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English-German Dictionary

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angle Kante {f}
angle Winkel {m}
angleBlickwinkel {m}
angleEcke {f}
angleStandpunkt {m}
angle [archaic] [fishhook]Fischhaken {m}
angle [coll.] [devious motive, method, or purpose]heimliche Absicht {f} [Beweggrund oder Vorhaben]
angle [of police investigation] Ermittlungsansatz {m}
angle [point of view]Perspektive {f} [Blickpunkt]
angle / angled bracket Konsolenwinkel {m}
angle adjustment Winkeleinstellung {f}
angle adjustmentWinkelverstellung {f}
angle adjustmentNeigungseinstellung {f}
angle bead Eckschutzleiste {f}
angle beamWinkelstrahl {m}
angle bending Beugeschwingung {f}
angle bisectorWinkelhalbierende {f}
angle brace tieKopfband {n}
angle bracket Haltewinkel {m}
angle bracketWinkelkonsole {f}
angle bracket Befestigungswinkel {m}
angle bracketSpitzklammer {f}
angle bracketspitze Klammer {f}
angle brackets spitze Klammern {pl}
angle burin Eckstichel {m}
angle closure glaucoma <ACG> [Glaucoma akutum (congestivum)] Engwinkelglaukom {n} <EWG>
angle compensation Winkelausgleich {m}
angle cutter Winkelschneider {m}
angle cutting pliers {pl} [one pair] Schrägschneider {m}
angle dependence Winkelabhängigkeit {f}
angle deviation Winkelabweichung {f}
angle displacement Winkelverschiebung {f}
angle distance Winkelabstand {m}
angle distributionWinkelverteilung {f}
angle driveWinkeltrieb {m}
angle encoderWinkelkodierer {m}
angle error Winkelfehler {m}
angle finder Winkelsucher {m}
angle functionWinkelfunktion {f}
angle gauge Winkellehre {f}
angle grille face connectorRandverbinder {m}
angle grinder Flex ® {f} [ugs.] [Gattungsname für Flex ® angle grinder]
angle grinder Winkelschleifer {m}
angle grinderTrennhexe {f} [ugs.] [Winkelschleifer]
angle grinder Trennschleifer {m}
angle grinderFeuerradl {n} [ugs.] [bes. bayer.] [Winkelschleifer]
angle grinderSchleifhexe {f} [ugs.] [Winkelschleifer]
angle iron Eisenwinkel {m}
angle iron Winkeleisen {n}
angle iron Eckeisen {n}
angle jointEckstoß {m}
angle jointWinkelgelenk {n}
angle legWinkelschenkel {m}
angle marriage Winkelehe {f}
angle measureWinkelmaß {n}
angle measurement Winkelmessung {f}
angle measuring device Winkelmessgerät {n}
angle milling cutter Winkelfräser {m}
angle of 90 degrees Winkel {m} von 90 Grad
angle of aberration Aberrationswinkel {m}
angle of advanceVoreilungswinkel {m}
angle of approachZugangswinkel {m}
angle of approach Anflugwinkel {m}
angle of ascent Neigungswinkel {m}
angle of attackAngriffswinkel {m}
angle of attack Aufprallwinkel {m}
angle of attack Anströmwinkel {m}
angle of attack Anlaufwinkel {m}
angle of attack <AOA> Anstellwinkel {m}
angle of attack probe <AOA> Anstellwinkelgeber {m}
angle of bend Abkantung {f}
angle of bendBiegewinkel {m}
angle of clearance Freiwinkel {m}
angle of climb Steigungswinkel {m}
angle of climbBahnneigungswinkel {m}
angle of climbBahnwinkel {m}
angle of climb Anstiegswinkel {m}
angle of climb Steigwinkel {m}
angle of connectionAnschlusswinkel {m}
angle of contactKontaktwinkel {m}
angle of contactAufschlagwinkel {m}
angle of contact Berührungswinkel {m}
angle of contingence Auftreffwinkel {m}
angle of current flow Stromflusswinkel {m}
angle of curvature Krümmungswinkel {m}
angle of curvature [Cobb's angle]Cobb-Winkel {m}
angle of declination Neigungswinkel {m}
angle of declinationDeklinationswinkel {m} [Neigungswinkel]
angle of deflection Ablenkwinkel {m}
angle of deflection Ablenkungswinkel {m}
angle of departureElevationswinkel {m}
angle of departureAbgangswinkel {m}
angle of depression Tiefenwinkel {m}
angle of deviation Abweichungswinkel {m}
angle of deviation Schielwinkel {m} [Deviationswinkel]
angle of deviation Deviationswinkel {m} [Schielwinkel]
angle of deviationAblenkungswinkel {m}
angle of dilatancy <Ψ>Dilatanzwinkel {m} <Ψ>
angle of dipEintauchwinkel {m}
angle of dipFallwinkel {m}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome! Questions and Answers