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art directorArt Director {m} <AD>
art director künstlerischer Leiter {m}
art director Art-Direktor {m} [seltenere Schreibung] [künstlerischer Leiter einer Sendung etc.]
art director Artdirector {m} [künstlerischer Leiter einer Sendung etc.]
art director Werbegestalter {m} [leitender Grafiker]
art director [female]künstlerische Leiterin {f}
art disciplineKunstsparte {f}
art editorLayouter {m}
art education Kunsterziehung {f}
art educationKunstunterricht {m}
art educationKunstpädagogik {f}
art embroidery Kunststickerei {f}
art enthusiastsKunstliebhaber {pl}
art event Kunstveranstaltung {f}
art exhibitKunstschau {f}
art exhibit [Am.] [art exhibition]Kunstausstellung {f}
art exhibition Kunstausstellung {f}
art experience Kunsterlebnis {n}
art experienceKunsterfahrung {f}
art expert Kunstsachverständiger {m}
art expertKunstexperte {m}
art expert [female]Kunstexpertin {f}
art fair Kunstmesse {f}
art fakerKunstfälscher {m}
art film [Br.] Kunstfilm {m}
art find Kunstfund {m}
art for art's sakeKunst {f} um der Kunst willen
art for art's sake l'art pour l'art {n}
art forgerKunstfälscher {m}
art forger [female] Kunstfälscherin {f}
art forgery Kunstfälschung {f}
art forgery ring Kunstfälscherring {m}
art formGattung {f}
art form Kunstform {f}
art formKunstgattung {f}
art foundry Kunstgießerei {f}
art funding Kunstförderung {f}
art galleries Kunstgalerien {pl}
art galleryKunstgalerie {f}
art gallery Gemäldegalerie {f}
art gallery Kunsthalle {f}
art gallery Bildergalerie {f}
art gallery [shop] Kunsthandlung {f}
art gallery problem <AGP> [Chvátal's art gallery theorem] [also: Art gallery theorem; Art Gallery theorem]Problem {n} der Museumswächter
art genre Kunstgattung {f}
art genre Kunstgenre {n}
art groupKunstgruppe {f}
art guide Kunstführer {m}
art guruKunstguru {m}
art hall Kunsthalle {f}
art handicraftKunsthandwerk {n}
art heistKunstraub {m}
art historian Kunsthistoriker {m}
art historian [female] Kunsthistorikerin {f}
art historicalkunstgeschichtlich
art historicallykunsthistorisch
art historiography Kunstgeschichtsschreibung {f}
art historyKunstgeschichte {f}
art historykunsthistorisch
art historyKunstgeschichts-
art historyKunsthistorik {f} [veraltend]
art house [genre]Arthausfilm {m}
art house (cinema) Programmkino {n}
art image Kunstbild {n}
art in architecture Kunst {f} am Bau
art installation Kunstinstallation {f}
art investor Kunstanleger {m}
Art is indeed not the bread but the wine of life.Die Kunst ist zwar nicht das Brot, aber der Wein des Lebens. [Jean Paul]
Art is long, life is short.Die Kunst währt lang.
art jargon Kunstjargon {m}
art journalism Kunstjournalismus {m}
art journalistKunstjournalist {m}
art journalist [female]Kunstjournalistin {f}
art leather Kunstleder {n}
art lessons {pl} Kunstunterricht {m}
art literature Kunstliteratur {f}
art lover Kunstliebhaber {m}
art lover Kunstfreund {m}
art lover [female] Kunstliebhaberin {f}
art lover [female] Kunstfreundin {f}
art lovers Kunstliebhaber {pl}
art lovingkunstfreundlich
art magazineKunstzeitschrift {f}
art marketKunstmarkt {m}
art master Zeichenlehrer {m}
art materials {pl} Künstlerbedarf {m}
art merchantKunsthändler {m}
art mistress [dated] Kunsterzieherin {f}
art movement Kunstrichtung {f}
art movementKunstbewegung {f}
art movie [Am.] Kunstfilm {m}
art museum Kunstmuseum {n}
art museums Kunstmuseen {pl}
art music Kunstmusik {f}
art musicernste Musik {f} <E-Musik>
art nouveau Jugendstil {m}
art nouveauArt nouveau {m} {n} [frz. Bez. für den Jugendstil]
art nouveau architecture Jugendstilarchitektur {f}
art nouveau building Jugendstilbauwerk {n}
art nouveau building Jugendstilgebäude {n}
« arrearriArroarsearseartdArtNartpArteartearth »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome! Questions and Answers