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English-German Dictionary

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antiquated views veraltete Ansichten {pl}
antiquatednessAntiquiertheit {f}
antique antik
antique Altstück {n}
antiqueAntiquität {f}
antiqueKunstgegenstand {m}
antique museumsreif [hum.]
antique [venerable] von ehrwürdigem Alter [nachgestellt]
antique car Oldtimer {m}
antique collector Antiquitätensammler {m}
antique collector [female] Antiquitätensammlerin {f}
antique dealer Antiquitätenhändler {m}
antique dealer [female]Antiquitätenhändlerin {f}
antique dealers' exhibitionAntiquitätenausstellung {f}
antique finishAntikisierung {f}
antique furniture {sg} antike Möbel {pl}
antique gold Altgold {n}
antique gold [from Greek or Roman times]Goldware {f} aus der Antike
antique look antikes Aussehen {n}
antique mallAntikmarkt {m} [überdacht]
antique marketAntikmarkt {m}
antique pieces antike Gegenstände {pl}
antique pine Kiefer {f} antik
antique pink altrosa
antique pink [RAL 3014] Altrosa {n} [RAL 3014]
antique shop Antiquitätengeschäft {n} [Laden]
antique shopAntiquitätenladen {m}
antique statueantike Statue {f}
antique storeAntiquitätenladen {m}
antique trade Antiquitätenhandel {m}
antique value antiker Wert {m}
antique valueAltertumswert {m}
antiqued auf antik gemacht
antiqued wood floor (künstlich) gealtertes Parkett {n}
antique-like auf antik gemacht
antiqueness Antiquiertheit {f}
antiquenessantikes Alter {n}
antiquerAntiquitätensammler {m}
antiques Antiquitäten {pl}
antiques dealerAntiquitätenhändler {m}
antiques dealer [in books and graphic art]Antiquar {m}
antiques fair Antiquitätenmesse {f}
antiques market Antiquitätenmarkt {m}
antiques shopAntiquitätenladen {m}
antiques store Antiquitätenladen {m}
antiques trade Antiquitätenhandel {m}
antiquing alt werdend
antiquitiesAntiquitäten {pl}
antiquities Altertümer {pl}
Antiquities and Monuments Office Denkmalamt {n}
antiquities dealerAntiquitätenhändler {m}
antiquities dealer [female] Antiquitätenhändlerin {f}
antiquityAltertum {n}
antiquityAntiquität {f}
antiquityAntike {f}
antiquity [ancientness] Altertümlichkeit {f}
antiquity expert Antikenexperte {m}
antiquity studies {pl} Altertumskunde {f}
anti-rabies inoculation Tollwutimpfung {f}
anti-rabies inoculation Tollwut-Impfung {f}
anti-rabies vaccines Tollwutimpfstoffe {pl}
antirachitic (agent)Antirachitikum {n}
antirachitic agents Antirachitika {pl}
antirachitic vitamin [vitamin D] antirachitisches Vitamin {n} [Vitamin D, Calciferol]
antirachitics Antirachitika {pl}
anti-racism [also: antiracism] Antirassismus {m}
anti-racism campaign Anti-Rassismus-Kampagne {f} [auch: Antirassismus-Kampagne]
anti-racism campaignerAntirassismusaktivist {m}
anti-racism campaigners Antirassismusaktivisten {pl}
anti-racism measure Antirassismus-Maßnahme {f}
anti-racist antirassistisch
anti-racist [also: antiracist] Antirassist {m}
anti-racist [also: antiracist] [female] Antirassistin {f}
anti-Ramist antiramistisch
anti-rationalism Antirationalismus {m}
antirationalistAntirationalist {m}
antirealism Antirealismus {m}
anti-recession policy Konjunkturbelebungspolitik {f}
anti-recruiting song Anti-Rekrutierungs-Song {m}
antired Antirot {n}
antired antirot
antireflecting reflexmindernd
antireflection <AR> Entspiegelung {f}
anti-reflection coating <AR coating> Antireflexbeschichtung {f} <AR-Beschichtung>
antireflection coating <AR coating>Antireflexionsbeschichtung {f}
antireflection coating <AR coating> Antireflexionsschicht {f}
anti-reflective coating <AR coating>Entspiegelung {f} [Bedampfung reflektierender Oberflächen]
antireflective coating <AR coating> Antireflexbeschichtung {f} <AR-Beschichtung>
antireflexion coatingAntireflexionsschicht {f}
antireflexion coatingEntspiegelung {f} [z. B.: Brille]
antireflexion coating [Br.] <AR coating> [rare] Antireflexionsbeschichtung {f}
antireflux plasty Antirefluxplastik {f} <ARP>
antireflux procedure <ARP> Antirefluxplastik {f} <ARP>
« Antiantiantiantiantiantiantiantiantiantianti »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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