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apple core Apfelkitsche {f} [regional westd.]
apple core Kerngehäuse {n} eines Apfels
apple corerApfelstecher {m}
apple corer Apfelentkerner {m}
apple corer Apfelausstecher {m}
apple crumbleApfelstreusel {m}
apple crumble Apfelcrumble {m}
apple crumble cake Apfelstreuselkuchen {m}
apple crumble cakeApfelkuchen {m} mit Streuseln
apple crunchApfelknusper {m}
apple cutterApfelschneider {m}
apple dock aphid [Dysaphis radicola, syn.: D. (Dysaphis) radicola, Aphis lapathi, A. radicicola, A. rumicella]Apfelfaltenblattlaus {f}
apple dock aphid [Dysaphis radicola, syn.: D. (Dysaphis) radicola, Aphis lapathi, A. radicicola, A. rumicella]Mehlige Apfelfaltenlaus {f}
apple dumplingsApfelklöße {pl}
apple ermine [Yponomeuta malinellus, syn.: Y. malinella, Hyponomeuta malinella, H. padella malinella, Yponomeuta variabili] [moth]Apfelbaumgespinstmotte {f}
apple ermine [Yponomeuta malinellus, syn.: Y. malinella, Hyponomeuta malinella, H. padella malinella, Yponomeuta variabili] [moth] Apfelbaum-Gespinstmotte {f}
apple ermine (moth) [Yponomeuta malinellus, syn.: Y. malinella, Hyponomeuta malinella, H. padella malinella, Yponomeuta variabili]Apfel-Gespinstmotte / Apfelgespinstmotte {f}
apple flavor [Am.] Apfelaroma {n}
apple flavor [Am.]Apfelgeschmack {m}
apple flavour [Br.] Apfelaroma {n}
apple flavour [Br.] Apfelgeschmack {m}
apple fritter Apfelbeignet {m}
apple fruit fly [Rhagoletis pomonella, syn.: Spilographa pomonella, Trypeta pomonella, Zonosema pomonella]Apfelfliege {f}
apple fruit fly [Rhagoletis pomonella, syn.: Spilographa pomonella, Trypeta pomonella, Zonosema pomonella]Apfelfruchtfliege / Apfel-Fruchtfliege {f}
apple fruit moth [Argyresthia conjugella] Apfelmotte {f}
apple fruit moth [Argyresthia conjugella] Ebereschenmotte {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
apple fruit rhynchites [Rhynchites aequatus, syn.: Coenorhinus aequatus, C. ruber, Pselaphorhynchites aequatus] Kirschenstecher {m}
apple fruit rhynchites [Rhynchites aequatus, syn.: Coenorhinus aequatus, C. ruber, Pselaphorhynchites aequatus] Rotbrauner Apfelfruchtstecher {m}
apple (fruit) sawfly [Hoplocampa testudinea] Apfelsägewespe {f}
apple gall mite [Eriophyes mali, syn.: Aceria mali]Apfelpockenmilbe {f}
apple geranium [Pelargonium odoratissimum]Zitronenpelargonie {f}
apple geranium [Pelargonium odoratissimum]Muskat-Pelargonie / Muskatpelargonie {f}
apple geranium [Pelargonium odoratissimum] Zitronenduftpelargonie {f}
apple geranium [Pelargonium odoratissimum]Wohlriechende Pelargonie {f}
apple geranium [Pelargonium odoratissimum] Apfelduft-Pelargonie / Apfelduftpelargonie {f}
apple grater Apfelreibe {f}
apple greenApfelgrün {n}
apple grinning tun [Malea pomum, syn.: M. (Quimalea) pomum, Buccinum pomum, Cadium pomum, Cadus pomum, Cassis labrosa, Dolium (Cadium) pomum, D. (Malea) pomum, Malea (Quimalea) pomum, M. norohensis]Apfeltonnenschnecke {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
apple grinning tun [Malea pomum, syn.: M. (Quimalea) pomum, Buccinum pomum, Cadium pomum, Cadus pomum, Cassis labrosa, Dolium (Cadium) pomum, D. (Malea) pomum, Malea (Quimalea) pomum, M. norohensis] Pazifisches Grinsendes Fass {n} [Meeresschneckenart]
apple guava [Psidium guajava]Echte Guave {f}
apple guava [Psidium guajava]Guava {f}
apple guava [Psidium guajava]Guayave {f}
apple guava [Psidium guajava]Guayaba {f}
apple guava [Psidium guajava] Goiaba {f}
apple harvest Apfelernte {f}
apple head Apfelkopf {m} [z. B. bei Hunden, Katzen]
apple hedgehogApfeligel {m}
apple horseradish Apfelmeerrettich {m}
apple jalousiegedeckter Apfelkuchen {m} [Apfeltasche, Apfelschnitte, Apfeljalousie]
apple jam Apfelmarmelade {f}
apple jellyApfelgelee {n} {m}
apple juiceApfelsaft {m}
apple juiceObi {n} [von: obi ®] [österr.] [schweiz.] [Apfelsaft]
apple juice concentrateApfelsaftkonzentrat {n}
apple juice production Apfelsaftproduktion {f}
apple juice spritzerApfelsaftschorle {f}
Apple key <⌘> [command key]Apfeltaste {f} <⌘> [Befehlstaste]
apple leaf [Viola odorata] [sweet violet] (Echtes) Veilchen {n}
apple leaf miner [Lyonetia clerkella] Obstbaumminiermotte {f}
apple leaf miner [Lyonetia clerkella] [moth] Schlangenminiermotte {f}
