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English-German Dictionary

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androgynous zwitterig
androgynous zwittrig
androgynously androgyn
androgyny Androgynie {f}
androgynyZwittrigkeit {f}
androgynyAndrogynität {f}
androidAndroide {m}
androidAndroid {m}
android [sci-fi: with human appearance] android [menschenförmig, menschgestaltig]
Android runtime <ART>Android-Laufzeitumgebung {f}
Android runtime <ART> Android-Runtime {f}
andrological andrologisch
andrologist Androloge {m}
andrologist Männerarzt {m} [Androloge]
andrologist [female] Andrologin {f}
andrologist [female] Männerärztin {f} [Andrologin]
andrologist's office Männerarztpraxis {f}
andrologyAndrologie {f}
andrologyMännerheilkunde {f} [Andrologie]
andrology [Lehre von den Männerkrankheiten]
andrology Männermedizin {f}
Andromache Andromache {f}
Andromeda Andromeda {f}
Andromeda <And> [constellation] Andromeda {f} <And> [Sternbild]
Andromeda Galaxy Andromedanebel {m}
Andromeda Galaxy Andromedagalaxie {f}
Andromeda lace bug [Stephanitis takeyai] Andromeda-Netzwanze {f}
Andromeda lace bug [Stephanitis takeyai] Andromeda-Gitterwanze {f}
Andromeda thrush [Zoothera andromedae]Andromedadrossel {f}
andromedotoxin Andromedotoxin {n}
andromerogonyAndromerogonie {f}
andromonoecious andromonözisch
andromonoecyAndromonözie {f}
andromorph andromorph
Andronicus of Cyrrhus Andronikos {m} von Kyrrhos
andropathy [e.g. prostatitis] Andropathie {f} [z. B. Prostatitis]
andropause Andropause {f}
andropause {sg} [climacterium virile] Wechseljahre {pl} des Mannes [ugs.] [Klimakterium virile, Andropause]
androphiliaAndrophilie {f}
androphilism Androphilismus {m}
androphobia Androphobie {f}
androphobia Männerscheu {f}
androphobic androphob
androphonomania Androphonomanie {f}
androphore Androphor {n}
Andros Andros {n}
androstane [C19H32] Androstan {n}
androstanol [C19H32O] Androstanol {n}
androstendiol <A5, Δ5-diol> [C19H30O2] Androstendiol {n}
androstenedione <A4, Δ4-dione, AD> [C19H26O2] Androstendion {n} [auch: Androstenedion] <ASD>
androstenone [C19H28O]Androstenon {n}
androsterone <ADT> [C19H30O2]Androsteron {n} <ADT>
androtropism Androtropie {f}
androtropismAndrotropismus {m}
androtropism Knabenwendigkeit {f} [Androtropie]
Andrussow process Andrussow-Verfahren {n}
anduoite [(Ru,Os)As2] Anduoit {m}
andyrobertsite [K(Cd,Ca,Mn)Cu5 [AsO2(OH)2|(AsO4)4]·2H2O]Andyrobertsit {m}
anecdotageAnekdotensammlung {f}
anecdotal anekdotenhaft
anecdotal evidenceanekdotische Evidenz {f}
anecdotal evidence Anhaltspunkte {pl}
anecdotal literatureAnekdotenliteratur {f}
anecdotal reportEinzelbericht {m}
anecdotally anekdotenhaft
anecdoteAnekdote {f}
anecdote Histörchen {n} [ugs.]
anecdote Schnurre {f} [veraltend] [kurze unterhaltsame Erzählung]
anecdote [story]Schwank {m} [kurze, komische Erzählung]
anecdotic anekdotisch
anecdotist Anekdotenerzähler {m}
anecdotist [female] Anekdotenerzählerin {f}
anecdotistsAnekdotenerzähler {pl}
anechoic schalltot [Raum]
anechoic echolos
anechoic chamberAbsorberkammer {f}
anechoic chamberschalltoter Raum {m}
anechoic chamberreflexionsarmer Raum {m} [Akustik]
anechoic chamber Schallkammer {f} [selten] [schallisolierte Kammer, schalltoter Raum]
anechoic chamber schallarmer Raum {m} [reflexionsarmer Raum]
anechoic chamber <AC>schallreflexionsarmer Raum {m}
anechoic material Absorbermaterial {n}
anechoic room schalltoter Raum {m}
anechoic room reflexionsarmer Raum {m} [Akustik]
anechoic room Freifeldraum {m}
anechoic (test) chamber Absorberhalle {f}
Anegada ground iguana [Cyclura pinguis] Anegada-Grundleguan {m}
Anegada ground iguana [Cyclura pinguis]Anegada-Wirtelschwanzleguan {m}
anejaculation Anejakulation {f}
anelaceOchsenzunge {f} [Hieb- und Stichwaffe]
anellationAnellierung {f}
anellation Ringkondensation {f} [Anellierung]
anembryonic gestation Molenschwangerschaft {f}
anembryonic pregnancyMolenschwangerschaft {f}
anemia [Am.] Anämie {f}
anemia [Am.]Bleichsucht {f}
« andhAndtAndaAndeAndlandranemanesangeAngeange »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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