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English-German Dictionary

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Archbold's newtonia [Newtonia archboldi] Braunstirnnewtonie {f}
Archbold's nightjar [Eurostopodus archboldi]Archboldnachtschwalbe / Archbold-Nachtschwalbe {f}
Archbold's owlet-nightjar [Aegotheles archboldi] Archboldbergschwalm {m}
archbraggart [also: arch-braggart] Erzaufschneider {m} [pej.]
Arch-Butler of the Holy Roman Empire Erzmundschenk {m} des Heiligen Römischen Reiches
Arch-Chamberlain of the Holy Roman EmpireErzkämmerer {m} des Heiligen Römischen Reiches
archchancellor [of the Holy Roman Empire]Erzkanzler {m} [des Heiligen Römischen Reiches]
Archchancellor of the Holy Roman Empire Reichserzkanzler {m} des Heiligen Römischen Reiches
archconservative erzkonservativ
archconservativestockkonservativ [ugs.]
arch-criminal Erzverbrecher {m}
Arch-Cupbearer of the Holy Roman EmpireErzmundschenk {m} des Heiligen Römischen Reiches
archdeacon Erzdiakon {m}
archdeacon Archidiakon {m}
archdeaconry Archidiakonat {n}
archdemon [also: archdaemon]Erzdämon {m}
archdevilErzteufel {m}
archdiaconate Archidiakonat {n}
archdioceseErzdiözese {f}
archdiocese Erzbistum {n}
Archdiocese of BambergErzbistum {n} Bamberg
archdruidErzdruide {m}
archducal coronet Erzherzogskrone {f}
archducal hat Erzherzogshut {m}
archduchess Erzherzogin {f}
archduchesses Erzherzoginnen {pl}
archduchyErzherzogtum {n}
archduke Erzherzog {m}
Archduke Francis Ferdinand [rare] [heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne]Erzherzog {m} Franz Ferdinand [österreich-ungarischer Thronfolger]
Archduke Franz Ferdinand [heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne]Erzherzog {m} Franz Ferdinand [österreich-ungarischer Thronfolger]
(Archduke) John of Austria Erzherzog Johann {m} (von Österreich) [Johann Baptist Joseph Fabian Sebastian von Österreich]
archdukedom Erzherzogtum {n}
Archean Archaikum {n}
ArcheanArchäikum {n}
Archean archäisch
Archean [Am.][das Archäikum betreffend]
arched gewölbt
arched bridgeBogenbrücke {f}
arched ceilingGewölbedecke {f}
arched ceiling Deckengewölbe {n}
arched corydoras [Corydoras arcuatus] Stromlinien-Panzerwels {m}
arched corydoras [Corydoras arcuatus] Stinkender Panzerwels {m}
arched dam Bogenstaumauer {f}
arched earthstar [Geastrum fornicatum] Großer Nesterdstern {m}
arched earthstar [Geastrum fornicatum] Großer Nest-Erdstern {m}
arched eyebrowhochgezogene Augenbraue {f}
arched eyebrows geschwungene Augenbrauen {pl}
arched formgewölbte Form {f}
arched friezeBogenfries {m}
arched gateway Bogentor {n}
arched girder with polygonal outlinePolygonbogenträger {m}
arched harp Bogenharfe {f}
arched lintel [on a door]gewölbter Türsturz {m}
arched lintel [on a window] gewölbter Fenstersturz {m}
arched marble [Olethreutes arcuella] [moth] Prachtwickler {m} [Nachtfalterart]
arched slipper limpet [Crepidula fornicata, syn.: C. densata, C. maculata, C. mexicana, C. nautiloides, C. roseae, C. violacea, C. virginica, Crypta nautarum, Patella fornicata](Amerikanische) Pantoffelschnecke {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
arched slipper limpet [Crepidula fornicata, syn.: C. densata, C. maculata, C. mexicana, C. nautiloides, C. roseae, C. violacea, C. virginica, Crypta nautarum, Patella fornicata] Atlantische Pantoffelschnecke {f}
arched truss Bogenbinder {m}
arched windowBogenfenster {n}
arched window gewölbtes Fenster {n}
arched windowRundbogenfenster {n}
arched zitherWölbbrettzither {f}
archegonial Archegonien-
archegonial base Archegonienbasis {f}
archegonial chamberArchegonienkammer {f}
archegonial neckArchegonienhals {m}
archegonial neckArchegoniumhals {m}
archegonial venter Archegonienbauch {m}
archegonial wallArchegonienwand {f}
archegoniophore Archegoniophor {m}
archegoniophore Archegonienstand {m}
archegoniumArchegonium {n}
arch-enchantress [also: archenchantress]Erzzauberin {f}
archenemiesErzfeinde {pl}
archenemy Erzfeind {m}
arch-enemyErzfeind {m}
archenemyIntimfeind {m}
archenemy [female] Erzfeindin {f}
archenteron Archenteron {n}
archeo- [Am.] Archäo-
archeoastronomer [Am.]Archäoastronom {m}
archeoastronomical [Am.]archäoastronomisch
archeoastronomy [Am.] Archäoastronomie {f}
archeobotanical [Am.] archäobotanisch
archeobotany [Am.] Archäobotanik {f}
archeocerebellum [spv.] [archicerebellum]Archeocerebellum {n}
archeocyte [Am.] Archäozyt {m}
archeocyte [Am.]Archäocyt {m}
archeocyte [Am.]Archaeozyt {m}
archeocyte [Am.]Archaeocyt {m}
archeofauna [Am.] Archäofauna {f}
archeofuturism Archäofuturismus {m}
archeogenetics [treated as sg.] [Am.]Archäogenetik {f}
archeologic [Am.] archäologisch
archeological [Am.] archäologisch
archeological dig [Am.] archäologische Grabung {f}
« arbiarboarcsarcharchArcharcharcharcharchArch »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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