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« backPage 463 for words starting with A in the English-German dictionarynext page »
animated by the best intentionsangetrieben von den besten Absichten
animated cartoon Zeichentrickfilm {m}
animated cartoon Trickfilm {m}
animated cartoonZeichenfilm {m}
animated cartoon artistZeichentrickkünstler {m}
animated cartoon characterZeichentrickfigur {f}
animated cartoon character Trickfigur {f} [ugs.]
animated cartoon film Zeichentrickfilm {m}
animated charactersTrickfiguren {pl} [ugs.]
animated characters Zeichentrickfiguren {pl}
animated conversationlebhaftes Gespräch {n}
animated discussionbelebte Diskussion {f}
animated discussionlebhafte Diskussion {f}
animated film Zeichentrickfilm {m}
animated filmAnimationsfilm {m}
animated movie Animationsfilm {m}
animated oat [Avena sterilis] Tauber Hafer {m}
animated picturesbewegte Bilder {pl}
animated series Trickfilmserie {f}
animated seriesZeichentrickserie {f}
animated with beseelt von
animatedly belebend
animatedly lebhaft
animatedly rege
animateness Beseeltheit {f}
animatenessLebendigkeit {f}
animaticAnimatic {f}
animatic Zeichentrick {m}
animating belebend
animating animierend
animating beseelend
animating spirit belebender Geist {m}
animating spirittreibende Kraft {f}
animationAnimation {f}
animation Anregung {f}
animation Lebhaftigkeit {f}
animationBewegung {f}
animation Leben {n}
animation Trickfilm {m}
animationTrickbild {n}
animation [liveliness]Belebtheit {f}
animation [liveliness] [of a discussion] Lebendigkeit {f} [eines Gesprächs]
animation among buyers Kauflust {f}
animation art Trickfilmkunst {f}
animation cycle Animationsdurchlauf {m}
animation filmAnimationsfilm {m}
animation film festivalTrickfilmfestival {n}
animation mode Animationsmodus {m}
animation movie Animationsfilm {m}
animation planeAnimationsebene {f}
animation program [Am.] Animationsprogramm {n}
animation programme [Br.] Animationsprogramm {n}
animation standTricktisch {m}
animation studio Zeichentrickstudio {n}
animation studio Animationsstudio {n}
animation studio Trickfilmstudio {n}
animation superimposition Tricküberblendung {f}
animation table Tricktisch {m}
animation techniqueAnimationstechnik {f}
animation technologyAnimationstechnologie {f}
animatism Animatismus {m}
animatographAnimatograph {m}
animator Animator {m}
animatorTrickfilmzeichner {m}
animator Trickzeichner {m}
animator [female]Trickfilmzeichnerin {f}
animatronicsTricks {pl}
animatronics {pl} Animatronik {f}
animeAnime {m}
anime character Animefigur {f}
anime character [Japanese style] Zeichentrickfilmfigur {f} [im japanischen Stil]
animelles Animellen {pl}
animikite [mixture of galena (PbS), nickeline (NiAs), and silver (Ag)] Animikit {m} [Gemisch aus Galenit, Nickelin, und Silber]
animismAnimismus {m}
animist Animist {m}
animist [female]Animistin {f}
animistic animistisch
animistically animistisch
animositiesFeindseligkeiten {pl}
animosity Feindlichkeit {f}
animosityAnfeindung {f}
animosity [hostile attitude] Frontstellung {f} [fig.]
animosity (towards)Feindseligkeit {f} (gegenüber)
animosity (towards)Animosität {f} (gegenüber)
animusFeindseligkeit {f}
animusbelebter Geist {m}
animusErbitterung {f}
animus Animus {m}
animus [intention] Absicht {f} [Bestreben]
anion Anion {n}
anion complex Anionenkomplex {m}
anion conductorAnionenleiter {m}
anion exchangeAnionenaustausch {m}
anion exchange capacity <AEC> Anionenaustauschkapazität {f} <AAK>
anion exchangerAnionenaustauscher {m}
anion filter Anionenfilter {m} [fachspr. meist {n}]
anion gap <AG, AGAP> Anionenlücke {f} [auch: Anionen-Lücke]
anion gap <AG, AGAP>Anionen-Gap {m} [auch: Anionengap]
« animanimanimanimanimanimanioAnjeanklAnnaanne »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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