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antisocial personality disorder <APD> antisoziale Persönlichkeitsstörung {f} <APS>
antisocial personality disorder <APD> dissoziale Persönlichkeitsstörung {f} <APS>
antisocial womanAsoziale {f}
[antisocial person]Assi {m} [ugs.] [meist pej.] [bes. Jugendsprache] [Asozialer]
Anti-Socialist Laws Sozialistengesetze {pl}
antisocially unsozial
antisocially asozial
antisolar pointSonnengegenpunkt {m}
antisolar rays Gegendämmerungsstrahlen {pl}
anti-Soviet antisowjetisch
anti-Soviet sowjetfeindlich
anti-Sovietism Sowjetfeindlichkeit {f}
antispasmodic antispastisch
antispasmodic krampflösend
antispasmodic gegen Krämpfe [nachgestellt]
antispasmodic Antispasmodikum {n}
antispasmodickrampflösendes Mittel {n}
antispasmodic agent Antispasmodikum {n}
antispasmodic agents krampflösende Mittel {pl} [Antispasmodika]
antispasmodic agents Antispasmodika {pl}
antispasmodicsAntispasmodika {pl}
antispasmotic antispasmotisch
antispastic [archaic] antispastisch
anti-speciesistAnti-Speziesist {m}
anti-splash [attr.] Spritzschutz-
anti-splash screenSpritzschutz {m}
anti-splinter goggles {pl} [one pair]Splitterschutzbrille {f}
anti-spying agreement No-Spy-Abkommen {n} [ugs.]
antistar Antistern {m}
antistat antistatisch
anti-state activitiesstaatsfeindliche Handlungen {pl}
anti-static antistatisch
antistatic agent Antistatikum {n}
antistatic agentantistatisches Mittel {n}
anti-static agent Antistatikmittel {n}
antistatic agents Antistatika {pl}
antistatic bracelet Erdungsarmband {n}
antistatic filament antistatisches Filament {n}
anti-static (floor) mat Antistatikmatte {f}
antistatic matAntistatikmatte {f}
antistatic spudgerantistatischer Kunststoffspatel {m} {f} [österr. nur {m}]
antistatic tapeAntistatik-Gurt {m}
antistatic wrist strapAntistatikband {n}
antistatic wrist strapErdungsarmband {n}
antistatic wrist strapAntistatikarmband {n}
anti-sterility vitamin [vitamin E] Antisterilitätsvitamin {n}
antistes Antistes {m} [Ehrentitel]
anti-Stokes line Anti-Stokes-Linie {f}
anti-Stokes scattering Anti-Stokes-Streuung {f}
anti-stress maskAnti-Stress-Maske {f}
anti-strike [attr.] gegen den Streik gerichtet
anti-strikerStreikgegner {m}
antistripping agent [e.g. in asphalt cement]Haftmittel {n} [z. B. in Asphaltzement]
antistropheAntistrophe {f}
antisubmarinegegen U-Boote
anti-submarine aircraft U-Jagd-Flugzeug {n}
anti-submarine aircraftU-Boot-Jagdflugzeug {n}
antisubmarine escortGeleitschutz {m} gegen U-Boote
anti-submarine helicopter U-Jagd-Hubschrauber {m}
anti-submarine helicopterU-Boot-Jagdhubschrauber {m}
anti-submarine helicopter U-Boot-Jagd-Hubschrauber {m}
anti-submarine warfare Kriegsführung {f} gegen U-Boote
antisubmarine warfareKriegsführung {f} gegen U-Boote
anti-subsidy procedure Anti-Subventionsverfahren {n}
anti-suit injunctionProzessführungsverbot {n} [in Form einer gerichtlichen Anordnung]
anti-surge fuse träge Sicherung {f}
anti-sway barStabilisator {m}
anti-sway bar Querstabilisator {m}
anti-sweat [attr.] schweißhemmend
antisymmetric tensor antisymmetrischer Tensor {m}
antisymmetry Antimetrie {f}
antisymmetry Antisymmetrie {f}
antisyphilitic antisyphilitisch
antisyphilitic (agent) antisyphilitisches Mittel {n}
antisyphilitic (agent) Antisyphilitikum {n}
antisyphilitic agents Antisyphilitika {pl}
antisyphilitic agents antisyphilitische Mittel {pl}
antisyphiliticsAntisyphilitika {pl}
anti-takeover proposalGegen-Übernahmeangebot {n}
anti-Talmudic agitationTalmudhetze {f}
antitankPanzerabwehr {f}
anti-tank ammunition Panzerabwehrmunition {f}
anti-tank artillery Panzerabwehrartillerie {f}
antitank barrier Panzersperre {f}
antitank barrierPanzerbarriere {f}
anti-tank barrier Panzersperre {f}
anti-tank battalion Panzerjägerabteilung {f}
anti-tank cannon Panzerabwehrkanone {f} <Pak>
antitank defence [Br.]Panzerabwehr {f}
antitank defense [Am.] Panzerabwehr {f}
antitank ditch Panzergraben {m}
anti-tank dog Panzerabwehrhund {m}
anti-tank guided missile <ATGM> Panzerabwehrlenkrakete {f}
anti-tank guided missile <ATGM>Panzerabwehrlenkflugkörper {m} <PzAbwLFK>
« antiantiantiantiantiantiantiantiantiant-anus »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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