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"Abitur" certificate Abiturzeugnis {n}
[Abitur (A-levels) after twelve years of school instead of thirteen]Turboabitur {n} [auch: Turbo-Abitur] [ugs.] [Abitur nach zwölf Schuljahren]
["Abitur" examination sat early by students conscripted during wartime] Notabitur {n} [Deutschland]
abjad Konsonantenschrift {f}
abjectbitter [Armut]
abject jämmerlich
abject verächtlich [erbärmlich, unterwürfig]
abject abjekt [geh.]
abject [contemptible, vile] gemein [verachtenswert]
abject [esp. Julia Kristeva]Abjekt {n} [bes. Julia Kristeva]
abject [humbled] erniedrigt
abject [submission, apology] demütig
abject [subservient] unterwürfig
Abject ArtAbject Art {f}
abject coward elender Feigling {m}
abject failureerbärmlicher Misserfolg {m}
abject fear jämmerliche Furcht {f}
abject misery äußerstes Elend {n}
abject miserytiefstes Elend {n}
abject poverty bittere Armut {f}
abjection Verwerflichkeit {f}
abjectionErniedrigung {f}
abjection Abjektion {f}
abjectly erbärmlich
abjectly [fail]kläglich
abjectly [submit, apologize] demütig
abjectly [contemptible]verwerflich
abjectly [servile, self-abasing] unterwürfig
abjectnessVerworfenheit {f}
abjectness Niedergeschlagenheit {f} [auch med.]
abjectness [misery] Erbärmlichkeit {f}
abjectness [submissiveness] Unterwürfigkeit {f}
abjudication Abjudikation {f} [veraltet] [Aberkennung]
abjunction Abjunktion {f}
abjuration Abschwörung {f}
abjurationAbschwören {n}
abjuration [formal]Entsagung {f} [geh.] [Abschwörung]
abjured abgeschworen
Abkhaz {pl} Abchasen {pl}
AbkhaziaAbchasien {n}
Abkhazian Abchasisch {n}
Abkhazian abchasisch
AbkhazianAbchasier {m}
Abkhazian [female] Abchasin {f}
AbkhaziansAbchasen {pl}
Abkhazskaya Republic Republik {f} Abchasien
Ablabe's barb [Enteromius ablabes, syn.: Barbus ablabes]Afrikanische Einstreifenbarbe {f}
ablactation [Ablactatio] Ablaktation {f}
ablactation [weaning]Abstillen {n}
ablated abladiert
ablating Abschmelzen {n}
ablatingAbtragen {n}
ablatioAblösung {f} [Loslösung]
ablatio Ablatio {f}
ablatio mammae Brustamputation {f}
ablationAbtragung {f}
ablation Entfernung {f}
ablationAblation {f}
ablation Abtragen {n}
ablation Abschmelzung {f}
ablationEinbrennen {n} [in einen optischen Speicher]
ablation area Ablationsfläche {f} [eines Gletschers]
ablation area Abschmelzgebiet {n} [eines Gletschers]
ablation cascade Kessler-Syndrom {n}
ablation catheter Ablationskatheter {m}
ablation cone Gletschertisch {m} [Ablationsform]
ablation cooling Ablationskühlung {f}
ablation form Ablationsform {f}
ablation generatorAblationsgenerator {m}
ablation moraine Rückenmoräne {f}
ablation moraineAblationsmoräne {f}
ablation (of snow cover) Schneedeckenabbau {m} [Ablation]
ablation periodAblationsperiode {f}
ablation rate Abtragsrate {f}
ablation threshold Abtragsschwelle {f}
ablation tillAblationsmoräne {f} [Sedimentmaterial]
ablation zoneZehrgebiet {n} [eines Gletschers]
ablation zone Ablationsgebiet {n}
ablation zoneAbschmelzgebiet {n} [eines Gletschers]
ablative Ablativ {m}
ablative ablativ
ablative amputierend
ablative entfernend [chirurgisch]
ablative absolute Ablativus absolutus {m}
ablative absoluteabsoluter Ablativ {m}
ablative case [grammatical case related to separation]Ablativ {m} [Kasus der Trennung]
ablative heat shieldablativer Hitzeschild {m}
ablative plastics {pl} [treated as sg.]ablativer Kunststoff {m} [leitfähig]
ablative therapy ablative Therapie {f}
ablative therapyAblativtherapie {f} [selten]
ablative therapy Ablativ-Therapie {f} [selten]
ablautAblaut {m}
ablaze [postpos.]lodernd
ablaze [postpos.] in Flammen stehend [attr.]
ablaze [postpos.] in Flammen [nachgestellt]
« abdoabecaberabhoabilAbitablaabluabnoabomabor »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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