonat {n}
ammonium hydrosulfide [(NH4)SH] [Am.]Ammoniumhydrosulfid {n}
ammonium hydroxide [NH4OH]wässrige Ammoniaklösung {f}
ammonium hydroxide [NH4OH] Salmiakgeist {m}
ammonium hydroxide [NH4OH] Ammoniakwasser {n}
ammonium hydroxide [NH4OH] Hirschhorngeist {m}
ammonium hydroxide [NH4OH] Ätzammoniak {n} [Ammoniumhydroxid]
ammonium hydroxide [NH4OH] Ammoniaklauge {f} [Ammoniumhydroxid]
ammonium hydroxide [NH4OH] kaustisches Ammoniak {n} [Ammoniumhydroxid]
ammonium hydroxide [NH4OH] [E-527] Ammoniumhydroxid {n}
ammonium iodide [NH4I] Ammoniumiodid {n}
ammonium iodide [NH4I] Ammoniumjodid {n}
ammonium ion Ammonium-Ion {n}
ammonium ion Ammoniumion {n}
ammonium ions Ammoniumionen {pl}
ammonium ions Ammonium-Ionen {pl}
ammonium lactate [E-328] Ammoniumlactat {n}
ammonium malate [E-349] Ammoniummalat {n}
ammonium molybdate Ammoniummolybdat {n}
ammonium molybdophosphate Ammoniummolybdophosphat {n}
ammonium nitrate [NH₄NO₃] Ammoniumnitrat {n}
ammonium nitrate [NH4NO3] Ammonsalpeter {m}
ammonium nitrate urea solution Ammoniumnitrat-Harnstoff-Lösung {f}
ammonium nitrite [NH4NO2] Ammoniumnitrit {n}
ammonium oxalate [(NH4)2C2O4] Ammoniumoxalat {n}
ammonium oxidation Ammoniumoxidation {f}
ammonium perchlorate <AP> [NH4ClO4] Ammoniumperchlorat {n}
ammonium perrhenate <APR> [NH4ReO4] Ammoniumperrhenat {n}
ammonium persulfate [Am.] Ammoniumpersulfat {n}
ammonium persulphate [Br.]Ammoniumpersulfat {n}
ammonium pertechnetate [NH4TcO4] Ammoniumpertechnetat {n}
ammonium phosphate [(NH4)3PO4]Ammoniumphosphat {n}
ammonium removalAmmoniumentfernung {f} [auch: Ammonium-Entfernung]
ammonium salt Ammoniumsalz {n}
ammonium saltsAmmoniumsalze {pl}
ammonium sulfate [Am.] Ammoniumsulfat {n}
ammonium sulfhydrate Ammoniumsulfhydrat {n} [Ammoniumhydrogensulfid]
ammonium sulphate [Br.] [E-517]Ammoniumsulfat {n}
ammonium thiocyanate [NH4SCN] Ammoniumthiocyanat {n}
ammonium thiocyanate [NH4SCN] Ammoniumrhodanid {n} [veraltet] [Ammoniumthiocyanat]
ammonium transporter Ammoniumtransporter {m}
ammonium transportersAmmoniumtransporter {pl}
ammonoids Ammonoiden {pl}
ammonolysis Ammonolyse {f}
ammonotelic ammoniotelisch
ammonotelic animalsammoniotelische Tiere {pl}
ammonotelismAmmoniotelismus {m}
Ammon's horn Ammonshorn {n}
ammonum chloride electrolyte Salmiakelektrolyt {m}
Ammophila campestris [a sand wasp of the hunting wasp family Sphecidae] Feldsandwespe {f} [auch: Feld-Sandwespe]
ammotherapy Ammotherapie {f} [Sandbadtherapie]
ammunitionMunition {f}
ammunition and explosives Munition {f} und Sprengstoffe
ammunition basketKartuschkorb {m}
ammunition belt Munitionsgürtel {m}
ammunition beltMunitionsgurt {m}
ammunition belt Patronengurt {m}
ammunition beltPatronengürtel {m}
ammunition boots Kommissstiefel {pl}
ammunition boxMunitionskasten {m}
ammunition box Munitionskiste {f}
ammunition bunker Munitionsbunker {m}
ammunition bunker Munitionsunterstand {m}
ammunition canPatronenkasten {m}
ammunition carrier Munitionsträger {m}
ammunition carrier Munitionsfahrzeug {n}
ammunition chest Protzkasten {m}
ammunition depot Munitionskasten {m}
ammunition depotMunitionsdepot {n}
ammunition dumpMunitionslager {n}
ammunition expenditure [also: expenditure of ammunition] Munitionseinsatz {m}
ammunition factory Munitionsfabrik {f}
ammunition handlerMunitionskanonier {m}
ammunition hoist Munitionsaufzug {m}
ammunition lot Munitionslos {n}
ammunition lot number Munitionslosnummer {f}
ammunition pocketMunitionstasche {f}
ammunition pocket Patronentasche {f}
ammunition pouch Munitionsbeutel {m}
ammunition quantityMunitionsmenge {f}
ammunition shortageMunitionsmangel {m}
ammunition smugglingMunitionsschmuggel {m}
ammunition supplyMunitionsbedarf {m}
ammunition supply Versorgung {f} mit Munition
ammunition supplyMunitionsnachschub {m}
ammunition supply Munitionsversorgung {f}
ammunition tax Munitionssteuer {f}
ammunition train Munitionszug {m}
ammunition train Munitionskolonne {f}
ammunition vehicleMunitionsfahrzeug {n}
ammunition waggon [Br.]Munitionswagen {m}
ammunition wagon Munitionswagen {m}
Ammunition was lacking. Sie waren knapp an Munition.
ammunitioningAufmunitionierung {f}
ammunitions dump [Am.]Munitionslager {n}
« AmerametamicaminAmmeammoamneamonAmonamoramou »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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