apple leaf mite [Aculus schlechtendali, syn.: Phyllocoptes schlechtendali, Vasates schlechtendali]Apfelrostmilbe / Apfel-Rostmilbe {f}
apple leaf skeletoniser [Br.] [Choreutis pariana, syn.: Anthophila pariana, Eutromula pariana, Hemerophila pariana, Simaethis pariana] [moth] Apfelblattmotte {f}
apple leaf skeletoniser [Br.] [Choreutis pariana, syn.: Anthophila pariana, Eutromula pariana, Hemerophila pariana, Simaethis pariana] [moth]Apfelblattschabe {f}
apple leaf skeletoniser [Br.] [Choreutis pariana] [moth]Apfelblattskelettiermotte {f}
apple leaf skeletonizer [Choreutis pariana, syn.: Anthophila pariana, Eutromula pariana, Hemerophila pariana, Simaethis pariana] [moth] Apfelblattmotte {f}
apple leaf skeletonizer [Choreutis pariana, syn.: Anthophila pariana, Eutromula pariana, Hemerophila pariana, Simaethis pariana] [moth]Apfelblattschabe {f}
apple leaf skeletonizer [Choreutis pariana] [moth]Apfelblattskelettiermotte {f}
apple leaf skeletonizer [Choreutis pariana] [moth] Apfelbaum-Spreizflügler {m} [Nachtfalterart]
apple leaf sucker [Psylla mali, syn.: Cacopsylla mali]Apfel-Blattfloh / Apfelblattfloh {m}
apple leaf sucker [Psylla mali, syn.: Cacopsylla mali] Apfelsauger {m}
apple leaf sucker [Psylla mali, syn.: Cacopsylla mali] Gemeiner Apfelblattsauger {m}
apple leaf weevil [Phyllobius maculicornis] Grüner Laubrüssler {m}
apple leafcutter / leaf-cutter / leaf cutter [Rhynchites pauxillus, syn.: Coenorhinus pauxillus, Neocoenorhinus pauxillus] Blattrippenstecher {m}
apple leafminer / leaf miner [Leucoptera malifoliella, syn.: L. scitella, Cemiostoma scitella] Apfelbaum-Langhornminierfalter {m}
apple leafminer / leaf miner [Lyonetia clerkella, syn.: Elachista aereella, Argyromiges autumnella, Tinea malifoliella] Apfelblattminiermotte {f}
apple leafminer / leaf miner [Lyonetia clerkella] Obstbaumschlangenminiermotte {f}
apple liqueurApfelkorn {m}
apple maggot [Rhagoletis pomonella] Apfelfruchtfliege {f}
apple maggot fly [Rhagoletis pomonella, syn.: Spilographa pomonella, Trypeta pomonella, Zonosema pomonella]Apfelfruchtfliege / Apfel-Fruchtfliege {f}
apple maggot (fly) [Rhagoletis pomonella, syn.: Spilographa pomonella, Trypeta pomonella, Zonosema pomonella] Apfelfliege {f}
apple mealybug [Phenacoccus aceris]Gemeine Schmierlaus {f}
apple mildewApfelmehltau {m}
apple mint [Mentha suaveolens, syn.: M. insularis, M. macrostachya, M. rotundifolia] Apfelminze {f}
apple mint [Mentha suaveolens, syn.: M. insularis, M. macrostachya, M. rotundifolia]Rundblättrige Minze {f} [Apfelminze]
apple mousseApfelschaum {m}
apple murex [Chicoreus pomum, syn.: C. (Phyllonotus) pomum, Murex asperrimus, M. pomiformus, M. pomum, Phyllonotus pomum]Apfelmurex {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
apple murex [Phyllonotus pomum, syn.: Chicoreus (Phyllonotus) pomum, Murex asperrimus, M. mexicanus, M. pomiformis, M. pomum]Apfel-Stachelschnecke {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
apple murex [Phyllonotus pomum, syn.: Chicoreus (Phyllonotus) pomum, Murex asperrimus, M. mexicanus, M. pomiformis, M. pomum]Schuppenapfel {m} [Meeresschneckenart]
apple of Cain [Arbutus unedo] [strawberry tree]Westlicher Erdbeerbaum {m}
apple of discordZankapfel {m}
apple of discordErisapfel {m} [selten]
apple of one's eye [fig.] Augapfel {m} [fig.]
apple of Peru [Datura stramonium, syn: D. inermis, D. stramonium tatula, D. tatula] Asthmakraut {n}
apple of Peru [Datura stramonium, syn: D. inermis, D. stramonium tatula, D. tatula] Stechapfel {m}
apple of Peru [Datura stramonium, syn: D. inermis, D. stramonium tatula, D. tatula] Stachelnuss {f}
apple of Peru [Datura stramonium, syn: D. inermis, D. stramonium tatula, D. tatula]Teufelsapfel {m}
apple of Peru [Datura stramonium, syn: D. inermis, D. stramonium tatula, D. tatula]Tollkraut {n}
apple of Peru [Datura stramonium, syn: D. inermis, D. stramonium tatula, D. tatula] Weißer Stechapfel {m}
apple of Peru [Datura stramonium, syn: D. inermis, D. stramonium tatula, D. tatula] Gemeiner Stechapfel {m}
apple of Sodom [Calotropis procera, syn.: Asclepias procera, Asclepias gigantea] Oscher {m}
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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