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English-German Dictionary

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... and whatnot [coll.] ... und Ähnliches
... and whatnot. [coll.]... und was weiß ich nicht alles. [ugs.] [Redewendung]
And what's a little runt like you going to do about it?Und was will ein kleiner Wicht wie du dagegen tun?
and what's more, ... und vor allem ...
and what's more ... und zudem ...
And when you gaze long into an abyss the abyss also gazes into you.Und wenn du lange in einen Abgrund blickst, blickt der Abgrund auch in dich hinein. [Friedrich Nietzsche]
And where have you been, pray tell? Und wo bitte schön bist du gewesen?
And while I was at it, ... Und da ich schon dabei war, ...
And while we're on the subject of ... : Und wo wir gerade beim Thema ... sind:
and who knows what else [coll.] und wer weiß was noch (alles) [ugs.]
And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but perceivest not the beam that is in thine own eye? [Lk 6:41; KJV] Was aber siehst du den Splitter, der in deines Bruders Auge ist, den Balken aber, der in deinem eigenen Auge ist, nimmst du nicht wahr? [Lk 6,41; EB]
And with your spirit. [Et cum spiritu tuo.]Und mit deinem Geiste.
and worst of all ... und was am schlimmsten ist, ...
... and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.... und werdet die Wahrheit erkennen, und die Wahrheit wird euch frei machen.
and yet dabei [und doch]
and yet othersund andere wiederum
... and yet you have done nothing. ... und hast doch nichts getan.
And you! Ebenfalls!
... (and) Bob's your uncle! [Br.] [idiom]... (und) fertig ist der Lack! [Redewendung]
(and) sb. was like: ... [coll.] [preceding a verbatim quote] (und) jd. so: ... [ugs.] [direkte Rede einleitend]
(and) so is ... genauso wie ...
(And) that is that.(Und) damit hat sich der Fall.
(And) that is that.(Und) damit ist die Sache erledigt.
(And) that's flat! [coll.] Und damit basta! [ugs.]
(And) then what? Und was dann? [ugs.]
(And) there you have it. [idiom] (Und) fertig ist der Lack. [ugs.] [Redewendung]
(And) there you have it. [idiom](Und) fertig ist die Laube. [ugs.] [Redewendung]
Andalusia Andalusien {n}
Andalusian [female]Andalusierin {f}
Andalusian [man from Andalusia] Andalusier {m}
Andalusian barbel [Luciobarbus sclateri, syn.: Barbus sclateri] Andalusische Barbe {f}
Andalusian cadence andalusische Kadenz {f}
Andalusian cuisine andalusische Küche {f}
Andalusian Dutchman's pipe [Aristolochia baetica] Südspanische Osterluzei {f}
Andalusian hemipode [Turnix sylvatica]Rostkehl-Kampfwachtel {f}
Andalusian hemipode [Turnix sylvaticus, syn.: T. sylvatica]Laufhühnchen {n}
Andalusian horse Andalusier {m}
Andalusian sauce Andalusische Sauce {f} [Sauce andalouse]
AndalusiansAndalusier {pl}
andalusite [Al2SiO5]Andalusit {m}
Andaman (banded) crake [Rallina canningi]Andamanenralle {f}
Andaman bulbul [Pycnonotus fuscoflavescens]Andamanenbülbül {m}
Andaman butterflyfish [Chaetodon andamanensis] Andaman-Falterfisch {m}
Andaman butterflyfish [Chaetodon andamanensis]Andamanen-Falterfisch {m}
Andaman cobra [Naja sagittifera] Andamanenkobra {f}
Andaman coucal [Centropus andamanensis]Andamanenkuckuck {m}
Andaman cuckoo dove [Macropygia rufipennis] Rotsteißtaube {f}
Andaman cuckoo-dove [Macropygia rufipennis]Nikobaren-Kuckuckstaube {f}
