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aortic isthmus [Isthmus aortae] Aortenisthmus {m}
aortic isthmus stenosis <AIS> Aortenisthmusstenose {f} <ISTA, AIS>
aortic pressure <AP> Aortendruck {m}
aortic regurgitation <AR>Aorteninsuffizienz {f}
aortic regurgitation <AR> Aortenklappeninsuffizienz {f} <AI>
aortic root [Bulbus aortae] Aortenwurzel {f}
aortic root aneurysm Aortenwurzelaneurysma {n}
aortic rupture Aortenruptur {f} [auch: Aortaruptur]
aortic stenosis Aortastenose {f}
aortic stenosis <AS, AoS> Aortenstenose {f}
aortic stent Aortenstent {m}
aortic stent graftAortenstentgraft {m}
aortic tear Aortenriß {m} [alt]
aortic tear Aortenriss {m}
aortic valve [Valva aortae] Aortenklappe {f}
aortic valve closure Schluss {m} der Aortenklappe
aortic valve interventionAortenklappenintervention {f}
aortic valve stenosis <AVS> Aortenklappenstenose {f} <AKS>
aortic ventricle of (the) heart [Ventriculus cordis sinister]linke Herzkammer {f}
aortic wallAortenwand {f}
aortic windowAortenfenster {n}
aortitis Aortitis {f}
aortoarteriography <AAG> Aortoarteriographie {f} <AAG>
aortoarteriography <AAG> Aortoarteriografie {f} <AAG>
aortocaval fistula <ACF, AC fistula> aortokavale Fistel {f}
aortocoronarography <ACG> Aortocoronarographie {f} <ACG>
aortocoronary aortokoronar
aortocoronary bypass aortokoronarer Bypass {m}
aortocoronary bypass operation aortokoronare Bypassoperation {f}
aortoduodenal fistula <ADF>aortoduodenale Fistel {f} <ADF>
aortogram Aortogramm {n}
aortograph [rare or archaic]Aortograph {m} [selten bzw. veraltet]
aortographic aortographisch
aortographical aortographisch
aortographically aortographisch
aortography Aortographie {f}
aortography Aortografie {f}
aortography Angiographie {f} der Aorta
aortoiliac occlusive disease <AOD> aortoiliakale Verschlusskrankheit {f}
aortopulmonary window aortopulmonales Fenster {n}
aortopulmonary window aorto-pulmonales Fenster {n}
Aosta Valley Aostatal {n}
Aosta Valley [autonomous region of Italy] Augsttal {n} [veraltet]
Aotearoa [NZ] Neuseeland {n} [in der Sprache der Maori]
aoudad (sheep) [Ammotragus lervia] [Barbary sheep]Mähnenspringer {m}
aoul [Nanger soemmerringii, syn.: Gazella soemmerringii] Sömmerringgazelle {f}
apacegeschwind [südd.]
apace schnell
apace eilig
Apache Apache {m}
ApacheApatsche {m} [Rsv.]
Apache {pl}Apachen {pl}
Apache [female] Apatschin {f} [Rsv.]
apache [Parisian gangster] Apache {m} [Unterweltler in Paris]
Apache [Robert Aldrich]Massai [auch: Der große Apache und Massai, Der große Apache]
Apache beggarticks / beggar-ticks [pl. treated as sg.] [Bidens ferulifolia, syn.: Coreopsis ferulifolia] Fenchelblättriger Zweizahn {m}
Apache beggarticks / beggar-ticks [pl. treated as sg.] [Bidens ferulifolia, syn.: Coreopsis ferulifolia]Goldmarie {f} [Ferula-Zweizahn]
Apache beggarticks / beggar-ticks [pl. treated as sg.] [Bidens ferulifolia, syn.: Coreopsis ferulifolia] Ferula-Zweizahn {m}
apache (dance) [a violent duet dance of the Parisian underworld] Apachentanz {m}
Apache leader Apachenführer {m}
Apache pine [Pinus engelmannii, syn.: P. latifolia, P. apacheca] Apachen-Kiefer {f}
Apache pine [Pinus engelmannii, syn.: P. latifolia, P. apacheca] Engelmanns Kiefer {f}
Apache State [one of the nicknames for Arizona] Apachen-Staat {m} [einer der Spitznamen für Arizona, USA]
Apache trout [Oncorhynchus (gilae) apache] Apacheforelle {f}
Apache Uprising [R.G. Springsteen]Die Apachen
Apache (woman) Apachin {f}
apachite [Cu9Si10O29·11H2O] Apachit {m}
apadravya [male genital piercing] Apadravya {m} [Intimpiercing beim Mann]
apadravya (piercing) [male genital piercing] Apadravya-Piercing {n} [Intimpiercing beim Mann]
apalis [genus Apalis] Feinsänger {m}
apallic syndrome apallisches Syndrom {n} <APS>
apalutamide [C21H15F4N5O2S] Apalutamid {n}
apanage [spv.]Apanage {f}
apapane [Himatione sanguinea] Apapane {f}
aparallel sequenceaparallele Sequenz {f}
apareunia Apareunie {f}
apart auseinander
apart zur Seite
apart [at a distance] entfernt
apart [broken, fallen]entzwei
apart [isolated, not part of a group]abgesondert
apart [lone, separate]einzeln
apart [on one side, separated, secluded]abseits
apart [separate, by oneself] für sich
apart [separate] getrennt
apart [(served) separately, on the side]à part [fachspr.] [einzeln, separat (serviert)]
apart [spoken aside] apart [zur Seite gesprochen]
apart [spoken aside] à part [zur Seite gesprochen]
apart fromausgenommen
apart fromaußer [+Dat.]
apart from neben [+Dat.] [abgesehen von]
apart from a few mistakes abgesehen von einigen Fehlern
apart from (on) a few days von wenigen Tagen abgesehen
apart from (on) Sundays ausgenommen sonntags
apart from sb./sth. abgesehen von jdm./etw.
« anxianxiAnymanybanytaortaparaparaperapexaphr »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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