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antimony(III) oxide [Sb2O3] Antimon(III)-oxid {n}
antimony(III) selenide [Sb2Se3] Antimon(III)-selenid {n}
antimony(III) telluride [Sb2Te3] Antimon(III)-tellurid {n}
antimony(V) fluoride [SbF5] Antimon(V)-fluorid {n}
antimorphic antimorph
anti-mosquito sprayMückenspray {n}
anti-mosquito sprayMoskitospray {n} {m}
anti-mould mat [Br.] Anti-Schimmel-Matte {f}
anti-Müllerian hormone <AMH> Anti-Müller-Hormon {n} <AMH>
antimuon Antimyon {n}
antimuonium Antimyonium {n}
antimuscarinic agentsAntimuskarinika {pl}
antimuscarinic (drug / agent)Antimuskarinikum {n}
antimuscarinic drugs Antimuskarinika {pl}
antimuscarinics Antimuskarinika {pl}
anti-Muslim party Anti-Islam-Partei {f}
antimutagen Antimutagen {n}
antimutagenic antimutagen
antimycobacterialsMittel {pl} gegen Mykobakterien
antimycotic antimykotisch
antimycotic (agent) Antimykotikum {n}
antimycotic agentsAntimykotika {pl}
antimycotic therapyantimykotische Therapie {f} <AMT>
antimycotics Antimykotika {pl}
antinatalism Antinatalismus {m}
anti-naturalist antinaturalistisch
anti-naturalistic antinaturalistisch
anti-naturalistic acting verfremdendes Spiel {n} [Schauspielen]
anti-nature [also: antinature] Widernatur {f}
antinauseant brechreizhemmend
antinauseant (agent) Mittel {n} gegen Übelkeit
antinauseantsMittel {pl} gegen Übelkeit
anti-Nazi symbols Anti-Nazi-Symbole {pl}
antineoplastic antineoplastisch
antineoplastic agentantineoplastisches Mittel {n}
antineoplastic (agent)Antineoplastikum {n}
antineoplastic agents antineoplastische Mittel {pl}
antineoplastic agents Antineoplastika {pl}
antineoplastics Antineoplastika {pl}
antineutrinoAntineutrino {n}
antineutronAntineutron {n}
antineutrophil cytoplasmatic antibody <ANCA> antineutrophiler zytoplasmatischer Antikörper {m}
anting Einemsen {n}
antinociceptionAntinozizeption {f}
antinode Schwingungsbauch {m} [z. B. bei stehender Welle]
antinode Wellenbauch {m}
antinode Bauch {m} [Wellenbauch]
antinode of oscillation Schwingungsbauch {m}
antinode of vibration Schwingungsbauch {m}
antinoise Antischall {m}
anti-noise [sound-absorbing] schallschluckend
anti-noise microphone nebengeräuschunterdrückendes Mikrofon {n}
anti-noise microphone [IEC 60050] Mikrofon {n} mit Störschallunterdrückung [IEC 60050]
antinome Antinom {n}
antinomianismAntinomismus {m}
antinomiansAntinomisten {pl}
antinomic widerspruchsvoll
antinomiceinen Widerspruch enthaltend
antinomies of pure reason Antinomien {pl} der reinen Vernunft [Kant]
antinomism Antinomismus {m}
antinomyAntinomie {f} [Widerspruch]
antinomy Gegensatz {m}
antinomy Paradoxie {f}
Antinous Antinoos {m}
anti-nuclear activist [female]Atomgegnerin {f}
antinuclear antibody <ANA> antinukleärer Antikörper {m} <ANA>
anti-nuclear demonstrators Atomkraftgegner {pl} [Demonstranten]
antinuclear factor <ANF>antinukleärer Faktor {m} <ANF>
anti-nuclear movement Anti-Atomkraft-Bewegung {f}
anti-nuclear movementAnti-AKW-Bewegung {f}
anti-nuclear movement Anti-Atom-Bewegung {f}
anti-nuclear power movementAntikernkraftbewegung {f}
anti-nuclear power movement Anti-Atomkraftbewegung {f} [auch: Anti-Atomkraft-Bewegung]
anti-nuclear protester Atomgegner {m}
anti-nuclear protester Atomwaffengegner {m}
anti-nuclear protester [female]Atomgegnerin {f}
anti-nuclear protester [female] Atomwaffengegnerin {f}
(anti-nuclear) flash goggles {pl}Atomblitzschutzbrille {f}
(anti-nuclear) flash goggles {pl}Atomblitz-Schutzbrille {f}
antinutrient [nutrient antagonist]Antinährstoff {m} [Nährstoffantagonist]
Antioch Antiochien {n}
Antioch on the OrontesAntiochia {n} am Orontes
Antiochene School [theology]antiochenische Schule {f} [Theologie]
AntiochenesAntiochener {pl}
Antiochian School [theology] antiochenische Schule {f} [Theologie]
antiodontalgic (den) Zahnschmerzen entgegenwirkend
antiodontalgic zahnschmerzlindernd
antiodontalgic (agent) Zahnschmerzmittel {n}
anti-oestrogen [Br.]Antiöstrogen {n}
« antiantiantiantiantiantiantiantiantiantianti »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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