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amphibious ground beetle [Oodes helopioides]Eiförmiger Sumpfläufer {m}
amphibious group amphibischer Verband {m}
amphibious landing amphibische Landung {f}
amphibious operationamphibische Operation {f}
amphibious planeSeeflugzeug {n}
amphibious plantamphibische Pflanze {f}
amphibious rat [Amphinectomys savamis] Ucayali-Wasserratte {f}
amphibious reconnaissance amphibische Aufklärung {f}
amphibious reconnaissance tank Schwimmspähpanzer {m}
amphibious reconnaissance tankamphibischer Aufklärungspanzer {m}
amphibious troops amphibische Truppen {pl}
amphibious vehicle Amphibienfahrzeug {n}
amphibious vehicleSchwimmwagen {m}
amphibiously amphibisch
amphiblastula Amphiblastula {f}
amphiboleAmphibol {m} [Mineralgruppe]
amphibole asbestos fiber [Am.]Amphibolasbestfaser {f}
amphibole gneiss Amphibolgneis {m}
amphibole groupAmphibolgruppe {f}
amphibole schist Amphibolschiefer {m}
amphibolic amphibolisch [geh. bzw. fachspr.]
amphibolic gneissAmphibolgneis {m}
amphibolismAmphibolismus {m}
amphibolite Amphibolit {m}
amphibolitization Amphibolitisierung {f}
amphibology Wortspiel {n}
amphiboly [ambiguous speech]zweideutige Redeweise {f}
amphibrach Amphibrachys {m} [Versfuß]
amphicoelous amphicöl
amphicrine cells amphikrine Zellen {pl}
Amphictyonic League [amphictyony]Amphiktyonie {f}
amphictyony Amphiktyonie {f}
amphidiorthosisAmphidiorthose {f}
amphidromic point [tides]amphidromischer Punkt {m} [Gezeiten]
amphidromy Amphidromie {f}
amphigastrium Amphigastrium {n}
Amphilochus Amphilochos {m}
amphimacerAmphimacer {m} [Versfuß]
amphimixisAmphimixis {f}
amphinematic amphinematisch
AmphionAmphion {m}
amphioxus [dated for: genus Branchiostoma]Amphioxus {m} [veraltet für: Gattung Branchiostoma]
amphi-Pacific amphipazifisch
amphipathic amphipathisch
amphiphile Amphiphil {n}
amphiphilic particles amphiphile Teilchen {pl}
amphiphilyAmphiphilie {f}
amphiphloic amphiphloisch
amphiphyteAmphiphyt {m}
amphipod family Amphipodenfamilie {f}
amphipod faunaAmphipodenfauna {f}
amphipod fauna Flohkrebsfauna {f}
amphipod genus Amphipodengattung {f} [fachspr.]
amphipod genus Flohkrebsgattung {f}
amphipod speciesAmphipodenart {f} [fachspr.]
amphipod species Flohkrebsart {f} [auch: Flohkrebs-Art]
amphipods [order Amphipoda] [e.g. sea lice]Amphipoden {pl} [z. B. Seeläuse]
amphipods [order Amphipoda] [e.g. sea lice] Flohkrebse {pl}
amphiprotic amphiprotisch
amphisbaena [also: amphisbaina, amphisbene] Amphisbaena {f} [auch: Amphisbaene]
amphisbaenas [genus Amphisbaena] (Eigentliche) Doppelschleichen {pl}
amphisporangiate amphisporangiat
AmphissusAmphissos {m}
amphistyly Amphistylie {f}
amphitheater [Am.] Amphitheater {n}
amphitheater [Am.]Rundtheater {n}
amphitheatreArena {f}
amphitheatre [Br.] Amphitheater {n}
amphitheatre [Br.] Rundtheater {n}
Amphitheatre Glacier [Br.] Amphitheater-Gletscher {m}
amphitheatrical amphitheatrisch
amphithecium Amphithekium {n}
amphitheciumAmphithecium {n}
Amphitrion Amphitryon {m}
AmphitriteAmphitrite {f}
Amphitryon Amphitryon {m}
amphiuma [genus Amphiuma] Aalmolch {m}
amphiumas [family Amphiumidae, genus Amphiuma] Aalmolche {pl}
amphiumas [family Amphiumidae, genus Amphiuma]Fischmolche {pl} [Aalmolche]
amphixenosisAmphixenose {f}
ampholyte Ampholyt {m}
amphoraAmphore {f}
amphoraAmphora {f}
amphora handleAmphorenhenkel {m}
amphora typology Amphorentypologie {f}
amphorae {pl}Amphoren {pl}
amphoras Amphoren {pl}
amphoriskos Amphoriskos {m}
amphotericin B Amphotericin B {n}
amphotheric amphoter
amphotropism Amphotropismus {m}
ampicillin [C16H19N3O4S] Ampicillin {n}
Ampijoroa tree snake [Lycodryas pseudogranuliceps] Ampijoroa-Baumnatter {f}
« amouamouamouamouAMPAamphamplamplampuAmuramyc »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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