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aplysiatoxin Aplysiatoxin {n}
apnea [Am.] Apnoe {f}
apnea [Am.]Atemstillstand {m}
apnea [Am.]Atemlähmung {f}
apnea and hypopnea episodes [Am.]Apnoe- und Hypopnoe-Episoden {pl}
apneic apnoisch
apneusis Apneusis {f}
apnoea [esp. Br.] Atemstillstand {m}
apnoea [esp. Br.] Apnoe {f}
apnoea [esp. Br.] Atemlähmung {f}
apnoea and hypopnoea episodes [esp. Br.] Apnoe- und Hypopnoe-Episoden {pl}
apnoe-hypopnea index <AHI> [Am.] Apnoe-Hypopnoe-Index {m} <AHI>
apnoe-hypopnoea index <AHI> [Br.]Apnoe-Hypopnoe-Index {m} <AHI>
apnoeic apnoisch
Apo myna [Basilornis mirandus] Prachtatzel {f} [auch: Pracht-Atzel]
Apo ReefApo-Riff {n}
Apo sunbird [Aethopyga boltoni]Mindanaonektarvogel {m}
apocalypse Apokalypse {f}
apocalypse [revelation, prophecy] Offenbarung {f}
Apocalypse Now [Francis Ford Coppola] Apocalypse Now
Apocalypse of JohnJohannesapokalypse {f}
Apocalypse of Paul [Visio Sancti Pauli]Paulusapokalypse {f}
Apocalypse of ZephaniahZephanja-Apokalypse {f}
Apocalypse Peaks Apocalypse Peaks {pl}
apocalypsesApokalypsen {pl}
apocalyptic apokalyptisch
apocalyptic [not generally recognized as a noun by dictionaries, but often used so]Apokalyptik {f}
apocalyptic literature Apokalyptik {f}
apocalyptic moodWeltuntergangsstimmung {f}
apocalyptic mood Endzeitstimmung {f}
apocalyptic prophet Apokalyptiker {m}
apocalyptic scenario Weltuntergangsszenario {n}
apocalyptic scenarioEndzeitszenario {n}
apocalyptic vision [also fig.]Endzeitvision {f} [auch fig.]
apocalyptic visionaryApokalyptiker {m}
apocalyptical dunkel
apocalyptical apokalyptisch
apocalyptically apokalyptisch
apocalypticismApokalyptik {f}
apocalypticistApokalyptiker {m}
Apocalypto [Mel Gibson] Apocalypto
apocarpium Apokarpium {n}
apocarpyApokarpie {f}
apocarteresis [suicide by starvation]Apokarteresis {f} [Selbsttötung durch Verhungern]
apocatastasis [final reconciliation]Apokatastasis {f}
apochlorotic apochlorotisch
apochromat <apo>Apochromat {m} {n}
apochromatic lens <apo>Apochromat {m} {n}
apochromatically apochromatisch
apocopeApokope {f}
apocrine apokrin
apocrine perspiration apokriner Schweiß {m}
apocrine sweatapokriner Schweiß {m}
apocrine sweat gland [Glandula sudorifera apocina]große Schweißdrüse {f}
apocrine sweat gland [Glandula sudorifera apocina] Duftdrüse {f}
apocrine sweat gland [Glandula sudorifera apocina]apokrine Schlauchdrüse {f}
apocrine (sweat) glands apokrine Drüsen {pl} [Duftdrüsen]
apocrisiary Apokrisiar {m}
Apocryphaapokryphische Schriften {pl} der Bibel
Apocrypha [often treated as sg.]Apokryphen {pl}
Apocrypha [often treated as sg.] apokryphe Schriften {pl}
apocryphal apokryphisch
apocryphal unecht [nicht wahr, nicht belegt]
apocryphal zweifelhaft
apocryphally unecht
apocryphon Apokryphon {n}
Apocryphon Apokryph {n}
Apocryphon of John <NHC II, 1> [Nag Hammadi text] Apokryphon {n} des Johannes
apocynads [family Apocynaceae] [rare] [dated] Apocynaceen {pl}
apocynads [family Apocynaceae] [rare] [dated] Hundsgiftgewächse {pl}
apocynads [family Apocynaceae] [rare] [dated]Immergrüngewächse {pl}
apocynin [C9H10O3] Apocynin {n}
apodeictic unwiderleglich
apodictic apodiktisch
apodictic unwiderleglich
apodictickeinen Widerspruch duldend
apodictic unwiderlegbar
apodictic certainty apodiktische Gewissheit {f}
apodictic judgementapodiktisches Urteil {n}
apodictic statement unwiderlegliche Aussage {f}
apodicticity Unwiderlegbarkeit {f}
apodisation filter [Br.] Apodisationsfilter {m} [fachspr. meist {n}]
apodizationApodisation {f}
apodization filter Apodisationsfilter {m} [fachspr. meist {n}]
apodization function Apodisationsfunktion {f}
apodized apodisiert
apodosis Hintersatz {m}
apodosis Nachsatz {m}
apodosis Apodosis {f}
apoenzyme Apoenzym {n}
apoenzymes Apoenzyme {pl}
apoferritin Apoferritin {n}
apogamy Apogamie {f}
apogee Gipfel {m}
« aparApenaperaphoapicaplyapogapomaposaposappa »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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