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English-German Dictionary

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animal exhibition house Tierschauhaus {n}
animal experimentTierversuch {m}
animal experimentTierexperiment {n}
animal experimentaltierexperimentell
animal experimentation Tierversuch {m}
animal experimentationTierexperiment {n}
animal experimentsTierexperimente {pl}
animal experimentstierexperimentelle Untersuchungen {pl}
animal fable Tierfabel {f}
animal face Tiergesicht {n}
Animal Face-Off Duell der Tiere
animal facility Tiereinrichtung {f}
animal faeces [Br.] [treated as sg. or pl.] (tierische) Exkremente {pl}
animal faeces [Br.] [treated as sg. or pl.] Tierkot {m}
Animal Farm [animated movie based on Orwell's novel] Aufstand der Tiere
Animal Farm [George Orwell]Farm der Tiere [Roman]
animal farmingTierhaltung {f}
animal fat tierisches Fett {n}
animal fat Tierfett {n}
animal fats tierische Fette {pl}
animal fats Tierfette {pl}
animal fatteningTiermast {f} [das Mästen]
animal feces [Am.] [treated as sg.](tierische) Exkremente {pl}
animal feedTierfutter {n}
animal feed Futtermittel {n}
animal feedNutztierfutter {n}
animal feedViehfutter {n}
animal feeder Futterkrippe {f}
animal feeding Tierfütterung {f}
animal feeding stuffs Tierfuttermittel {pl}
animal feeds {pl}Tierfutter {n}
animal fertilizers tierische Düngemittel {pl}
animal fiber [Am.] tierische Faser {f}
animal fibre [Br.] tierische Faser {f}
animal fighting [blood sport]Tierkampf {m}
animal figure Tierfigur {f}
animal figuresTierfiguren {pl}
animal figuresTierdarstellungen {pl}
animal figurine (kleine) Tierfigur {f}
animal figurineTierfigürchen {n}
animal figurines Tierfiguren {pl}
animal filmTierfilm {m}
animal flower [archaic] [anthozoon] Blumentier {n} [veraltet] [Korallentier, Anthozoon]
animal food Tierfutter {n}
animal foodfleischliche Nahrung {f}
animal foodtierische Nahrung {f}
animal food Tiernahrung {f}
animal food bank Tiertafel {f}
animal forensics animal forensics {f} [Untersuchung tierischen Spurenmaterials]
animal form Tiergestalt {f}
animal forms Tiergestalten {pl}
animal fossil Tierfossil {n}
animal functionsKörperfunktionen {pl}
animal furTierfell {n}
animal genus Tiergattung {f}
animal geography Tiergeographie {f}
animal glossary Tierlexikon {n}
animal glue Knochenleim {m}
animal glue tierischer Leim {m}
animal glue Glutinleim {m}
animal groomer Tierfrisör {m}
animal groomerTierfriseur {m}
animal groupTiergruppe {f}
animal hair Tierhaar {n}
animal hair {sg} Tierhaare {pl}
animal head Tierkopf {m}
animal headsTierköpfe {f}
animal healerTierheilpraktiker {m}
animal health Tiergesundheit {f}
Animal Health Directorate <AHD> Direktion {f} für Tiergesundheit
animal heat animalische Hitze {f}
animal hellTierhölle {f} [M. Horkheimer]
animal hoarder Tiersammler {m}
animal hoarder Tierhorter {m}
animal hoarding Tierhortung {f}
animal hoardingTiersammelsucht {f}
animal homeTierheim {n}
animal horn Tierhorn {n}
animal hospitalTierhospital {n}
animal hospital Tierklinik {f}
animal hospitalTierspital {n} [österr.]
animal host tierischer Wirt {m}
animal house Tierhaus {n}
animal housing Stallhaltung {f}
animal hunts [venationes] [Roman Empire] Tierhetzen {pl}
animal husbandman Tierhalter {m}
animal husbandryTierhaltung {f}
animal husbandry Tierpflege {f}
animal husbandry Viehwirtschaft {f}
animal husbandry Tierzucht {f}
animal husbandry Viehhaltung {f}
animal husbandry workerTierwirt {m}
animal husbandry worker [female] Tierwirtin {f}
animal hygiene Tierhygiene {f}
animal identification Tierkennzeichnung {f}
animal industry Tierindustrie {f}
animal industry Viehwirtschaft {f}
animal instinctstierische Instinkte {pl}
animal instincts tierische Triebe {pl} [fig.]
animal justiceGerechtigkeit {f} für Tiere
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English-German dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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