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anti-vascular endothelial growth factor therapy <anti-VEGF therapy> anti-vaskuläre endotheliale Wachstumsfaktor-Therapie {f} <Anti-VEGF-Therapie>
anti-vaxer [spv.] [coll.] Impfgegner {m}
anti-vaxxer [short for: anti-vaccinator]Impfgegner {m}
antiveneneAntivenin {n}
antivenereal gegen eine Geschlechtskrankheit gerichtet [antivenerisch]
antiveninAntivenin {n}
antivenin Gegengift {n}
antivenin Gegenserum {n} [z. B. bei Schlangenbiss]
antivenom Antivenin {n}
antivenomGegengift {n}
antivenomous / anti-venomous serum Schlangenbissgegenserum {n}
anti-Vietnam activists Vietnamkriegsgegner {pl}
anti-Vietnam War movement Anti-Vietnamkrieg-Bewegung {f}
antiviral antiviral
antiviral [short for: antiviral drug] Virostatikum {n}
antiviral agentVirustatikum {n} [Rsv.]
antiviral agents Virostatika {pl}
antiviral drugs virenhemmende Medikamente {pl} [auch: Mittel]
antiviral therapy <AVT> antivirale Therapie {f} <AVT>
antivirals antivirale Mittel {pl}
antivirus program Antivirenprogramm {n}
antivirus program Virenschutzprogramm {n}
anti-virus program [Am.] Antivirenprogramm {n}
anti-virus programme [Br.] Antivirenprogramm {n}
anti-virus softwareAntivirus-Software {f}
anti-virus software Antivirensoftware {f}
antivirus softwareVirenschutzsoftware {f}
antivitamin Antivitamin {n}
anti-vivisectionist Tierversuchsgegner {m}
anti-war activist Kriegsgegner {m} [Aktivist]
anti-war argument Argument {n} gegen den Krieg
antiwar demonstrationDemonstration {f} gegen den Krieg
anti-war demonstrationAntikriegsdemonstration {f}
anti-war filmAntikriegsfilm {m}
anti-war movement Antikriegsbewegung {f}
anti-war movie [esp. Am.]Antikriegsfilm {m}
anti-war museum Antikriegsmuseum {n}
anti-war museum Anti-Kriegs-Museum {n}
anti-war protesterKriegsgegner {m} [Demonstrant]
anti-war protester Friedensdemonstrant {m}
anti-Western antiwestlich
anti-Western bias antiwestliche Einstellung {f}
anti-Western prejudiceantiwestliches Vorurteil {n}
anti-whaling activist Walfanggegner {m}
anti-white weißenfeindlich
anti-working classklassenfeindlich [DDR-Begriff]
anti-working-class arbeiterfeindlich
anti-wrinkle [attr.] Antifalten-
anti-wrinkle agent Faltenbekämpfungsmittel {n}
anti-wrinkle creamAntifaltencreme {f}
antixenosisAntixenose {f}
antiziganism Antiziganismus {m}
antiziganistic antiziganistisch
anti-Zionism Antizionismus {m}
antizionism [spv.] Antizionismus {m}
anti-ZionistAntizionist {m}
anti-Zionist antizionistisch
antizionist [spv.] [anti-Zionist] antizionistisch
ant-jumper [Myrmarachne formicaria] [spider species] Ameisenspringspinne {f}
antler Geweih {n} [Geweihhälfte od. -stange]
antlerGeweihsprosse {f}
antlerGeweihstange {f}
antler buds and roses [e.g. on deer] Stirnzapfen und Rosen [z. B. beim Hirsch]
antler lettuce coral [Pectinia alcicornis]Großpolypige Steinkoralle {f}
antler moth [Cerapteryx graminis] Graseule {f} [Falter]
antler moth [Cerapteryx graminis] Dreizack-Graseule {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
antler moth [Cerapteryx graminis] Dreizack {m} [Nachtfalterspezies] [Dreizack-Graseule]
antler pick Geweihhacke {f}
antler tines Geweihenden {pl}
(antler) rack Geweih {n}
(antler) velvetBast {m} [Geweih]
antlered geweiht
antlered (ein) Geweih tragend
antlered powderhorn lichen [Cladonia subulata] Pfriemen-Säulenflechte {f} [selten für: Pfriemen-Geweihflechte]
antlered powderhorn lichen [Cladonia subulata] Pfriemen-Geweihflechte {f}
antlered powderhorn lichen [Cladonia subulata] Pfriemen-Cladonie {f}
antlerite [Cu3(SO4)(OH)4] Antlerit {m}
antlerless geweihlos
antlersGeweihenden {pl}
antlers {pl}Gehörn {n}
antlers {pl} [one set or pair] Geweih {n}
antlers {pl} of a stag Hirschgeweih {n}
antlers [more than one set or pair] Geweihe {pl}
antlers [of the chamois] Krickel {n} [regional]
Antley-Bixler syndromeAntley-Bixler-Syndrom {n} <ABS>
Antlia <Ant> [constellation]Luftpumpe {f} [lat. Antlia] <Ant> [Sternbild]
antlike ameisenartig
ant-like beetles [family Anthicidae] Halskäfer {pl}
ant-like beetles [family Anthicidae] Blütenmulmkäfer {pl}
ant-like beetles [family Anthicidae]Blumenkäfer {pl}
ant-like flower beetle [family Anthicidae] Halskäfer {m}
ant-like flower beetles [family Anthicidae]Blütenmulmkäfer {pl}
ant-like flower beetles [family Anthicidae] Blumenkäfer {pl}
« antiantiantiantiantiantiant-anusanxianyeanyt »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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