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amount of damage Schadenshöhe {f}
amount of damage Schadensbetrag {m}
amount of damages Schadensbetrag {m}
amount of damages Schadenshöhe {f}
amount of damages Schadenswert {m}
amount of data Datenmenge {f}
amount of dataDatenvolumen {n}
amount of data [on] Datenbestand {m} [über]
amount of debits Forderungsbetrag {m}
amount of debt Höhe {f} der Schuld
amount of debt Schuldsumme {f}
amount of debtSchuldenbetrag {m}
amount of debt Höhe {f} der Schulden
amount of degradation Abbaumenge {f}
amount of delivery costsBezugskostenbetrag {m}
amount of deposit / bailKautionssumme {f} [Höhe der Kaution]
amount of depreciation Abschreibungsbetrag {m}
amount of draftWechselbetrag {m}
amount of duty Zollbetrag {m}
amount of electricityStrommenge {f}
amount of energy Energiemenge {f}
amount of enzymesEnzymmenge {f}
amount of exemption Freibetrag {m}
amount of expenditure ausgelegter Betrag {m}
amount of expenses Höhe {f} der Kosten
amount of export Umfang {m} des Exports
amount of fat Fettmenge {f}
amount of fat Fettanteil {m}
amount of feed Futtermenge {f}
amount of fertilizer Düngergabe {f} [Düngermenge]
amount of financingFinanzierungsbetrag {m}
amount of financing Finanzierungssumme {f}
amount of fiscal chargesAbgabensatz {m}
amount of foam Schaummenge {f}
amount of foodNahrungsmenge {f}
amount of freshwater Süßwassermenge {f}
amount of gallium Galliummenge {f}
amount of gas Gasmenge {f}
amount of gene product Genproduktmenge {f}
amount of gold Goldmenge {f}
amount of goods Gütermenge {f}
amount of goods Warenmenge {f}
amount of groundwater Grundwassermenge {f}
amount of haemoglobin [Br.] Hämoglobinmenge {f}
amount of heat Wärmemenge {f}
amount of hemoglobin [Am.] Hämoglobinmenge {f}
amount of holdingBeteiligungsquote {f}
amount of income Einkommensbetrag {m}
amount of indebtedness Schuldenhöhe {f}
amount of indemnification Entschädigungssumme {f}
amount of indemnificationHöhe {f} der Entschädigung
amount of informationDatenmenge {f}
amount of information Informationsmenge {f}
amount of inspection Prüfumfang {m}
amount of interest Zinsbetrag {m}
amount of invention Erfindungshöhe {f}
amount of investment Höhe {f} der Investition
amount of investment Investitionsbetrag {m}
amount of invoiceRechnungsbetrag {m}
amount of iridium Iridiummenge {f}
amount of iron Eisenmenge {f}
amount of isopreneIsoprenmenge {f}
amount of issue Ausgabebetrag {m}
amount of labor [Am.] Arbeitsmenge {f}
amount of labour [Br.]Arbeitsmenge {f}
amount of liability Haftungsbetrag {m}
amount of light Lichtmenge {f}
amount of liquidity Liquiditätsmenge {f}
amount of lithiumLithiummenge {f}
amount of loanHöhe {f} des Darlehens
amount of loss Schadenshöhe {f}
amount of loss Schadenssumme {f}
amount of loss Schadensumfang {m}
amount of loss Schadenswert {m}
amount of loss Schadensumme {f}
amount of manganese Manganmenge {f}
amount of memorySpeicherkapazität {f}
amount of memorySpeichermenge {f}
amount of methane Methanmenge {f}
amount of milk Milchmenge {f}
amount of molybdenum Molybdänmenge {f}
amount of moneyGeldbetrag {m}
amount of money Geldmenge {f}
amount of money available verfügbarer Geldbetrag {m}
amount of money in circulationGeldmenge {f}
amount of money in circulationMenge {f} des umlaufenden Geldes
amount of money in circulation verfügbare Geldmenge {f}
amount of money invested Höhe {f} der Anlage
amount (of money)Geldbetrag {m}
amount of net settlement Betrag {m} des Nettoausgleichs
amount of nickel Nickelmenge {f}
amount of nitrogenStickstoffmenge {f}
amount of nominal capital Höhe {f} des Kapitals
amount of nutrients Nährstoffmenge {f}
amount of oil Ölmenge {f}
amount of one's incomeHöhe {f} des Einkommens
amount of one's taxes Höhe {f} der Steuern
amount of orange juiceMenge {f} Orangensaft
amount of our account salesBetrag {m} unserer Verkaufsabrechnung
amount of outlay ausgelegter Betrag {m}
« amneamonAmonamoramouamouamouamouAMPAamphampl »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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