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aramid Aramid {n}
aramid fiber [Am.]Aramidfaser {f}
aramid fiber blend [Am.] Aramidfaser-Mischung {f}
aramid fibre [Br.] Aramidfaser {f}
aramid yarn reinforcementAramidfaserverstärkung {f}
aramide [spv.]Aramid {n}
aramide paperAramidpapier {n}
aramids [portmanteau of "ARomatic polyAMIDes"]Aramide {pl} [Kunstwort: ARomatische PolyAMIDE]
Aran Aran- [bezogen auf irische Inselgruppe]
Aran rock lizard [Iberolacerta aranica] Arán-Gebirgseidechse {f}
Aran ValleyArantal {n}
arancello [orange-flavored limoncello] Arancello {m} [Orangenlikör]
aranciniArancini {pl}
araneidRadnetzspinne {f}
araneophagic araneophag
AraneseAranesisch {n}
Araneus [genus of common orb-weaving spiders]Kreuzspinnen {pl}
arangasite [Al2(SO4)(PO4)F·7.5H2O] Arangasit {m}
Aranyakas {pl} [āraṇyaka]Aranyakas {pl}
arapaima [Arapaima gigas]Arapaima {m}
arapovite [(U,Th)(Ca,Na)2(K1-x []x)Si8O20·H2O] Arapovit {m}
araq [anise-flavored distilled alcoholic drink; usually as an aperitif] Arak {m} [klarer, ungesüßter Anisschnaps]
Ararat [Atom Egoyan] Ararat
Araripe manakin [Antilophia bokermanni] Araripepipra {m}
Araripe manakin [Antilophia bokermanni] Araripe-Helmpipra {m}
arartree / arar tree [Am.] [Tetraclinis articulata, syn.: Callitris articulata, Callitris quadrivalvis, Cupressus articulata, Thuja articulata] Sandarakzypresse {f}
arartree / arar tree [Tetraclinis articulata, syn.: Callitris articulata, C. quadrivalvis, Thuja articulata]Berberthuja {f}
arartree / arar tree [Tetraclinis articulata, syn.: Callitris articulata, C. quadrivalvis, Thuja articulata]Gliederzypresse {f}
arartree / arar tree [Tetraclinis articulata, syn.: Callitris articulata, C. quadrivalvis, Thuja articulata]Sandarakbaum {m}
arational [non-rational] arational [nicht-rational]
arationally [non-rationally] arational [nicht-rational]
araucanaAraucanahuhn {n}
Araucanian herring [Strangomera bentincki, syn.: Clupea bentincki]Chilenischer Hering {m}
Araucanians Araukaner {pl}
AraucanosAraukaner {pl}
araucaria family {sg} [family Araucariaceae] Araukariengewächse {pl}
araucaria family {sg} [family Araucariaceae]Araucariaceen {pl}
araucaria family {sg} [family Araucariaceae]Schmucktannengewächse {pl}
Araucaria tit-spinetail [Leptasthenura setaria]Araukarienschlüpfer {m}
araucarians [family Araucariaceae]Araukariengewächse {pl}
araucarians [family Araucariaceae] Araucariaceen {pl}
araucarians [family Araucariaceae] [araucaria family] Schmucktannengewächse {pl}
araucarias [family Araucariaceae]Araucariaceen {pl}
araucarias [family Araucariaceae]Araukariengewächse {pl}
araucarias [family Araucariaceae] [araucaria family] Schmucktannengewächse {pl}
araucarias [genus Araucaria]Araukarien {pl}
aravaipaite [Pb3 [F3|AlF6]·H2O] Aravaipait {m}
araza [Eugenia stipitata] Amazonas-Guave {f}
arb waveform generator [coll.] [arbitrary waveform generator] Arb-Generator {m} [ugs.]
arbalest Armbrust {f}
arbalestArbalestenschütze {m}
arbalest Arbaleste {f}
arbalest Riesenarmbrust {f} [Arbaleste = riesige Armbrustmaschine für Belagerungszwecke]
arbalester [crossbowman] Armbrustschütze {m}
arbalister Armbrustschütze {m}
arbazan [Star Trek] Arbazaner {m} [Star Trek]
Arbëreshë Arbëresh {pl}
arbiterSchiedsmann {m}
arbiterSchiedsrichter {m}
arbiterSchlichter {m}
arbiter Vermittler {m}
arbiter Arbiter {m} [veraltet]
arbiter [female]Vermittlerin {f}
arbiter [female] Schiedsrichterin {f}
arbiter [female]Schlichterin {f}
arbiter [female]Schiedsfrau {f}
arbiter [female] [ruler]Lenkerin {f} [des Schicksals]
arbiter [fig.] [female] [taste, fashion] Gebieterin {f} [fig.] [Geschmack, Mode]
arbiter [ruler] Gebieter {m} [höchste Instanz]
arbiter [ruler] Lenker {m} [des Schicksals]
arbiter elegantiarum Arbiter Elegantiarum {m}
arbiter morum [arbiter of mores] Arbiter Morum {m} [selten] [Sittenrichter, jedoch nicht im strengen Sinn]
arbiter of good taste Arbiter Elegantiarum {m}
arbiter of good taste Arbiter Elegantiae {m}
arbitrability Schiedsfähigkeit {f}
arbitrability Schlichtbarkeit {f}
arbitrable schiedsgerichtsfähig
arbitrable schiedsrichterlich beilegbar
arbitrable schiedsfähig
arbitrage Arbitrage {f}
arbitrage Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit {f}
arbitrage Schiedsgerichtsverfahren {n}
arbitrage schiedsrichterliche Entscheidung {f}
arbitrage Schlichtung {f}
arbitrage activityArbitragegeschäft {n}
arbitrage bankerArbitrage-Bankier {m}
arbitrage bond Arbitrage-Anleihe {f}
arbitrage brokerArbitrage-Makler {m}
arbitrage businessArbitragegeschäft {n}
arbitrage calculationArbitragerechnung {f}
arbitrage clause Arbitrageklausel {f}
arbitrage clauseSchiedsgerichtsbarkeitsklausel {f}
arbitrage dealerArbitrage-Händler {m}
arbitrage houseArbitrage-Haus {n}
arbitrage in bills of exchangeWechselarbitrage {f}
arbitrage in bullionGoldarbitrage {f}
arbitrage in commoditiesWarenarbitrage {f}
arbitrage in foreign exchange Devisenarbitrage {f}
« aquaaqueArabArabaracaramarbiarbiarboarc[arca »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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