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argentous fluoride [AgF] Silber(I)-fluorid {n}
argentous permanganate [AgMnO4]Silberpermanganat {n}
argentous selenide [Ag2Se]Silber(I)-selenid {n}
argentous sulfide [Am.] [Ag2S]Silbersulfid {n}
argentous sulfide [Am.] [Ag2S]Schwefelsilber {n}
argentum Argentum {n} [lat.: Silber]
argentum [from Latin]Silber {n}
argesite [(NH4)7Bi3Cl16] Argesit {m}
arghul [also: argul, arghoul, arghool, argol] Arghul {f}
Argia Argeia {f}
ArgidArgid {m}
argid sawflies [family Argidae] Bürstenhornblattwespen {pl}
Argie [Br.] [pej.] [coll.] Argentinier {m}
Argies [Br.] [pej.] [coll.]Argentinier {pl}
argil Töpfererde {f}
argillaceous tonartig
argillaceous tonig
argillaceous [containing clay]tonhaltig
argillaceous [e.g. marl, shale]Ton- [tonhaltig] [z. B. Mergel, Schiefer]
argillaceous marl Tonmergel {m}
argillaceous shaleTonschiefer {m}
argilliferous lehmig
argillite Tonstein {m}
arginaseArginase {f}
argininaemia [Br.]Argininämie {f}
arginine <Arg, R> [C6H14N4O2]Arginin {n} <Arg, R>
arginine deficiencyArginindefizienz {f}
arginine depletionArginindepletion {f}
arginine phosphate Argininphosphat {n}
arginine phosphokinase <APK>Argininphosphokinase {f} <APK>
arginine residue Argininrest {m}
arginine vasopressin <AVP> [C46H65N15O12S2]Arginin-Vasopressin {n} <AVP>
arginine vasopressin <AVP> [C46H65N15O12S2]Argininvasopressin {n} <AVP>
argininemia [Am.] Argininämie {f}
argininosuccinate synthase <ASS> Argininosuccinat-Synthase {f} <ASS>
arginylation Arginylierung {f}
Argiope Argiope {f}
Argiveargivisch [aus Argos oder auf Argos bezogen]
Argive Argiver {m} [Einwohner von Argos oder Argolis]
argle-bargle [coll.] [pej.]Geschwurbel {n} [ugs.] [pej.] [Geschwätz, Geschwafel]
Argna ferrari [land snail species] Ferraris Puppenschnecke {f}
ArgoArgo {f}
Argo Glacier Argo-Gletscher {m}
Argolic GulfArgolischer Golf {m}
Argolis [also: Argolid] Argolis {f}
argon <Ar> [E-938] Argon {n} <Ar>
argon arc Argonbogen {m}
argon atomArgonatom {n}
argon beam Argonbeam {m}
argon beam coagulationArgonstrahlkoagulation {f}
argon fluoride Argonfluorid {n}
argon fluorohydride Argonfluorohydrid {n}
argon ion laser Argon-Ionen-Laser {m} <Ar+-Laser>
argon isotope Argonisotop {n}
argon plasma Argonplasma {n}
argon probe for open surgery Argonsonde {f} zum Einsatz in offener Chirurgie
argon-assisted coagulation argonassistierte Koagulation {f}
ArgonautArgonaut {m}
argonaut [genus Argonauta] Argonaut {m}
Argonaut GlacierArgonaut-Gletscher {m}
argonaute protein Argonautenprotein {n}
Argonautica Argonautica {pl}
Argonauts Argonauten {pl}
argonauts [genus Argonauta] Argonauten {pl}
Argonne [NE France]Argonnen {pl}
Argonne Forest Argonner Wald {m}
Argonne Forest song [German military march of World War I]Argonnerwald-Lied {n} [auch: Argonnerwaldlied]
Argos Argos {m}
argosy großes Handelsschiff {n}
argosy [a fleet of ships][eine Flotte großer Handelsschiffe (mit reicher Fracht)]
Argosy Glacier Argosy-Gletscher {m}
Argosy Mk I / Mk II [three-engined biplane airliner]Argosy Mk I / Mk II {f} [dreimotoriges britisches Doppeldecker-Verkehrsflugzeug]
argot Slang {m}
argotZunftsprache {f}
argot Argot {n} {m} [franz. Gaunersprache]
argot Jargon {m}
argot [used by thieves]Diebessprache {f}
Argovia [rare] [Aargau] Aargau {m} [Schweizer Kanton]
arguable [capable of being maintained]vertretbar
arguable [susceptible to debate]diskutabel [geh.]
arguably vertretbarerweise
arguably [possibly, potentially] unter Umständen <u. U.> [vielleicht, möglicherweise]
arguably [presumably, probably] vermutlich
arguably [probably]wohl
argued gestritten
argued argumentiert
arguement [WRONG for: argument] [Argument]
arguendo als erläuternde [nicht entscheidungserhebliche] Ausführungen des Gerichts
arguer Argumentierender {m}
arguer [female] Argumentierende {f}
arguers Argumentierende {pl}
Arguin Arguin {n}
arguing argumentierend
« areaareaareaarenArgeargearguargyArioaritarit »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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