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armorer [Am.] [female] Waffenmeisterin {f}
armorial Wappenbuch {n}
armorial Wappen-
armorial bearings Wappen {pl}
(armorial) mantle Wappendecke {f} [veraltet] [Helmdecke]
Armorica Armorika {n} [antike Bez. für die Bretagne]
armories Waffenkammern {pl}
armoring [Am.]Panzerung {f}
armoring [Am.] [cables and hoses]Armatur {f} [Kabel und Schläuche]
armoring [Am.] [cables etc.] Bewehrung {f} [Kabel usw.]
armor-like [Am.] rüstungsartig
armor-like [Am.] panzerungsartig
armor-like [Am.]panzerartig
armor-piercing [Am.] panzerbrechend
armor-piercing [Am.] panzerknackend
armor-piercing <AP> grenade [Am.]Panzergranate {f} <Pzgr.>
armor-piercing ammunition [Am.]panzerbrechende Munition {f}
armor-piercing bomb [Am.] panzerbrechende Bombe {f}
armor-piercing effect [Am.]panzerbrechende Wirkung {f}
armor-piercing grenade [Am.] <AP> panzerbrechendes Geschoss {n}
armor-piercing shell [Am.] Panzersprenggranate {f}
armor-piercing sword [Am.]Panzerstecher {m} [Blankwaffe]
armor-piercing sword [Am.] [also known as Estoc or tuck sword] Panzerbrecher {m} [auch Estoc, Panzerstecher, Pörschwert, Bohrschwert, Perswerte oder Pratspieß]
armor-piercing weapons [Am.] panzerbrechende Waffen {pl}
armor-plated [Am.]gepanzert
armor-plated door [Am.] Stahltür {f}
armor-plated vessel [Am.]Panzerschiff {n}
armory [Am.] Arsenal {n}
armory [Am.] Vorrat {m}
armory [Am.] Waffenkammer {f}
armory [Am.] Waffenvorrat {m}
armory [Am.] Zeughaus {n}
armory [Am.]Waffenlager {n}
armory [Am.] Rüstkammer {f}
armory [Am.] Waffenschmiede {f}
armory [Am.] Waffenarsenal {n}
armory [Am.] [also fig.] Bestand {m} [Arsenal] [auch fig.]
armory [Am.] [arms factory]Waffenfabrik {f}
Armory School [icon painting] Zarenschule {f} [Ikonenmalerei]
armour [Br.] Panzer {m}
armour [Br.]Rüstung {f}
armour [Br.]Armierung {f}
armour [Br.]Bewehrung {f}
armour [Br.] Panzerung {f}
armour [Br.] Harnisch {m}
armour belt [Br.] Panzergürtel {m}
armour deck [Br.] Panzerdeck {n}
armour of a knight [Br.] Ritterrüstung {f}
Armour of God [Br.]Waffenrüstung {f} Gottes
armour of virtue [Br.] Tugendpanzer {m}
armour piercing incendiary projectile [Br.] <API projectile> Panzerbrandgeschoss {n}
armour plate [Br.] Panzerplatte {f}
armour shield [Br.]Panzerschild {m}
armour steel [Br.]Panzerstahl {m}
armour weevil [Br.] [Dicladispa (Dicladispa) armigera] Asiatisches Reisigelkäferchen {n}
armour-bearer [Br.] Schildknappe {m}
armour-bearer [Br.]Waffenträger {m}
armour-clad [Br.]gepanzert
armour-clad [Br.] geharnischt
armoured [Br.] gepanzert
armoured agama [Br.] [Agama armata] (Afrikanische) Bodenagame {f}
armoured bichir [Polypterus delhezi] [Br.] Zaire-Flösselhecht {m}
armoured brigade [Br.] Panzerbrigade {f}
armoured bulkhead [Br.] Panzerschott {n}
armoured cable [Br.] armiertes Kabel {n}
armoured cable [Br.] geschütztes Kabel {n}
armoured cable [Br.] bewehrtes Kabel {n}
armoured cable [Br.]Panzerkabel {n}
armoured car [Br.]gepanzertes Fahrzeug {n}
armoured car [Br.] Panzerwagen {m}
armoured catfishes [Br.] [family Callichthyidae] Panzer- und Schwielenwelse {pl}
armoured command post vehicle [Br.]Befehlspanzer {m}
armoured command vehicle [Br.] [German World War II army] Panzerbefehlswagen {m} [dt. Befehlspanzer im 2. Weltkrieg]
armoured conduit [Br.]Panzerrohr {n}
armoured conduit thread [Br.]Panzerrohrgewinde {n} <PG>
armoured corps [Br.]Panzertruppe {f}
armoured cruiser [Br.] Panzerkreuzer {m}
Armoured Diet [Br.] [Holy Roman Empire 1547-1548] geharnischter Reichstag {m} [Heiliges Römisches Reich 1547-1548]
armoured division [Br.]Panzerdivision {f}
armoured door [Br.]verstärkte Tür {f}
armoured fighting vehicle [Br.] <AFV>gepanzertes Kampffahrzeug {n}
armoured fighting vehicle [Br.] <AFV> Panzerkampfwagen {m} <PzKpfw> [WW II]
armoured force [Br.]Panzerwaffe {f}
armoured formation [Br.]Panzerformation {f}
armoured glass [Br.]Panzerglas {n}
armoured glass [Br.] Drahtglas {n}
armoured gurnards [Br.] [family Peristediidae]Panzerknurrhähne {pl}
armoured gurnards [Br.] [family Peristediidae] Panzerhähne {pl}
armoured heart [Br.] [Perikarditis constrictiva, Pericarditis calcarea] Panzerherz {n} [konstriktive Perikarditis]
armoured helicopter [Br.] gepanzerter Hubschrauber {m}
armoured hose [Br.]Metallschlauch {m}
armoured howitzer [Br.] Panzerhaubitze {f}
armoured infantry regiment [Br.]Panzergrenadierregiment {n}
armoured infantryman [Br.]Panzergrenadier {m}
armoured medical evacuation vehicle [Br.] Sanitätspanzer {m}
armoured personnel carrier [Br.]Schützenpanzer {m}
armoured personnel carrier [Br.] <APC> Transportpanzer {m} <TPz>
armoured personnel carrier <APC> [Br.] Schützenpanzerwagen {m}
armoured pricklenape [Br.] [Acanthosaura armata]Malaysischer Nackenstachler {m}
« armaarmaarmcArmeArmoarmoarmoarmparmsarmyArnd »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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