Andaman cuckoo-dove [Macropygia rufipennis] [also Nicobar cuckoo-dove]Andamanen-Kuckuckstaube {f} [auch Nikobaren-Kuckuckstaube]
Andaman day gecko [Phelsuma andamanensis, syn.: P. andamanense, P. madagascariensis andamanense, Gecko chameleon] Andamanen-Taggecko {m}
Andaman emerald gecko [Phelsuma andamanensis, syn.: P. andamanense, P. madagascariensis andamanense, Gecko chameleon]Andamanen-Taggecko {m}
Andaman fever Andamanen-Fieber {n}
Andaman foxface [Siganus magnificus] Andamanen-Fuchsgesicht {n}
Andaman (green) bronzeback / bronze-back [Dendrelaphis andamanensis] [snake]Andamanen-Bronzenatter {f}
Andaman hawk owl [Ninox affinis] Andamanenkauz {m}
Andaman IslandsAndamanen {pl}
Andaman keelback [Fowlea tytleri] Andamanische Fischnatter {f}
Andaman nightjar [Caprimulgus andamanicus] Andamanennachtschwalbe {f} [auch: Andamanen-Nachtschwalbe]
Andaman pitviper / pit viper [Trimeresurus andersonii] Andersons Bambusotter {f}
Andaman scops owl [Otus balli] Andamaneneule {f}
Andaman scops owl [Otus balli]Andamanen-Zwergohreule {f}
Andaman Sea Andamanensee {f}
Andaman SeaAndamanisches Meer {n}
Andaman SeaAndaman-See {f}
Andaman serpent eagle [Spilornis elgini] Andamanenschlangenweihe {f}
Andaman spiny shrew [Crocidura hispida]Andamanen-Stachelweißzahnspitzmaus {f}
Andaman teal [Anas albogularis]Andamanen-Weißkehlente {f}
Andaman treepie / tree pie [Dendrocitta bayleii, syn.: Dendrocitta bayleyi]Andamanenbaumelster / Andamanen-Baumelster {f}
Andaman (white-toothed) shrew [Crocidura andamanensis]Andamanen-Weißzahnspitzmaus {f}
Andaman wood pigeon [Columba palumboides]Andamanentaube {f}
Andaman wood pigeon [Columba palumboides]Andamanen-Waldtaube {f}
Andaman woodpecker [Dryocopus hodgei] Andamanenspecht {m}
Andaman woodpigeon [Columba palumboides] Andamanentaube {f}
(Andaman) white-headed myna [Sturnia erythropygia, syn.: Sturnus erythropygius] Andamanenstar {m}
(Andaman) white-headed starling [Sturnia erythropygia, syn.: Sturnus erythropygius] Andamanenstar {m}
AndamansAndamanen {pl}
andante andante
andante Andante {n}
andantino andantino
andantinoAndantino {n}
andarte [griech. Partisan im 2. WK]
Andasibe big-headed snake [Compsophis vinckei] Analamazaotra-Natter {f}
Andasibe big-headed snake [Compsophis vinckei]Andasibe-Großkopfnatter {f}
Andasibe smooth snake [Liopholidophis baderi] Andasibe-Glanzwassernatter {f}
AND-circuitUND-Schaltung {f}
Andean Anden-
Andean andin
Andean [die Anden betreffend]
Andean akodont [Abrothrix andinus, syn.: Chroeomys andinus] Anden-Feldmaus {f}
Andean akodont [Abrothrix andinus, syn.: Chroeomys andinus] Gemeine Andenfeldmaus {f}
Andean Altiplano mouse [Abrothrix andinus, syn.: Chroeomys andinus] Anden-Feldmaus {f}
Andean Altiplano mouse [Abrothrix andinus, syn.: Chroeomys andinus]Gemeine Andenfeldmaus {f}
Andean avocet [Recurvirostra andina]Andensäbelschnäbler {m}
Andean bear [Tremarctos ornatus]Andenbär {m}
Andean bear [Tremarctos ornatus] Brillenbär {m}
Andean caenolestid [Caenolestes condorensis] Anden-Opossummaus {f}
Andean centipede snake [Tantilla andinista] Anden-Schwarzkopfnatter {f}
Andean chilomys [Chilomys instans, syn.: Oryzomys instans] Kolumbianische Waldmaus {f}
Andean cinnamon teal [Anas cyanoptera orinoma]Anden-Zimtente {f}
« AnchAncianci...aAnds...aAndeAndeandrAndranem »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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