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army drum Heerpauke {f}
army engineer Pionier {m}
army equipmentHeeresgerät {n}
army escort Armeeeskorte {f}
army escortArmeebegleitung {f}
army escortArmee-Eskorte {f}
army field bootsKampfstiefel {pl}
army field kitchenFeldküche {f}
army field order Armeebefehl {m}
army flak badge [WW II German Army]Heeres-Flakabzeichen {n} [dt. Wehrmacht]
army for hire Söldnerarmee {f}
Army Forces CommandHeeresführungskommando {n} <HFüKdo>
army general Armeegeneral {m}
army green moth [Daphnis nerii]Oleanderschwärmer {m}
army group Heeresgruppe {f}
army group Armeegruppe {f}
Army Group VistulaHeeresgruppe {f} Weichsel
army headquarters {pl} Armee-Stabsstelle {f}
army headquarters {sg} Armeehauptquartier {n}
army helicopter Heereshubschrauber {m}
army helicopter Armeehubschrauber {m}
army helicopter Armee-Heli {m} [ugs.] [Armeehubschrauber]
Army High CommandArmeeoberkommando {n} <AOK> [Deutschland, 1. und 2. WK] [auch: Armee-Oberkommando]
army hospital Armeekrankenhaus {n}
army infrastructureHeeresinfrastruktur {f}
army library Armeebibliothek {f}
army life Soldatenleben {n}
army life Militärleben {n} [Leben in der Armee]
army life Leben {n} in der Armee
army manual Heeresdruckvorschrift {f} <H.Dv.>
army museum Armeemuseum {n}
army museumHeeresmuseum {n}
army of ants Ameisenheer {n}
army of crusadersKreuzfahrerheer {n}
Army of Darkness [Sam Raimi]Armee der Finsternis
Army of Flanders Flandernarmee {f}
army of mercenaries Söldnerheer {n}
army of millionsMillionenheer {n}
army of occupationBesatzungsmacht {f}
army of relief Entsatzheer {n}
army of the dead Totenheer {n}
Army of the NVA [ground component of the National People's Army of the German Democratic Republic]Landstreitkräfte {f} <LaSK>
army of two Zwei-Mann-Armee {f}
army of volunteersFreiwilligenarmee {f}
Army Office [German Army]Heeresamt {n} <HA>
army officerOffizier {m} in der Armee
army officer Armeeoffizier {m}
army officerHeeresoffizier {m}
army order Armeebefehl {m}
army ordnance depotHeereszeugamt {n} <H.Za.>
army organizationHeeresorganisation {f}
Army Parachutist Badge [WW II German Armed Forces]Fallschirmschützenabzeichen {n} des Heeres [dt. Wehrmacht]
army paratrooper badge [WW II German Army] Fallschirmschützen-Abzeichen (Heer) {n} [dt. Wehrmacht]
Army personnel Armeeangehörige {pl}
army physical Stellung {f} [österr.]
army physical [medical examination] Musterung {f}
army physician Militärarzt {m}
army pistol Armeepistole {f}
army plane Heeresflugzeug {n}
army post office Feldpostamt {n}
army postal service Feldpostdienst {m}
army post-office Feldpostamt {n}
army presence Militärpräsenz {f}
army reconnaissance troops {pl} Heeresaufklärungstruppe {f}
army reform Armeereform {f}
army reformHeeresreform {f}
army regulation Heeresdienstvorschrift {f}
army reserve Armeereserve {f}
army revolt Armeerevolte {f}
army rolling kitchen Feldküche {f}
army slang Soldatensprache {f}
army slang Militärjargon {m}
army spokesmanArmeesprecher {m}
army spokespersonArmeesprecher {m}
army spokeswomanArmeesprecherin {f}
army supplier Armeelieferant {m}
army supply Heeresversorgung {f}
army surgeon Feldscher {m}
army surplus jacket Armeejacke {f} [getragen von Zivilisten]
army train [army on the march] Heerzug {m} [Kolonne]
army troopHeeresschar {f}
army truckArmeelaster {m} [ugs.]
army truckArmee-LKW {m}
army uniform Armeeuniform {f} [ugs.] [Uniform der Landstreitkräfte]
army unit Heereseinheit {f}
army unit Armeeeinheit {f}
army unitsArmeeeinheiten {pl}
army vehicle Armeefahrzeug {n}
army wife Soldatenfrau {f}
(army) air force unit Luftarmee {f} [Rote Armee]
army-list Rangliste {f}
army-style [weapon, knife, gun, etc.] Armee- [Waffe, Messer, Gewehr etc.]
armyworm moth [Mythimna unipuncta, syn.: Cirphis unipuncta, Heliophila unipuncta, Leucania unipuncta, Pseudoaletia unipuncta] Punktierte Eule {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
armyworm moth [Mythimna unipuncta, syn.: Cirphis unipuncta, Heliophila unipuncta, Leucania unipuncta, Pseudoaletia unipuncta] Gepunktete Wandereule {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
armyworm moth [Mythimna unipuncta, syn.: Cirphis unipuncta, Heliophila unipuncta, Leucania unipuncta, Pseudoaletia unipuncta]Wandernde Schilfgraseule {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
armyworm moth [Mythimna unipuncta, syn.: Cirphis unipuncta, Heliophila unipuncta, Leucania unipuncta, Pseudoaletia unipuncta] Heerwurmeule {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
armyworm moth [Mythimna unipuncta, syn.: Cirphis unipuncta, Heliophila unipuncta, Leucania unipuncta, Pseudoaletia unipuncta] Getreide-Weißadereule {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
armyworm moth [Mythimna unipuncta, syn.: Cirphis unipuncta, Heliophila unipuncta, Leucania unipuncta, Pseudoaletia unipuncta]Einpunkt-Schilfeule {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
armyworm moth [Mythimna unipuncta, syn.: Cirphis unipuncta, Heliophila unipuncta, Leucania unipuncta, Pseudoaletia unipuncta] Einpunkt-Graseule {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
Arndt-Eistert synthesis Arndt-Eistert-Synthese {f}
« ArmoarmoarmoarmparmsarmyArndaromarouarraarra »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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