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anhydrous sodium carbonate wasserfreies Natriumkarbonat {n}
anhydrous sodium carbonate wasserfreie Soda {f}
anhydrous wool fat [Adeps lanae anhydricus]Wollfett {n} [aus Schafwolle]
anhypostasia Anhypostasie {f}
anianiau [Hemignathus parvus] Anianiau {m}
aniconic bildlos
aniconism Anikonismus {m}
aniconism Bildlosigkeit {f} [Anikonismus]
anicut Damm {m} [Flussdamm, Bewässerungsdamm]
anidolic optics [treated as sg.]nichtabbildende Optik {f}
anidulafungin [C58H73N7O17] Anidulafungin {n}
anilazine [C9H5Cl3N4] Anilazin {n}
anile [literary]altweibisch [selten]
anile [literary] [of or like an old woman]senil [Frau]
anilide Anilid {n}
aniline [C6H5NH2]Anilin {n}
aniline blackAnilinschwarz {n}
aniline blueAnilinblau {n}
aniline dye Anilinfarbe {f}
aniline dyeAnilinfarbstoff {m}
aniline dyesAnilinfarben {pl}
aniline poisoning Anilinvergiftung {f}
aniline printingAnilindruck {m}
aniline purple Anilinpurpur {n}
aniline resin Anilinharz {n}
aniline salt Anilinsalz {n}
anilingus Anilingus {m}
anilismAnilismus {m}
anilite [Cu7S4] Anilith / Anilit {m}
anima Anima {f}
animaSeele {f}
animaAusstrahlung {f}
Anima - My Father's Dresses Anima – Die Kleider meines Vaters [Uli Decker]
animacyBelebtheit {f}
animacy Belebtheitskategorie {f}
animacy hierarchyBelebtheitshierarchie {f}
animadversionTadel {m}
animadversion Verweis {m} [Kritik]
animadversionkritische Äußerung {f}
animadversionRüge {f}
animadversion (harsche) Kritik {f}
animadverted getadelt
animadverting tadelnd
animal animalisch
animal [attr.] [fear etc.]kreatürlich
animal [not spiritual or intellectual]körperlich
animal [also fig.: brutal person] Bestie {f}
animal [also: fig]Tier {n} [auch: fig.]
animal [attr.]Tier-
animal [attr.] [e.g. companion, fat, instinct, plankton]tierisch
animal [attr.] [fig.] [instinctive]triebhaft [instinktiv]
Animal [The Muppet Show] Das Tier
animal / brutish nature of mananimalische Natur {f} des Menschen
animal abandonment Aussetzen {n} von Tieren
animal abuse Tiermisshandlung {f}
animal abuse Tierquälerei {f}
animal abuserTierquäler {m}
animal abuserTierschänder {m}
animal abuser [female] Tierquälerin {f}
animal actorFilmtier {n}
animal (African) trypanosomiasisNagana {f}
animal agriculture landwirtschaftliche Tierhaltung {f}
animal anatomy Tieranatomie {f}
animal anatomy [zootomy] Zootomie {f} [Anatomie der Tiere]
animal and its youngTier {n} und seine Jungen
animal and vegetable oils tierische und pflanzliche Öle {pl}
animal appetite sinnlicher Appetit {m}
animal appetite tierischer Appetit {m}
Animal ArchitectureTiere als Baumeister [Karl von Frisch]
animal attackTierangriff {m}
animal attendant Tierpfleger {m}
animal attractiontierische Anziehungskraft {f}
animal babiesTierkinder {pl}
animal babies Tierbabys {pl}
animal behavior [Am.]Tierverhalten {n}
animal behavior [Am.] Verhalten {n} der Tiere
animal behavior [Am.]tierisches Verhalten {n}
animal behaviour [Br.] das Verhalten {n} der Tiere
animal behaviour [Br.] tierhaftes Verhalten {n}
animal behaviour [Br.] Tierverhalten {n}
animal behaviour [Br.] [fig.] tierisches Benehmen {n}
animal bells Tierglocken {pl}
animal biology Tierkunde {f}
animal biology Tierbiologie {f}
animal biotechnologyTierbiotechnologie {f}
animal bite marks {pl} [on bones] Tierverbiss {m} [Bissspuren an Knochen]
animal blood Tierblut {n}
animal blood tierisches Blut {n}
animal bodiesTierkörper {pl}
animal bodyTierkörper {m}
animal bone Tierknochen {m}
animal bone findsTierknochenfunde {pl}
animal bone material Tierknochenmaterial {n}
animal brain Tiergehirn {n}
animal breedTierrasse {f}
animal breeder Tierzüchter {m}
animal breedingTierzucht {f}
« AnglAnglAngoanguanguanhyanimanimanimanimanim »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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